

  • Master Chief replied to the topic USMC Dog Team in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago

    Empires in Flames page q04:

    USMC Dog team

    Cost: 18pts (Veteran)
    Team: 1 handler
    Weapons: Each handler has a rifle or submachine gun (as depicted
    on the model) and a dog
    • Add up to 3 additional handlers at +18pts each 
    Special Rules:
    • Tough fighters
    • Spotting: Hidden enemy units are revealed if a dog team moves to
    (or is deploy…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic 25-Pounder in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    One issue with the British used 105s.. by the time the allies reached the German boarder they where semi-retired as resupply issues meant that most of the ammunition was reserved for the US artillery….as the British had the 25 pdr to fall back on!


    now I don’t know whether or not most of the British 105s where used in priest equipped u…[Read more]

  • The 25pdr / 88mm is iconic but was a poor replacement for a modern WW II  105mm gun. Like the German LfH that was a mix of cannon and howitzer too. HE 11,5 Kilo shell to 14,8- More lethal. Equal range.     Same rate of fire and the  25pdr  AP round was inferior in penetration.

    For most gamers and game writers the 105 mm is no direct fire AT weap…[Read more]

  • I wonder if anyone has tried this scenario. I play as the Germans and it seemed impossible to even think about winning. Half the force starts off-board and the opponent has 150% size force and prep bombardment. Which side they arrive on seemed critical. One has a river ,the other is pretty much in the German’s faces straight away.


  • If enemy are inside a building or bunker, they take hits.

    If enemy are outside, I don’t know: explosive special rule says “…these engineer can blow up buildings, bunkers, bridges, minefield, minefield or tank traps. Explosive have an HE rating of 4” using 3D6 to blow up these targets. To use…”
    Rulebook speaking about explosive only like a…[Read more]

  • Hello, the table you refer to is printed incorrectly in BP2- it is in fact the command modifiers. For the correct table see the QRS on p.196, top of the right hand column.

    All the best


  • Master Chief replied to the topic Indirect fire in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    Yes definitely reset. The target unit’s “new” position becomes its “current” position to be used for determining subsequent indirect hits. If it then moves to another “new” position, which “coincidentally” just happened to be a position it has occupied 2 turns ago, it should be reset because the unit has indeed moved, even though turn sequence…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 11 months ago

    Do you have the mongoose v2.  beta?

    At the moment we only have the 2 player QuickStart rules but they are very close to the v2 beta with minor changes (such as crit hit location being decided by a D10 not 2D6)


    i have a copy of the old mongoose v1 but I’ve not gone through and compared them

  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 11 months ago

    The release date is next Saturday (29th) and has been known for at least a month…there has been a count down timer on the 2 player box for at least 3 weeks…


    people who live in the midlands are able to arrange collection from WL as of Monday so the game is ‘in the wild’ next week

  • Yes I would think so as usual when the scenario does not specify whi gets which side.

  • Yes, but who gets which side? Dice for it?



  • I believe each player has one of the long sides as their side as usual, just that half the German player’s forces must set up in the center objective. The first wave for the US player will enter from his side on Turn 1.

  • Battle Bulge scenario.  Does anyone know which side the US is supposed to come in on?



  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 11 months ago

    What I’ve heard is that the release will be 3 books

    1, The rules

    2, Scenarios

    3, Ship stats

    So whilst they wont release the cards on their own you will be able to get the stats without buying the ships and make up your own cards (which in fairness I think I might end up doing some as I’m not a great fan of way Cruel Seas /Victory at Sea/ Black…[Read more]

  • Vehicles

    I only paint separate pieces if they are going to end up enclosed  such  as inside a truck cabin; the sort of places that you can’t jab a brush in later.

    Otherwise if you paint separate bits you are making extra work for yourself and so many surfaces end up not being visible anyway, something hard to judge until you make it.

    More i…[Read more]

  • @marecki – I read it differently… as the shooting rules state that it’s is an assault column or line when being shot at in the flank or rear I take it that mixed formation IS as an upgrade so should keep the +1 moral

    the only reason why I wouldn’t give the screen the sharpshooter rule is because the unit as a whole doesn’t have it

  • New question DP and restricted… both half the AD now does this mean you only have a quarter of your AD? Or does the Count as AA part of DP give you a 360 arc for the purpose of the restricted rule?

  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 11 months ago

    Nothing has been said yet … there are pre order stuff up for Oct my personal guess is an Xmas release

  • I do it ever on resin stuff, that has often such a coat.


    But  metal miniatures are today rarely coated with such a stuff.   In some 40 years I hardly met 10 miniatures that made any problems. And plastics have no such coating at all.

    If they have a coating problem it comes from the modeller that played around with the miniatures on sprue or…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    I got me a starter army last week that I have been working on. I want to do a better job on these soldiers than I did the first. I watched several youtube videos on prepping, basing, and priming minis on BlackMagicCraft’s youtube channel that I found highly informative.

    One of his techniques he recommends in prepping the minis is to wash…[Read more]

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