

  • Steeljackal replied to the topic Camouflage nets in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    In rulebook it is cited like any other light cover.
    You can put it in gun emplacements, like trenches and sandbags. You use it as a normal scenic element that provides light cover when setting up the table.

    I looked at a couple of expansion manuals (“Battlegorund Europe” and “D-day: Overlord”) and as protections to add to the army list I couldn’t…[Read more]

  • Good question. I would think camo nets will play a part against enemy airstrikes, but checking the airstrike rules it seems cover does not affect airstrike to-hit rolls, as airstrikes hit automatically as long as they are not driven off by flak.

  • I think that the number of forum posts is not, on its own, a reliable view of rule popularity. The Bolt Action forum is very busy, and I think this is due to Bolt Action being seen as more of a ‘whole game system’ by many. You buy the rules, you buy the figures, you buy the paint, etc. (This is great for historical gaming as I think BA is the…[Read more]

  • The rules are just one side, the problem for the Forum  are the miniatures. The Warlord ancients are good but there are other companies with very good ancients. In old Forum that was no problem. We could show them too.

    Last week I had a bigger battle setting on my table.  But  Punic wars – so not Warlord.  And my EIR are metal, pre Warlord era…[Read more]

  • Based on how few respond here, my suspicion is it might have fallen out of fashion. Bolt Action gets responses in moments sometimes.

  • Thank you, Craig, and I appreciate you read the blog, too.

  • Charge The Guns replied to the topic Sub-units in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Steve, while I had the book out I thought I would have a look at this one as well. There isn’t much explanation, as you say. Almost more of a restriction than any benefit. I like your suggestion of the sub-unit following the main unit without having to be given a separate order.

  • I assumed this:

    Orange for burning vehicles

    Black for knocked out, destroyed

    White for placing indirect fire markers, barrage markers,   etc.


  • Hello!

    Again i have a new question. With tanks there are three different damage marker: Black, white and orange. Are there different uses for them or is it something like “use as you like”?


    Greetings form germany,


  • Bolt Action rules 2nd Ed, page 104:

    Pintle-mounted weapons.

    Some vehicles carry one or more machine guns on a swivelling type of mount. These pintle-mounted weapons were commonly fitted to soft- skins such as jeeps and trucks, as well as to armoured carriers. They were also fitted on top of tank turrets for defence against low-level air attack;…[Read more]

  • It will be interesting to see what they say.

    I am still not sure about an innate disadvantage of heavy troops, man for man in bad terrain. If there were 8 germans in a wood, and I sent 8 legionary to deal with them, then I would expect the legionary to win, or at least chase off the germans. If the germans had missile weapons then there is a…[Read more]

  • Hi Steve, there is a slight difference to ‘excess hits’ i.e. those beyond stamina in HC. See bottom of p70. Worth noting that units suffering twice their stamina, and losing a combat, are ‘shattered’ and in effect auto break. Also worth noting that excess hits go on to the supporting units. We have found it can be very dangerous to try and sav…[Read more]

  • The crew of a transport can use 1 weapon per order…any others need to be used by the tranported squads (note if the squad cant shoot such as medics then they cant use the transports weapons).

    It doesnt matter which weapon the tranport crew use… and can change between orders..


    If the weapon is attached to the vehicle then its left with the…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Terrain Effects in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 9 months ago

    Good point about open order not being able to get support. And the formation change would slow them down.

    But yes, as. I think you have surmised, under the rules as I understand them, a Roman legion would not only be uncaring of lighter troops in the woods, but would actively hunt them down!

    I want a set of rules to be consistent, at least…[Read more]

  • Ah yes. I had forgotten about that bit in the rules. I think my group has chosen not to adopt that option, hence the confusion. (i.e. We don’t allow normal formed troops to do this.) I suppose if you do follow this option then normal formed troops have to spend a turn to go in to open order, and the same when the come out of the wood, which w…[Read more]

  • I wouldn’t use a wash or that will seep into the recesses, whereas the camo should deliberately cover the ‘sticky out bits’. I would simply  use straightforward painting, since this also mirrors the application process.


  • SteveT replied to the topic Terrain Effects in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 9 months ago

    Hello!  Thanks for your reply. You approached this the same way I did (at first) until I realise the HC rules differ from BP/P&S in one aspect: most units (not elephants and chariots)  can enter open order to go into woods. As far as I can tell, this just makes them into giant skirmisher units, with no penalty not already applied to any other l…[Read more]

  • Hi Steve, there don’t seem to be any HC ‘experts’ around so I will have a go 😀

    The rules provide some suggested rules for a few terrain types and encourage players to adapt these as they see fit. (see page 38)

    For Woods (including forests I assume), normal troops are unable to enter this terrain at all. So the advantage that open order troop…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Terrain Effects in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 9 months ago

    Seems odd that nobody can answer this!

    To restate this: What advantages to lighter troops have over heavy troops in forests?  I can see none. This is not realistic.


  • Infantry spaced 1″ between bases generally can possibly need more hits than targets with 1″ HE.  So if I get 4 hits I may actually hit only 3 guys because of the chain requirement.

    The 1″ spacing is the maximum allowed spacing between models in an infantry unit, not the minimum. Hence many times the models will be closer to each other than 1″.…[Read more]

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