

  • Thanks Big Al,

    so a unit with a morale save 6+ is 4 points, 5+ is 8 points, 4+ is 12 points, and (going theoretically lower) 3+ is 16 points, and 2+ is 24 points. So do I understand that correctly now?

    Also, again, what about leaders? Do they cost points? How are they calculated.

    I agree with you that the game is for friendly enjoyment and not…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic HE vs soft skin in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    So… from one HE strike each soft-skin take only 1  hit  (and 1 roll maximum on the damage table)? I assume so otherwise this will be a massacre :p

  • Nat replied to the topic HE vs soft skin in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    yeah that rule is there…cant give a page number as my PC has messed the pages of my digital copy up!… but in the basic shooting rules ‘Roll to Damage’ section it says is says “Regardless of any modifiers
    that apply, a roll of a 1 is always a failure”

  • @danny G Delong:

    1) Soviet army Machine gun Artillery platoons… basically think instead of infantry squads you’d have 2 or 3 MMG teams…. its not something you can currently take in the game, unlike say soviet AT gun platoons

    2) Artillery can only take exceptional damge from heavy weapons.. sniper rifles are in the small arms catergory.

  • I have done this using Warlord’s volley light together with a model railway speaker. There is a video on my you tube channel;



  • Al – fair point on the supplements (i’ve edit my post now!)

    However which way you look at it, we do agree that BP isnt a competative game and shouldnt be played as such….

  • I said army special rules…. such as Deep Line for British, lacking initiative, the Russian “bullet is a fool bayonet is a fine chap one”, Russian Tactical doctrine for their artillery, …. oh and a few unit special rules such as skirmisher or the french dragoons ability to deploy dismounted, doesnt have a points value.


  • Well as I said, the club I go to only started the system during the England Lockdown in April so we’ve not got many games in… so I’m going off initial feel, and said we’re going to be playing more games before changing any of the rules (with the exception of adding the grazing fire optional rule to be a standard rule)

  • A bit surprised by this thread, artillery hits at close and medium range are hard to save -2 on save,and columns get no save bonus. Given that the average stamina is only 3, artillery hits that only save on a six are pretty important. In addition you have all of Big Al’s points.

    On artillery frontage, BP2 sets it as a battery being the same…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic HE vs soft skin in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    Just to add that for softskins you never get a superficial roll on the damage table, but could end up rolling massive damage (if the damage roll is 3 or more than the target roll twice on the damage table)



  • The special rules do have point values. i posted them separately

  • Nat replied to the topic Question about orders in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 8 months ago

    Im finding that some of the rules havent gone in due to lack of gaming

  • its also worth noting that army special rules arent pointed either!  Nor is movement (except for alteration against the norm – such as Austrian Horse artillery – gets a points discount)

    The points can only be viewed as a guide to help you build approximately similar sized armies…. which is why this game will never be a competitive one and…[Read more]

  • In both cases the steps should be:

    (1) roll to hit

    (2) for each hit, roll to damage, adding the weapon’s Pen value and checking against the Damage Value Table. For HE, place template with vehicle on the center. This is done as the template might also cover nearby units which will be hit.

    (3) for all hits that do damage, roll against the Damage…[Read more]

  • SteveT started the topic HE vs soft skin in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    This has probably been asked lots of times but I cannot seem to locate a definite answer for Rules v2.

    What if a soft skin  is hit by an AP shell? Just roll once on the vehicle damage table?

    What if a soft skin  is hit by an HE shell? Just roll once on the vehicle damage table with the HE pen modifier, or multiple hits needs a 6 to d…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    I was looking of a previous post that included two images from BP 1st edition that is of a point system for building an army. I like this a lot and would like to use it in the future when I create drop down games.

    However I don’t understand something:

    An infantry unit is…

    1 point for each hand-to-hand rating

    1 point for each shooting…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    I’m curious. I think it would be cool as one rolls the dice for hits or shooting to have a device that can play sound clips. Say, my battalion is going to charge into battle. I have a little device at the side of my table. I press a button and men screaming their war cry goes out as I move the bases into contact. Let’s say another…[Read more]

  • Thank you Big Al,

    I appreciate the response. I kept reading the rules section on command and generals and couldn’t find where it said a general can’t order troops after he fails an order check found it:

    Page 29, 3rd Column, “If a commander fails to give an order then that commander cannot give any more orders that turn.” I don’t know what I was…[Read more]

  • oops its only rockets that disorder on any hit! (pg 95)… Not enough game time :p

    Now I think if musket fire disorders on a 6 artillery should be more disruptive…. hmm… might have to add the disorder on any hit in to the house rules then!

  • one thing the club I go to was playing around with was whilst shortening the distances of move and weapons (as we play on 6’x4′ not 10 x6′ boards) was actually to leave the artillery ranges alone.  This means than they are in effect increased by 1/3rd so you get another turn of using them.

    Also dont forget that any hit with artillery disorders…[Read more]

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