

  • The first came to the front 1942, T 22.  The type was built until end of war, the last getting  ready was T 36.   In Biscaya and Channel they became the main type, often encountered by the British MTB and other small attack craft.  Often successfully fighting Destroyers and Cruisers, the cruiser HMS Charybdis being sunk by torpedoes.

    In Bisc…[Read more]

  • Following the Torpedoboot 1935 and 1937 classes Kriegsmarine changed the tactical design to a Flottentorpedoboot. No longer a Super S-Boot for hit and run but a larger vessel that could operate with the fleet and serve in attack and escort.

    Speed was just 31 knots, not 33 as designed. Even at that the range was just 765 sea miles, at economic…[Read more]

  • To be fair, the core rules don’t use figure scales and only have implied ground scales. Many of the supplements use this flexibility to change the size of standard units from battalions to companies etc. GH is one of the best supplements so don’t be put off. Anyway using your unit sizes and the brigade compositions in the scenario will enable you…[Read more]

  • the game isnt ganular enough for that level.  so 3-4 guns is a half battery, 6-8 a standard and 12+ is a large (russian) one.  With the guns being classified as battalion, light /Horse, foot, and heavy/siege.

    Dont forget if you look in the Napoleonic supplements and the rulebook you’ll notice some units change which type of guns they have … a…[Read more]

  • You compare training results with real life ones.   In reality the British Aerial torpedo had no bigger chance than other nations. These had own systems, mostly optical ones.

    In the many attacks by British torpedo planes against the Kriegsmarine in Channel and Biskaya the hitting rate was not impressive. Similar  to Luftwaffe pilots most got ne…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Sturmpionieren Squad in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 3 months ago

    @steiner & Stuart – just to confuse things a little though… a rule of picking a target before rolling to hit is on the units of soviet snipers* in the Stalingrad campaign book as part of their special rules.

    *sniper detachment & Zaichata squad

  • Nat replied to the topic Sturmpionieren Squad in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 3 months ago

    erm….oh you might be right… got me doubting myself now…

    <runs off to check>

  • Nat replied to the topic Sturmpionieren Squad in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 3 months ago

    If you’re soviets….

    A – you’re in a squad, have access to body armour so are pretty much going to get there…
    D – none, upgrade to the Rok5 and cant be picked out


    overall though
    A – dont lose an order die on a failed fuel check

    (fuel check is my wording for when you roll to see if the flamethrower has run out of fuel – by calling it that…[Read more]

  • Well Nigel, reality.    All German guns, even the very big 17cm , got used in direct fire against vehicles.

    The muzzle velocity plays no role against ground vehicles, only planes. The Geman 10,5 cm LeFh had one of 470 meter per second on slowest round. 56° angle to each side with fast traverse.   The crew of 10,5 LeFH was also able to raise the h…[Read more]

  • @Steiner, – yep, rece is only for unactivated units

  • @Nigel – the greyhound has the ability to rece away if it hasnt already activated… speed a unit is moving at is considered in the base to hit (ie not an extra modifier) for shooting – it’s speed does alter the to hit needed in assault.

    @Stuart – indirect fire (the only way to hit top armour) has a +1 on the damage table as well.

    @Stiener -…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Some Rule Question in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 3 months ago


    i’ve put some player aids in the thread ‘news from the wardroom’ which you may find helpful…

    but to answer your questions:

    1)you always need a 4 or more after D6 + modifiers, so yes if you have more than 3 negative modifiers over positive its an auto miss
    2) yep, 30″ max range against moving targets – 1″ is ~ 1K yards… so the 30″ range…[Read more]

  • Frustrating isn’t it! I believe they vary in size, one of the maps is easy to size as 6 feet across by 9 feet, others are clearly smaller. The best bet is to scale them relative to your brigade frontages. Obviously these will be different depending n whether you game with 28 mm or 15mm figures.

  • Fire is difficult in writing  gaming rules.

    In hot sommers woods can burn from the smallest spark, in winter or wet weather they will not burn at all. Even if a plane crashes there. And jungle……


    Or take the pics of Russian villages burning. Often with captions like Burned by Soviets on retreat or by German attackers. (That wanted to…[Read more]

  • Well, the wording of the rules does say you roll for burning when firing at units in the building. But, aside from that, maybe it could be argued troops wouldn’t risk the thrower running out of fuel on a “Maybe”?

    Then how about this: Why can’t forests burn, or fields of wheat?


  • I agree 100%. My current order has been sitting in the UPS depot for almost 2 weeks.  I am not blaming Warlord at all, who always do their best to get stuff out , as they are overworked.  When I learned my latest order was using UPS my heart sank – their reputation as an international joke precedes them.  And this, my first experience of them, wi…[Read more]

  • At last my book arrived. Sent by Warlord 21st January, delivery 7th April.   Inside Western Europe, normally 1 week DHL transport time.  Not opened by customs and no sign of custom treatment at all. (Normally a green sticker with  note)

    So UPS had the packet all the weeks in a depot.  I got many notes with intended delivery dates but until last…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Sniper in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 3 months ago

    touche good sir! :p

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Sniper in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 3 months ago

    Yea, hence he is no longer a “sniper” is also in quotes 😄 Technically he becomes a 1-man LMG “team”, although still called a “lone sniper”.

  • Nat replied to the topic Sniper in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 3 months ago

    Hence the ‘upgrade’ being in inverted commas :p

    but the unit is still called a sniper :p

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