

  • So you are playing Small = frontage of half a large.

    I was think Small should be half a regular. Otherwise if  two smalls contact a regular on the same flank, wouldn’t they end up looking a bit odd? Or does it not matter?

    Taking it to silly extremes, if you had a great big line of regular size units and a long line of small units, then these…[Read more]

  • Hello all!

    I have the Band of Brothers Starter Set. Now i have seen that there was an older Starter Set. Normally no problem, but I have seen that in the older version there were Tutorial Scenarios. The Tutorial in the Band of Brother is in my opinion not the best, so i wanted to ask if there is a way to get the tutorial scenarios from the older…[Read more]

  • Hi Steve T, I think page 23 is trying to say that you may scale your unit frontages differently depending on how your figures are based. In an ideal world both sides need to end up with the same frontage for units (even if the number of figures doesn’t match).

    If you look at the factors for units, two small match to one large. For my forces I h…[Read more]

  • Hi Sadurian Mike – sorry now one has been along to comment before now. I think you’ve uncovered a bit of an inconsistency in the lists and rules. I would proceed as you suggest.

    I’ve never understood bow not being able to fire when charged – I suspect it was a rule for xbows and the ‘bow’ was left in by mistake, not sure. Luckily we always…[Read more]

  • I made so


  • They had rules. But often ignored them. By intent, more often from Need.

    Lucien Rousselot is a must and if you take the time to read it in deep it will help a lot. How it should have been. 😉

    At Waterloo a lot of very old stuff was still / again  worn. The battlefield finds show old styles of Buttons. In line and even guard units there was a…[Read more]

  • About the Soviet infanty (not just SMG) companies….lets be honest with something like 8 rifle battalion org changes (including 3 guard changes) between April 41 and  May 45  its no wonder people get confused as to when and how they where formed :p

    I mean it reads like some units could well have ‘skipped’ an org change because it happened so f…[Read more]

  • Marder III is a small designation problem. The first prototype of Panzerjäger 38″ (Sd. Kfz. 139) with 7,62 cm . Only 27 Feb. 1944 it became Marder III by order of Hitler. Until October 42   344 are made. 176 of them on 38 G base.


    In November 42 building was changed to the “true”  Marder III with German 7,5 cm. In that month the base was cha…[Read more]

  • Yeah it was one of the changes to the red army after the winter war with Finland in 39/40 (the formation of SMG equipped companies…. cant remember if they were their own battalions or just a company within the normal battalion structure… its also where the first tank rider units came from.. but thats another topic :p)


    The soviet book does…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Three flankers… in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 10 months ago

    Yes Al, thanks , some very useful pointers there.

    I should have added a diagram to better illustrate the situation.

    [Persian Cav]                          [Macedonians]

    [Persian Infantry] [Persian Infantry] [Persian Infantry]


    So the Macedonians and Persian Infantry are all already engaged. 2 Persian Inf are in support

    Next turn the Pers…[Read more]

  • Now to be fair they wheren’t supposed to have kept the bearskins….just like the Voltiguers shouldnt have kept their swords or the 2nd, 3rd etc battalions their egales….




  • Nat replied to the topic Yak-1 or Yak -1b in the forum Blood Red Skies 3 years, 10 months ago

    If you go to the facebook group – ‘Blood Red Skies Ready Room’ and look in the files section there is a FAQ file (latest is March this year) by Andy Chambers (the Author of the game)…

    however the errata section (so points change on the P51, the Yak1 & something else) has gone missing … again! but there is a file from about a year ago with…[Read more]

  • Hi Craig,

    Thanks for considering me as a candidate but I’m not sure I’m the right person for this.

    I’d like to provide some help here but the moderator thing as I understand it seems quite serious and may be a bit over the kind of involvement I can handle.

    If you think I can be of any help and elaborate a bit what you expect from me, I’ll give…[Read more]

  • Had this situation earlier.

    One Macedonian unit, facing off against a line of 3 Persian units.  (So 1 supporting left and 1 supporting right)

    A Persian Light Horse was somewhere to the left flank of the Macedonians, not engaged.

    The rules say only 1 support per flank allowed.

    I believe as the Persians were not starting the turn fully BEHIND…[Read more]

  • Those Corsairs should have been done a long time ago.

    F4U Corsair

  • D’Arco’s Cuirassiers are ready for battle! I know many of you are professionals and my work is amateur. Still, I’m feeling pretty good about these.

    Also, I created a blog for miniature wargaming as I get into it. Made 4 posts already.

  • soviets are easier because even in 1941 they have whole units armed with SMGs… its just that if you wanted to make 3 units of rifle armed guys from a box you cant….(oh dear what I shame out of 2 boxes of guys I now have 2 units of SMG guys)


    But yeah..with Bolt Action take the rules as a starting point and common ground for playing people..…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the answers 🙂


    As i only play personal for fun and have no ambition to play at tournaments i think i can do it whatever i want 🙂


    But you frightened me a bit. I have not controlled if the weapons for soviets are enough 😉 But i will build them soon….

  • 1.  You can use the emplacements as terrain peices or as basing materials… which ever takes your fancy.. there is no right or wrong answer

    2. Yeah you dont always get enough of the weapons you want in the boxs… for example the Soviet Infantry box doesnt give enough rifles… so if you can either use them then count as normal rifles when…[Read more]

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