

  • invisible officer replied to the topic Stummel question in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Fuzzy BA logic.

    Both had a tow hook and both had no capacity for an extra gun crew, amo and ranging stuff.


    Not like 251/4 that was designed  and used as tow for guns like IG 18. But had no gun on board.

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Stummel question in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Yes it should have both transport and tow capabilities while the 250/9 does not.

  • Steeljackal replied to the topic Indirect Fre and Pins in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    So the spotter is only for drawing LOS.
    Only the pins on the mortar count for the order test.
    Pinning the observer is useless. The pins on the observer only count if you want to order the observer to move.

    Reading in italian traslation is not clear. Now I read again in original english version and I understand like Nat wrote.

  • Nat replied to the topic Indirect Fre and Pins in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    If the mortar is firing then its the mortar that is receiving the order and so needs to test, and will receive the order die next to them.  The spotter just provides LoS to the target (and due to not having an order die next to him can claim DOWN if targeted)

    You can think of it as spotter & mortar are 2 separte units that share Line of sight…[Read more]

  • Steeljackal replied to the topic Indirect Fre and Pins in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    And if:
    – spotter has no pins
    – mortar has pins
    Mortar shoots on the spotter’s indication, so the spotter does not need an order test and I put the “fire” die close to the observer, but should the mortar perform an order test to shoot?

  • Nat replied to the topic Black Powder Player Finder (UK) in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    So an update on the Chelmsford Bunker BP front!

    We have 5 French*, 6 British*, 2 portugese (one with french as well) and a Prussian force being started!


    *a couple of guys are doing a force for each so we dont have blue on blue pick up battles!

  • Nat replied to the topic Turret turn in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Turrets have a 360 deg arc of fire unless you have suffered ‘turret jam’ which locks the turret in to a fixed arc.

    [quote] Turret-mounted weapons. Weapons mounted on turrets can usually fire all around (i.e. into any arc). Some turret-mounted weapons have restricted arcs because of the design or  position of the turret, and these cases are…[Read more]

  • Built at Blohm & Voß Hamburg Tsingtau’s service began as general Flottentender in 1934, just a few S-boats being ready. But 5.3.1936 it became Schnellbootbegleitschiff for the six boats of 1. S-Flottille.

    They operated in Ostsee. But then there was a high priority demand for cadet sea training and 13.2.1940 Tsingtau became training ship. 23 of…[Read more]

  • I wanted another ship for my Cruel Seas fleets. I decided for the Schnellbootbegleitschiff Tsingtau. 100 % scratch, 100 % building fun.


    Tsingtau was the first specially built Tender for the German S-Boote, designed and ordered before the Nazis took over and built 1933-34.

    It was the smallest of the S-Boot Tenders with 2490 ts and 87,46 meter…[Read more]

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Turret turn in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    I believe the turret gives a tank 360° arc of fire, with no penalties. As for MGs, I do not think they give 2 pins.

  • SteveT started the topic Turret turn in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    I’ve been playing that turreted vehicles do not get a -1 to hit for just rotating turrets and shooting(i.e. they’ve been given a Fire, not an Advance). Is this right?

    I’ve seen videos where -1 was applied.

    Not very related but I’ve seen videos where people apply 2 pins to a unit hit by an MG. But I cannot find a reference to it. Assuming a house…[Read more]

  • I am guessing the door hinges are on the left of the door (when you are outside the truck looking straight at the driver’s door), and not on the right where they usually are. So the door swings open “clockwise” and not the usual anti-clockwise.

  • SteveT replied to the topic Japanese Type 97 Isuzu Truck in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Guessing they use a device where the wheel holder is on a hinge, as with modern external wheel carriers.

    Only other thing I can think of is that it might server as extra protection for the driver, who can always get out the passenger side?


  • Master Chief started the topic Tank War Crew Skills in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    This may have been raised before. I was looking through the Tank War book and came across this Commander ability:

    Eagle Eye: Play when this vehicle is nominated as a target of a
    ranged attack or assault. If this vehicle has LOS (line of sight) to
    the attacker, it may react by shooting at the attacker with any one weapon that has LOS to the…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    As I get the miniatures to paint and build my army. I made up a “paper army” using Microsoft Publisher to play my game in the meantime. I’m attaching it to share the art is just for function.

  • From Kaiser’s time to modern Bundeswehr all German soldiers are fit, well shaped and motivated super soldiers.



  • George replied to the topic Artillery Question in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    I don’t think the 6lb guns can be rifled as this is the War of the Spanish Succession. Rifled artillery, from what I have read, were not invented until the 1840’s.

  • George replied to the topic Artillery Question in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    Thank you to all for your replies.

  • Thank you Big Al.

  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Artillery Question in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    The 3 pdrs are probably better as battalion guns with the 6 pounders being  light field guns (BP2 calls them horse artillery). Having said that I play 15mm and increase all artillery ranges by 25%.



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