

  • Nat replied to the topic Napoleonic Artillery in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 11 months ago

    @Big Al – that page number tells me shaken units cant charge, not that shaken units cant advance towards the enemy… I dont see how they are the same thing?  And as SteveT says its quite a difference.


    Advance towards the enemy = make a move and end up closer to the enemy than they where before they moved…

    charge = move in to hand to hand…[Read more]

  • There is a big difference between shaken units not being allowed to charge and not being allowed to advance on the enemy. I am very surprised Big Al you are usually more precise than this. As to my previous post I was reacting to your comment that ‘the rules only specify that one gun is one gun’, which is clearly no longer true.


    All the…[Read more]

  • BP is a very flexible minded system.   If you want a single model to represent a battery, do it. Or try some ways.  My Napoleonic forces have 1 model batteries, my Crimean war forces a 1 model ~ 2 real gun system. Allowing to show the different numbers of guns n batteries.

    The front of a battery was wide, the guns not standing wheel by wheel. Th…[Read more]

  • The thing I found curious was Big Al saying  “a unit that is shaken cannot advance on the enemy”.  I’ve looked for that under shooting and hand combat. Can’t find it. It’s a game changer. I can find “shaken can’t charge” is all.



  • Sorry big Al, but one of the improvements in BP2 is  that they addressed this issue. On p.17 the rules discuss using two or three guns in a unit rather than one. The unit is described as a battery and given the frontage of a small infantry or cavalry unit, 120-150mm.  How many real guns is represented by the unit is left open.  However the gun sc…[Read more]

  • George replied to the topic Orders Question in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hmm…reminds me of the movie Up where the dogs keep getting distracted by squirrels. “Here we go, men, we’re almost to…Hey, Squirrel! (and the whole battalion stops to look).”

  • I confirm that the Bangalore regulation says “… or other obstacles …”
    and also in “Normandy Fortifications” chapter, “Anti-Tank ditches” paragraph: “…combat engineer can clear adiacent strip by receiving an DOWN order,…”

    6+ hits for barbed wire, minefield and others obstacles (then also anti-tank)

    Thanks, I guess this is what we have to go with…[Read more]

  • Good point. It still works as long as the engineer unit is 1 inch away from the target unit. It could place the explosives at its current position and advance 4 inches away. The target unit will still be covered by the HE 4in template. I have amended my assumption below.

    (b) Attacking enemy units: I assume the engineer unit that is at least 1…[Read more]

  • Summing up schematically

    1) Fully enclosed tank hit by heavy weapon (heavy weapon has penetration value >= +1) that can’t damage it (a roll to damage of 6 + pen value < tank armour value)

    2) vehicle is:
    Inexperinced then take pins (example, HE2” D3 pins)
    Regular then roll a dice and on a 4+ ignore pins (50% ignore pins)
    Veteran then ignore pins

  • I remember reading somewhere in the “D-Day Overlord” manual where it said something like “… or other obstacles …”.
    For me 6 hits to destroy even anti-tank obstacles.

  • Nat replied to the topic New Player Question in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 11 months ago

    A 500 point game is taking us at the chelmsford bunker about 3-4  hours of game time…but we’re still learning the game


    now I have a 1K army based on the French army of Portugal at the battle of Vimero planed that looks like this

    5 x infantry brigades with 4 battalions of light infantry, 1 x Swiss, 2 x large line, 2 x combined grenadier…[Read more]

  • Negative – You can declear a charge just against the skirmish screen forcing them back in to the main unit then be in line infront of the unit ready to shoot un impeeded (pg 90).

    Positive – Any shooting against the unit from the front counts against skirmishers (so always applys the -1), with only artillery ignoring that.  However they are a…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic HE Against Armor in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    To put what Jacob said above in to examples…

    You have a small 2″ HE template (+2 PEN) shooting at a light tank (DV8)…

    you roll to hit, then because the max damage could hurt the tank you roll to see how many pins (D3) you cause.


    Now if the same small HE was shooting a medium tank (DV 9) if /when you hit you need to check the crew level -…[Read more]

  • I’m having trouble seeing where Mixed Formation is of advantage.

    So they count as skirmishers from the front (except artillery can ignore the skirmishers anyway, as can anyone else with a better target)

    They shoot with only a single dice, albeit with a wider field of view.

    So when do you use them?

    The only case I could think of might be on an…[Read more]

  • Looking at this and its not to hard to port over from V1 to V2:

    You pick Decisivness then you get general traits (pg 109) Decisive on a 5 or 6 OR Hesitant on a 1

    If you pick Independance you get Headstrong on a 5 or 6 OR Diffident on a 1 (diffident is different to the old Irresponsible but replaced it)

  • Yes they are DEAD & GONE!


    In fact if it was HtH that causes a break test dont bother rolling it just remove them as EVERY result is Artillery is Dead 🙁



  • SteveT replied to the topic Orders Question in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 11 months ago

    Yes, George, they have to roll again next turn. Fog of War.

  • Hello,

    Question about orders. If unit, say, is ordered to march straight across the battlefield to the other end of it (and say it’s a long one) and gets one move. Next turn, do I still have to roll orders for that unit again as I have not changed the earlier order?

  • So, please clarify, despite the lousy odds coming through. If the Infantry breaks is the supporting artillery destroyed?

  • Excellent. Thanks!

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