

  • With DAK Motorbicycle units are a must.  And naturally no German horse there, not like in Europe. There more cavalry served than Kradschützen.

    In fact the heavy German BMW and Zündap are great, even 2020 – On streets. Pure fun to drive, or in sidecar.  But even in European countryside not nice to move away from street. In Africa’s dunes it was…[Read more]

  • That’s a great looking force, George.  Well done for getting it finished.  Look forward to seeing the Dutch completed to face off against them!

  • Hi Bolebg.  I will have a go at answering your questions.

    a. Table size. Given the choice I would go for 8’ x 6’.  6’ x 4’ is ok, but perhaps better for smaller battles.

    b. On a 6’ x 4’ I would go for something like 8-16 units per side on the assumption that your units are around 6” wide.  On 8’ x 6’ you can go for a much larger number of uni…[Read more]

  • Hi James,  looking in the Shieldwall supplement, Vikings can have some ‘Thrall’ Javelin armed skirmishers in small units which have the same stats. as just about everyone else’s javelin skirmishers.

  • I just saw this in Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 57:


    Small-arms and light automatic weapons such as rifles, submachine guns and light or medium machine guns don’t add a bonus to damage. This means it is it is impossible to score more than 6 when rolling to damage using these weapons.

    I t…[Read more]

  • it doesnt state that small arms cant generate more than 1 pin or have a PEN value, the rule book only states that heavy weapons do and so implies that small arms cant..

    Pin markers (Page 39)

    Every time a unit is fired at by an enemy unit and suffers one or more hits as a result, place a single pin marker next to it.

    Small arms weapons follow…[Read more]

  • @Cameron – hi there… you might want to have a look at the campaign book ‘Germany strikes’ it was (like a lot of them) written for v1 of Bolt Action but does contain a Danish army list…..

  • Nat replied to the topic A comparison in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    I’m hoping for just about every card they’ve already released to be corrected with the rules in the main rule book…..


    or at least give us the points to ‘refit’ the destroyers in to carrying depth charges…. (and look, we’re back to asking about proof reading! :p)

  • Nat replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    sorry thought I had 🙁 … I’ve now uploaded v1.2

  • Sorry thought I’d posted this already… its version 1.2

  • it doesnt state that small arms cant generate more than 1 pin or have a PEN value, the rule book only states that heavy weapons do and so implies that small arms cant..

    However there is more in favour of them being a heavy weapon than not*… so I’m going to leave it here and wait to see if an offical answer is ever made :p.. and be very suprised…[Read more]

  • re pins – the number of PINs a RGA generates are by the HE rule, so there is nothing to stop a small arms weapon giving multiple PINs

    Small arms fire is unable to generate multiple pins with a single shot.

    re page 56, that says all heavy weapons have a PEN mod, not that only heavy weapons can have a PEN mod, also again the RGA doesn have a PEN v…

    [Read more]

  • Devils advocate here (because I’m not to bothered either way, and I’m begining to  agree it looks like the RGA should be classified as a heavy weapon… )


    re pins – the number of PINs a RGA generates are by the HE rule, so there is nothing to stop a small arms weapon giving multiple PINs

    re page 56, that says all heavy weapons have a PEN…[Read more]

  • Bolt Action 2nd Ed:

    PINNED (page 39)

    In the case of some particularly heavy weapons two or more pin markers can sometimes be scored against a target in one go.


    ROLL TO DAMAGE (page 56)

    Heavy weapons add a modifier to the damage roll, allowing for a score of greater than 6.


    As the rifle grenade launcher fires as a light mortar with Pen…[Read more]

  • I’ve asked this question on a FB group as well.. in purely rules terms is the rifle grenade adaptor classified as a small arm or a heavy weapon?

    This effects if it can hurt armoured vehicles and do exceptional damage on artillery.

  • Nat replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    yeah…. when I saw that the FB group was getting the same questions every couple of days I wrote that FAQ so there was a single location of answers using the majority (or most compelling)answers .. some I changed 180* in the couple of versions I wrote as the authors and play testers corrected what I wrote…. but I’d have preferred it had it been…[Read more]

  • Don’t think of the Kradschützen unit as operating on its own. You will need to come up with a “strategy” to use them in conjunction with your other units to achieve the scenario objectives. This will depend on the objective, the terrain, etc.


    Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 90:

    Motorbikes are generally treated as units of infantry except where noted…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    @enoich -personally I read that deep deployment doesnt allow extra flights being launched but do understand that the English used is (like the whole language :p) open to multiple interpretations…for me its that deep deployment doesnt tell you that you can start with more flights than CAP (unlike results 7 & 10)…. still so long as you and your…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    We’ve had this discussion with the authors (Matthew Sprange) in the Facebook group… and the wording on Deep Deployment is like that to allow for differing numbers of flights up it doesnt over-ride the rules for CAP (2 flights).  Only the result of 7 & 10 on the scouting points table do that.

    Or to put it another way, the ability to put the…[Read more]

  • It’s a classic tabletop  problem. You see everything so recce is not really necessary.

    The Kradschützen had been recce units, most serving with the Panzer units.  Moving as fast but also able to dismount infantry for supporting the tanks.  The problem was the bad ratio of sidecar bikes between driver and infantry dismounting, 1 to 2. So most uni…[Read more]

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