

  • One of the tactics I’m experimenting with is building squads with designated roles of either “assault” or “base of fire”


    Good tactic as it is also used in real life. I am wondering whether taking an LMG is worth the points.

    A 5-man ranger squad with BAR is 75 points with 6 shots. A 5-man ranger squad with LMG is 90 points with 7 shots (as…[Read more]

  • One of the differences between first and second editions is that in second edition they moved away from defining units by numbers of figures to unit frontages. In fact it is the ratios between the frontages for different unit sizes that matter. When you do the maths in terms of figures the BP1 units are on average 122% bigger than BP2 units. The…[Read more]

  • I’ve just seen Mantic’s Armada (based on WL’s Black Seas ruleset)h ow to videos and it struck me how it remind me of BRS in some ways.

    So I wonder, if BRS was created now, would it gain to switch from round bases to square bases with various turn templates (and potentially various firing templates).

    I’m very happy with BRS how it is from start…[Read more]

  • I think the Battle of France book is the one to follow. The point cost for the Western Desert book entry is essentially the same as the German Army book MMG team entry without the Inexperienced option, except it has an additional AA mount option for +5 points.

  • Well,

    most foreigners under Napoleons rule had been reluctant at best. Even those under direct Bonaparte rule. Like Jerome’s 1ers Chevaux-Legers from Westphalie. Raised 1808 just 390 of 500 reached the Peninsula. The others deserted on the way.


    The Irish are often former POW, most came to escape the camps. The number of stout Catholics…[Read more]

  • Hardly.      R………   in a Warlord / Osprey product?  Even the naming here is a …………      😉


    Hmmm, yes, I have it in my Blitzkrieg collection.



  • Well, Noon had done the Hauptmann and the others without any unit ID on Schulterklappen.  An omission that might be intentional to make it a pic that can be used for other books?


    The wrong crosses on a 38 t are  a pitty. But Romania got some 38 t from Germany.

    The Tacam R 2 AT for example was mainly built on R2 / 35 t vehicles but also on s…[Read more]

  • Hmm, it’s  an artist impression without any local details. First publication location may be as wrong as the Stalingrad one. Floßsäcke crossing  a muddy river……. Only the artist may know.


    It’s not like the wrong captions on contemporary photos used as sources.   One of the worst such xxxx use was in the crimes of Wehrmacht exhib…[Read more]

  • Hi G. Great ideas. I especially like the arrow storm idea. I think this is an important way to try and use all rulesets; use them as a starting point. The BP, HC and P&S system seems to be easy to modify like this.

  • Hmmm, a single Jagdpanther is against nature. 😉

    Merkblatt 75a/20 from 14.6.44 stated that the use of single Jagdpanther was forbidden.  The minimum unit was four.


    In attacks it was to bind enemy tanks from front to allow Panzer attacks from the flank.

    “Fester Einbau von Jagdpanthern in die HKL. ist verboten.” ~  Use in front line in f…[Read more]

  • It is the same with StugIV and Panzer IV, but:

    1) At the time, in reality, turretless tanks had the advantage of costing less to produce, but in the game it is not reproduced correctly with the point cost.

    2) On the other hand, the turretless tanks had the advantage of having a low profile, and being more difficult to hit. If you see vintage…[Read more]

  • And the option to fire a coaxial MMG to go with it 🤔

  • Jagdpanther vs Tiger 1: What am I missing?

    Costs are 390, and 395.  So just for the extra 5 point  you get a turreted version of the same gun.

    Feels like I’ve missed an Errata about it or something


  • Hmm, one might argue that he lacks the protection from others serving as splinter catchers,  😉


    My father used to tell me that as forward observer he never hitched a ride in a German SPW-  (His battery was in an ID, serving along Pz Div. )   he named them rolling  death traps. He saw too many men burned to death in the wrecks.  Open top was n…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Passenger oddness in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    It is even more illogical ,in a sense, as men packed into a confined space should lose relatively more to their transport exploding. A solo Captain going along for the ride should have less chance of dying not more.

  • SteveT replied to the topic Passenger oddness in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    Yes exactly, hence my example (B) which took  1d6 on each of 3 units:  2 of were solo leaders and would be pulverised! Seems very odd. Going for a  house rule of 1d6 hits on the passengers determined randomly.



  • When a transport vehicle is destroyed, the number of hits is equal to the total number of figures being transported.


    Interesting house rule, it is “fairer” in the sense that every transported soldier gets one hit (and the rest is up to whether he geta killed). The existing rule penalises small units with fewer than 6 men and favours units with…[Read more]

  • Bolt Action 2nd Ed page 116:

    If a transport vehicle is destroyed, each unit onboard suffers D6 hitsroll this number of hits against each unit, apply damage and remove casualties as normal.


    I think the intention is for each unit to suffer D6 hits. It might have been better to say roll D6 and apply the result to all passenger units onboard,…[Read more]

  • (A) Halftrack containing 1 small squad

    (B) Halftrack containing 2 leaders and an AT-Rifle Team


    Both are destroyed.

    Passengers in (A) take dd6 hits…1d6 in total.

    Passengers in (B) take dd6 hits each….3d6 in total.

    Seems odd to me.


  • Hi Wayne – Don’t worry, this is something that confuses many people initially, so you are not alone! The only important thing is that the frontages of a regular sized unit in each army is roughly equal. Many people use 20mm or 15mm frontage per figure, and have battalions of around 24 figures, arranged so that in line that are 12 figures wide a…[Read more]

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