

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Small arms vs Open top in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Open-topped apply only to armoured vehicles (7+), not to soft-skinned (6).

    Haha silly me, I never noticed 🤦‍♂️

  • Steeljackal replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago


    This happened recently. A transport with a squad in was hit and destroyed by both a panzerfaust and flamethrower coming from same unit. Questions: Does the hit unit for wounds (after d6) get hit by the penetration of the weapons or just their morale level? Would the unit if technically hit by flamer also need a flamer  morale…

    [Read more]

  • Steeljackal replied to the topic Small arms vs Open top in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Open-topped apply only to armoured vehicles (7+), not to soft-skinned (6).

    Small arms (sniper is part of the small arms) can only pin open-topped armoured vehicle . Can’t damage.

    Soft-skinned vehicles (6) can be damaged by small arms (sniper is part of the small arms). If score damage roll -> then roll on damage table (remember that superficial…[Read more]

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    I thought that fire from the same unit at a single target, regardless of number of weapons used, will only cause 1 pin if hit. In this case one of the hits destroyed the transport, so the panzerfaust shouldn’t cause another pin right?

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Small arms vs Open top in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    For open topped armoured vehicles, small arms can only pin them (see attached page 118). Sniper fire against soft-skinned open top vehicles will destroy the vehicle when it scores damage. For armoured open top vehicles it can only pin.


  • SteveT started the topic Small arms vs Open top in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    If infantry shoot at, say, an open-top AFV, I assume the best they can achieve is a pin?

    How about a sniper vs an open-topped vehicle (of any kind)? Do they just kill the crew one at a time?

    I am not very clear on how Bolt Action handles these things.



  • Nat replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    @nI know – good point I never said anything about order of resolution 😛


    @stuart…except the part of the rules that literally says don’t apply anymore damage results and remove the vehicle as soon as you get a damage result!



  • Master Chief replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Refer to 2nd edition page 116 (attached screenshot), the passengers should take the same number of pins.

    For your 2nd question, we normally roll dice for each weapon type separately to determine which weapon hits/damages (although this might happen differently in reality where weapons are fired simultaneously). This is done as each weapon type…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years ago

    Hi bill, no it doesn’t affect the hand size… it is just removed from the deck before the game starts so you start with one fewer card.

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years ago

    If you download the faq or read the updated rules in air strike you’ll find a dirgam that shows you -yes the front arrow must be in the rear arc to get tailing

  • Koin-Koin replied to the topic Thread Approval in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago

    Thanks for the update, unfortunately I missed it but seen that pics are ok now.
    I can’t force https on my side but it should be how things should be done to avoid you to lower forum security.

    I’ve just post a reply in the BRS forum (rules topic) and the post is still invisible while I appear as the last poster.

    The reason I suspect is one of the…[Read more]

  • Yes I think US trucks retain their transport capability, I haven’t fpund anything yet. But spotters cannot spot. See attached page 17 of the FAQ.

  • Nat replied to the topic Units on transport in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    No the unit is NOT hit by the weapon that hits the transport vehicle… they are hit by sharpnel and debris of the vehicle.   THis is why you get get PEN bonus to the wound rolls.  Source is the FAQ.


    As they are not hit by the flamethrower but rather the vehicle they where inside they only test if they lose 50%

  • Page 115 (attached):

    Units in a transport can only be given Down orders not Fire orders, so they cannot call an arty strike while in a transport.


    Page 153 (attached).

    A transport loses its transport capability if it chooses a weapon.

  • Good point Stuart, I didn’t notice that. I attach screenshots from the Armies of Germany and Armies of France and Allies books. The French version has an additional hull mmg and a hull howitzer instead of flamethrower, hence cost 10 points more.

  • SteveT replied to the topic Concord Sprue in the forum Beyond the Gates of Antares 4 years ago

    Thank you! Excellent!

  • Nat replied to the topic 1809 French in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    sorry only seem to have posted half of what I was going to say!


    The extrapulation (as I dont have the peninuslar box either) is that they are made to fit WLs rules… that is a battalion of 24 models with 4 grenadiers, 4 voltiguers and a command group as thats what the pictures on the store show (which seem to be pretty accurate)

  • Haha I gather that’s because it can fire its mmg (360°) and burn any infantry in its front arc at the same time 😂

  • Hello all,


    On the Concord plastic sprue are some things I cannot identify:

    On the lower right side are what look like heavy weapon pieces but they don’t seem to fit in hands.

    And more mysterious on the left is a thing with a semicircular antler-like…[Read more]

  • The attached screenshot is from the more recent Overlord book.

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