

  • The post D-day local raised French got a lot of German equipment. Including 12 Panther tanks in good condition.

    Two stood long before the Musee de L’armee Invalide dome on exibition. With French markings.

    (Polish had “Pudel”, a Panther and used in in Warsaw rising)


    Some 44 Panzer, incl. a tiger,  are used. Main Tank force came from…[Read more]

  • They are a seperate unit that share an order dice.

    However the order dice is rem0ved if the mortar /howitzer is.  So for Prelim bombardments, yes they are treated as two different units.

  • VinUnleaded became a registered member 3 years, 4 months ago

  • Besides Copplestones which I have used, I have also bought from Brigadegames, mixed with some customised North Korean and Chinese units from Warlord Games’ Korean War series.

  • dont worry about it, its how we learn, I’ve learnt as much by writing these guides as by reading the rules.

  • Hi Peter,

    Re movement – all ships have to move at least 1″ unless the condition is one of the 3 i mentioned.  They are not able to turn unless they’ve moved 1″with agile or 2″ normally with lumbering (limited to 1 turn per move)

    Re Orders – yes they’re supposed to be in the ship activation irrespective of the order.  I’ll have to correct that i…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Torpedo Rules in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    Love how someone has looked at the rules and gone useless here yet in the wardroom people are going they need nerfing as they are too deadly!



  • Nat replied to the topic Scouting and Radar in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    As I said it’s slightly easier to understand as you realise how the books been assembled .. not that it was expanded clearer..

  • If you decide to play in 1944, then these planes just get way better for no extra points? It may be historically accurate, but doesn’t seem balanced on a tabletop. What am I missing?

    Simple answer:  Nothing.    But how many ballanced carrier fights had been there in 44/45?    As often two worlds collide, the pure wargamer that wants equal ch…[Read more]

  • Shrakins and Nat are 100 % right.

    The chances are roughly based on real world ones or even better.

    Take for example 3. Schnellboot Flottille in med. from 9/40 to 1/45.

    184 Torpedoes fired at warships 22 hits           1 hit in 8,3 fired   With a D6 ………

    53 at merchant ships   13 hits

    11 at stationary ships  3  hits ! ( Hitting sandbar…[Read more]

  • v.1 of the Cheat Sheet (2 page) and shooting modifiers (also 2 page)

  • So heres the Flights 101, pretty much everything you need for flights, pending the FAQ….

  • So I thought I’d start this thread so I can post up player guides and stuff that I’m (and others) are writing up on the Facebook group the Wardroom.

    I’ll start with a generic bit of new – a couple of members are updating the Battlescribe data files, they have done 99% of the IJN, the points of the RN & RM.. others are being worked out so expect…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic What Am I Missing? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    @Shrokins, thats hit on 5+s when touching base with the target ship only,  otherwise they are hit on 6s.

  • Nat replied to the topic Scouting and Radar in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    Would have been better if it was, I agree.

    Its (slighty) easier to understand in the full rulebook, because the core is the same as the 2 player book, then submarines are another section, mtbs another, weather & night a 3rd.  They dont go over past rules but are written as additions…..

    Theres a reason why I’ve done a 2 page cheat guide to the…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Torpedo Rules in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    @Shrokins – Correct

    @Peter – because the way the rules are written you have an extreme range on all weapons, and all other bands are derived from that…. and like in real life weapons have a theoretical range than is far longer than the effective range. (Ie an infantrymans rifle… used at ranges 3-400m’s … can in theory hit a human sized…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Torpedo Rules in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    No its not different, its repeated because of the torpedo fan rule on the same page which uses up a load. (& yes I agree there’s no need for it to be there)

  • Nat replied to the topic What Am I Missing? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    The answer I got was the studio are talking with the author and writting an offical FAQ……I’m not expecting a direct response as I also put in all the outstanding questions the Facebook group (Victory at Sea Wardroom) had from the 2 player set. It was quite an extensive list so I’m not expecting the FAQ quickly.

  • Nat replied to the topic Scouting and Radar in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    In the QSR* page 22 is talking about Scouting in general.  So page 12 says that if you allocate the ship (Cruisers or Destroyer only) to scouting then you gain a +1 to your dice to see if you get a scout point.  Normally this would be a 5+ (the general rule on page 22) but Radar makes it a 4+, and if you dont get it then you can re-roll that d…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Torpedo Rules in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 4 months ago

    Torpedoes use all the mods.

    Yes that means torpedoes at long range will only hit if you are in the targets port or starboard arc.  However if you are playing with costal terrain you can have a ship runaground (stationary +1).  So in theory a torpedo at point blank range can in the right cirumstances hit a ship on a D6 roll of a 1!  (1 + large sh…[Read more]

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