

  • Is it a heavy weapon – yes
    Does the base Pen change – NO! (The only thing that I’m aware of in the whole game that changes a base pen value is a german MG rule in one of the DDay selectors)
    Does the weapon have additional modifiers that apply to the Damage calculation- yes

    It even says – Regardless of if the hit can damage it!

    So the HMG is…[Read more]

  • Given that only one unit can contact the front of a charged unit, giving a brigade an order to charge that defending unit automatically results in one unit charging into contact and the others supporting. Consequently this must be OK under the brigade order rules. So I agree exactly the same  thing is untenable. I guess that option 1 is the best…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Korean war aircraft in the forum Blood Red Skies 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    WL *may do*, we just dont know until they either show them on an open day (Aug/Sept sort of time) or they appear in the news letter.  However a number of people use AIM (aircraft in miniture, or any other 1:200 scale)

    Discord – the unofficial WL server:
    https :// discord. gg/ bkFGAyE9

    <remove spaces for it to work>

    the BRS channel isnt that active

  • Nat replied to the topic Korean war aircraft in the forum Blood Red Skies 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    Theres a number of extra aircraft in Wing Commander! book also if you head over the the Ready Room Facebook group… a couple of the beta testers hang out there (as does the author!) so if theres not already any stats they can gen up some semi-offical ones for you (they are the same guys who did the aircraft charts in Wing Commander.)

  • Nat replied to the topic Bomber turrets in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 months ago

    its a trait card, I think its called interlocking fire

  • Nat replied to the topic Midway Scenario Table in the forum Combined Arms 4 months, 1 week ago

    Its just a D6 to pick which scenario to play

    However you’d need the scenario as well as they include the table setup and deployments.

    If you have the original BoB box then you can just use the scenario table in that… I think that the Airstrike book may have a version as well – but in work so cant check for you.

  • Hi Steven.  We try to stick with option 3 – based on what would seem reasonable for an order to group of battalions, for example.  2 just feels ‘gamey’ i.e. how would you give that order?  1 is at risk of players being a bit cheesey.  It is a bit imprecise I suppose, and the group needs to agree how they want to work it to avoid argument and kee…[Read more]

  • We usually play that you can’t target enemy troops with shooting unless next to the hedge, but that you can declare charges without needing to be next to them.

  • Hi Mark. Yes, I believe the ‘Bad War’ rule was meant to be used. I think that in the Covenanter’s list the rule is referred to as Bad War there.

  • pg 55, if you conduct traversing fire you cant then conduct closing fire (points 2 & 3)

    So yes its once per player turn (or twice per round / game turn)

  • Nat replied to the topic New errata discussion in the forum Bolt Action 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    All the national, unit and theater rules in campaign books have ALWAYS been TO/Opponents permission only… people just dont play it that way.

    Tiger Fear is still a mess and should be binned… personally I’d change it to a reserve rolls modifier for western allies vehicles only

    Tank riders – TBH its a free rule, and gamers are finding…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Banzai from transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    It goes against the written rule to allow Banzai to assault…. irrespective of the WHY, the rule is clear, NO assaults from a transport.  There has to be an EXPLICT rule saying this rule allows these models to assault from a transport to  over ride the rulebook and allow it….

    Section – Dismounting from a transport (sorry only have a ebook to p…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Bolt Action 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    Small arms NEVER get damage modifiers against armour (DV7+ vehicles)

    Only heavy weapons (ie those with a PEN value of at least +1) get to use those modifiers.

  • Nat replied to the topic Hungarian Panzer 38t in the forum Bolt Action 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    FAQ pg 30
    New Units
    These books occasionally introduce new units without the accompanying text explaining in which selectors they can be used.
    As a general guidance in these cases, unless the rules in the unit’s entry say otherwise, new units in these books are limited to use for scenarios and selectors from that book only. Unless of c…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Heavy Cruiser Zara in the forum Victory At Sea 4 months, 4 weeks ago

    My guess is that it was a typo (theres enough in the stats….dont even get me started on the points!) and rather than admit that as thats quite a large can of worms (as said theres a number of them) just like the Bismark cost…. they went with whats printed and tried to justify it.

    One of the historical contributors is on the FB group ‘the…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Heavy Cruiser Zara in the forum Victory At Sea 5 months ago

    In Mongoose v1 it had 4+
    in the v2 beta it had 4+

    In the published book is has 2+

    The FAQ doesnt say it was garbage just says ‘we were right in the printed version’…. its more that WL do come down on the side of Rules as Written in their FAQ answers rather than put errata entries in.  (ok they have when they swapped the two cruiser costs…[Read more]

  • hopefully soon!

  • Nothing in the rules say that they are forced to dismount, unlike say motorcycles, if in combat.

    So they would stay on horseback, and therefore keep tough fighters (as that is part of cavalry being mounted)

  • You can balance them without any rules changes at all:

    Reduce their cost by 10 points.

    No reduction for those mounted on vehicles (who really shouldn’t be so effective firing through slits or on the move


  • I would use them as a marker for when your mounted infantry are on foot.

    I *think* theres more detailed rules in the ‘glory, hallelujah’ book…. but as I dont have it cant say for certain.

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