

  • Nat replied to the topic Spotters in the forum Bolt Action 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    So … a spotter costs 10 points reg or 13 points vet irrespective of the weapon they are purchased with.

    For a model that cant take objectives, cant man a weapon on a transport, cant shoot, cant initiate an assault … all it can do is stop the weapon team firing or moving to move themselves & give line of sight to a specific weapon team while…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Spotters in the forum Bolt Action 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Ok a couple of other points (its hard to follow a wall of text)

    Theres no rules stopping you from targeting the spotter … except most of the time they are at a -3 mod… which is understandable as its one guy trying very hard not to be seen :p
    Nor is there any rules saying you cant charge the spotter (but there is the otherway round).. I’ve…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Spotters in the forum Bolt Action 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    please dont take this the wrong way…. but you are falling in to a common pit-fall… (took me a couple of years, and playing around with house rules /interpretations for VaS to realise it )

    Bolt Action is not a historical simulation game but a beer & pretzel game based on the Hollywood vision of ww2.  What this means is that some things make…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Spotters in the forum Bolt Action 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    nope… spotters are their own unit with the following exceptions

    they dont generate a order die – they have to BORROW the weapon teams order die to act… this is why they are removed when the weapon team is..
    they always count has being down, unless they have the borrowed order die next to them
    the weapon team with which they are purchased can…[Read more]

  • As far as I can tell, the cost of a M/C + sidecar is covered in the cost of upgrading to motorbikes

    IE you can put 10 guys on 5 motorbikes or 5 with 5 sidecars or 10 motorbikes… its all the same cost.

  • So … when you form square you are limited to 1 dice of shooting per face as a standard rule
    first fire – the first time this unit fires it adds one extra die.  If it can split fire, either by being in a building or in a square then it adds that 1 dice to 1 of those attacks

    So even if the British player doesnt want to use 2 dice from a square…[Read more]

  • vets get pinned when hit by small arms out side of vehicles… pinning also means troops keeping their head down which your’d do even in a half track…. I see no reason why the experiance of troops should alter if they get pins

  • tweak #1 – by soft targets you mean softskins, infantry & artillery?
    tweak #2 – hmm…. would that count as a different ammo type for when going in to ambush?  or is it mandatory?

    LMGs – as you say… appear a lot… so wouldnt touch at this time

    Vehicle MGs – is this a blanket all none pintel LMGs, MMGs & HMGs apply an extra -1 mod on all…[Read more]

  • … hmm…. keep the automatic pins for any transported unit, but the vehicles themselves give them a roll to immediately rally (shrug off) the pin.  vets 3+, regular 4+, inexperienced 5+

    This keeps it roughly the same but you wont see all the transports suddenly become vets to protect the guys inside…..

  • Thank you. I wanted some confirmation after a break from BA


    The battle begins. During turn 1, the attacker must move his entire first wave onto the table. These units can enter the table from any point on the attacker’s table edge, and must be given either a Run or Advance order…”

    1) Says nothing about the defender. Does the defender draw his dices on the first turn as usual?

    2) Attacker e…[Read more]

  • Well done for getting the whole Legion done 👍.

    I suggest you make the 1st cohort a ‘large’ unit as that will increase its stat line and it will be a suitably tougher unit compared to the other units in the legion.

    Good luck fighting those barbarians. 😀

  • The main problem is that the gamer has a composition option at all. So the math wizards are building unhistorical monster units.


    In German army the LMG was the last weapon to drop. Every soldier was trained to serve it and most units collected more in battle. Not just the German ones but also British or Soviet. Esp. in the defensive fights of…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic team model weapons in the forum Bolt Action 7 months, 1 week ago

    Yes, it is a very open to interpretation when they do not provided a list of option. Taking it to silly extremes, you could model a Russian sniper team with captured Panzerfausts or Assault Rifles, which might win you games but no friend :p

  • Not for infantry… to be honest I thought they were the company insignia for the turn backs on the tunics…. <shrugs>

  • Nat replied to the topic Dug In Rule in the forum Bolt Action 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    As the rules say – being dug in gives no intrinsic benefit to assaults,  what you are talking about with sandbag walls is all ready covered by the core rules of obstacles soft /hard cover.

    There is nothing stopping you putting the initial foxholes immediately behind a brick wall (hard cover obstacle).

  • Nat replied to the topic Dug In Rule in the forum Bolt Action 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    1st question is – which campaign book are you reading?

    However my read of the Dig In rules from ‘Duel in the Sun’:

    Where Scenarios allow it units can begin a game Dug in.  Units deploy as normal but must be marked as locations can be re-occupied by other units later in game.

    Use – Units count as being DOWN when shot at unless they have an AD…[Read more]

  • You have a truck + 3 teams = 4 dice in the bag for units waiting to be deployed.

    When you pull a die to deploy you can choose what unit to deploy – until this point the unit is NOT in the truck, it is separate deployment… So yes, you can deploy a team into the truck when the truck is still waiting to be deployed….

    You may see that you dont…[Read more]

  • Transport units are a unit and therefore ALL the normal deployment rules apply.

    – So yes they can be deployed either on the table or in Reserve as you see fit.
    -They provide an order die… the only die NOT placed in the bag for deploying are those that have forward deployment so they must be placed in the bag….

    when you say they cant do…[Read more]

  • well….. this is where BA fall apart… its NOT a tight competitive system, but rather a framework (why multiple campaign books played against each other can break the system)…

    So basically theres two approaches… one is its a friendly game, and if thats historical & you pay the points then use it!  (this is what I would go with)
    the other…[Read more]

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