

  • Nat replied to the topic Skirmish units in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 6 months ago

    yeah forgot about that (V2 rulebook pg 68 for the -1 to hit, and pg 70 for the support for others wondering)

  • Nat replied to the topic Japanese dug in tank in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 6 months ago

    Its a defensive unit…most missions have a 12″ deployment zone, so I’d read that as must be within the deployment zone

  • I think it might be a 1/48 scaled model. Perry mjniatures website lists a 1/56 BM 58 Junkers Ju 87 B2 ‘Stuka’ resin kit that comes complete with decals and a transparent canopy.

  • From online rules:

    Dug in – the vehicle counts as being in Hard Cover to attackers and counts immobilised damage results as crew stunned instead. The vehicle cannot move for the entire game and is therefore always set-up onto the table (up to 12” from the player’s table edge) even in scenarios that do not allow initial set-up of units…[Read more]

  • Worth remembering that skirmishes get a -1 on their ‘to hit’ dice in melee, and can also not be supported. This should be more than enough to tip the odds to the cavalry.

    I would allow Cossacks to charge skirmishers from any angle!

  • Nat replied to the topic Skirmish units in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 6 months ago

    A skirmish unit has one frontage – front, until it is engaged and forms up…

    which upsets my cossacks… who can only charge enemies in the flank or rear!

  • Nat replied to the topic Breaking allied army in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 6 months ago

    Well I’d take the rules that a 2 battalion brigade needs both destroyed to brake the brigade and take it up the army level.. so a 2 brigade army would need both broken to break the army.

    So what you’d lose it flexiblity of having larger brigades you’d gain in overal staying power of the army…. It also means that this issue only turns up if you…[Read more]

  • The rules talk about half the brigades in the army as a whole, so I would interpret the situation you describe, as the army is defeated when any two of the three brigades are broken. Obviously some scenarios involving less reliable coalition partners might interpret it differently.

  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Skirmish units in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks IO so you are happy with the RAW.

  • Many regular skirmishers had been trained to form hedgehogs of 4 or more men if attacked by horse. They had been flexible enough to do them fast. A compact line was not so mobile. The 2 – 3 men at the flank being in general able to turn 90° fast too. But under attack from  side and back ……A deadly attack was the back slash from the rider t…[Read more]

  • My reading of the rules is that Skirmish units have no flanks or rear and therefore can’t be charged in the flank and therefore always use all of their close combat dice when attacked. I can understand this when attacked by infantry but I am interested whether others play an attack by cavalry differently. i.e. do you give skirmish units flanks…[Read more]

  • I think that they will focus on periods that are popular and will sell well enough to justify the investment in plastics. ACW is a period for which there is an existing BP supplement and also no existing Warlord figure range.  I’m sure we’ve all got our favourite conflicts but I can’t see this happening for anything too obscure.

  • You can use the Wars of Religion Infantry Regiment  for English infantry.   The Italian war horse is good for the cavalry.


  • However the rule do state that they are not on the table… so if they are not on the table how do you measure the distance from them to the hidden unit?

    Yes they are off the table but “in the transport”, so we can measure from the vehicle.


    BUT as you say its not clearly stated either way*…. and if it came up in a game (as stated) my initial com…

    [Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Hidden Units Detection in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 6 months ago

    However the rule do state that they are not on the table… so if they are not on the table how do you measure the distance from them to the hidden unit?  As to firing additional weapons on the transport, thats the transports weapons just using the skill and PINs of the transported unit so you know to measure (from the vehicle).

    BUT as you say…[Read more]

  • Hidden Units are not stated to be affected by units on a transport, and transported units are mentioned not to be able to interact with units not on the transport (see officers Snap-to).

    By the same argument, hidden units are also not stated to be unaffected by units in transport. And only transported HQ units are unable to use their “special”…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Hidden Units Detection in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 6 months ago

    My take on the situation is: Tiger Fear has an exception in the FAQ that means it effects units embarked on a transport.  Hidden Units are not stated to be affected by units on a transport, and transported units are mentioned not to be able to interact with units not on the transport (see officers Snap-to).  So unless those infantrymen disembark t…[Read more]

  • Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 153:

    If a vehicle listed as a transport/tow picks a weapon option that means the transport loses its transport/towing ability, it no longer counts as a transport/tow for the purposes of force selection, but as either an armoured car (if wheeled and with damage value 7+ or worse) or an anti-aircraft or self-propelled…[Read more]

  • Artillery go on what ever base you like!

    All Measurements are to/from the breach of the gun (pg 96 – I think).  All crew have to be within 2″ of the breach to maintain coherency, and are assumed to be individually based on standard round bases (for when working out HE… the only time it matters.).

  • Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 116:

    Transports and any unit they carry are, of course, two separate units and must be given two separate orders.


    Page 131:

    Hidden units remain hidden until one of the following happens:
    • The hidden unit is ordered to Fire, Advance or Run.
    An enemy unit scores a hit on the hidden unit (other t…[Read more]

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