

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Laser Pointers in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    The difference:

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Laser line: Creates a thin red line between the firer and target. If the lime crosses any obstacle, line of sight is blocked. You hold the pointer in the air between the firer and target, and shine it onto the map.</p>
    Laser point: Creates a red dot on the target. If the line of sight is blocked by…[Read more]

  • I believe the intention is to exclude the NCO, but the wording seems to allow equipping the NCO with a pistol. The same conundrum applies to other nations and other weapons as well e.g. up to 1 man can be equipped with an LMG for 20 points.

  • Nat replied to the topic Bunkers in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Depends if you think the bunker could take a 122mm howitzer shell (heavy howitzer as found on the soviet SU152 – biggest gun in a BA army)… IF you think the bunker can withstand it then take it as a bunker if not then a building…

    or you can take it as a heavier constructed building and say it needs an extra 1 or 2 hits to destroy

  • Steeljackal replied to the topic Dug In in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    In first version rulebook DOWN  give -1 to hit modifier, in second version rulebook -2, so I think this here is the misunderstanding (maybe Empire in Flames are old and written with first edition rules, or is only a mistake).

    Unit dug-in count as DOWN (-2 to hit modifier and HE hits are halved), if go DOWN when dug-in all doubled so -4 to hit…[Read more]

  • Steeljackal replied to the topic Bunkers in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    From rulebook “…Bunkers follow the rules given for buildings with these exceptions:…”

    and no exception follows on the fire from the openings, therefore by regulation two models fire from 1 opening.

    Then in a friendly game, if the opening is large enough nobody forbids you and you friends to establish that more models can be fire from a large…[Read more]

  • Koin-Koin replied to the topic FAQ in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years, 1 month ago

    FR FAQ and diagrams in various format here

  • Koin-Koin replied to the topic FAQ in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years, 1 month ago

    You’re right. Now that you mentioned it I remember this to be explained quite some time ago.
    I need to get the PDF and start working on a french version of it too.

    By the way, French FAQ is now available. New diagram too and free to use. I’ll add the link in a second post as it seems that they tend to be blocked.

  • Nat replied to the topic FAQ in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years, 1 month ago

    @Koin-koin – its from page 10 of Air Strike (although my copy doesnt have aircraft C!)


    Air Strike is the Core Rules with some wording tweeked and the layout improved.  All 3 booklets from the core & Mig Alley + Air strike rules & extra scenarios added…. and a number of cards printed between the core box & airstrike

  • Koin-Koin replied to the topic FAQ in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years, 1 month ago

    The one with A B C.

    As I don’t own airstrike so far that explain why I couldn’t find it.

    So does airstrike contains updates of the core rules ?

    I assumed it was new mechanics only.

    Thanks for the clarification.

  • Koin-Koin replied to the topic FAQ in the forum Blood Red Skies 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hi @renko

    I’m updating the French faq and will include a vectorial version of the added diagram.

    I didn’t find it in the rule books. Can you tell where it com from ?

  • Oh you young peopes, old gamers like me started in pre internet time and got nothing but books. (And had to walk 15 miles through snow to school 😉 )

    The Schweres Maschinengewehr Lafette had some high settings to offer best arc  of fire and cover combination. So the Warlord Version is not unusual.


    I tried to take an explaining pic from my…[Read more]

  • I did nothing extra, so yes, it fell into position.

  • From the photos on the Walord site often it is not clear how some pieces are mounted. I remember that I had the same problem with pak36. I don’t remember if I forced anything or just glued it with the correct angle

  • Hmmm, I did the Blitzkrieg one at it had the correct angle.

  • It’s based on mongoose’s v2 …not sure whats been changed but from what I’ve seen /heard from some of the YouTube videos it’s more tweeks than wholesale changed

  • There was near to no chance to see a submerged mine. Even the contact mine was deep enough to be invisible. So normally S-Boote and MTB could pass contact mine fields without risk.

    The magnetic, pressure or sound mines are very difficult to clear. There are settings that made them immune to the first contacts in a given time, so a Sperrbrecher…[Read more]

  • The best sourches are original items and contemporary Color drwings.

    You find them for example in the classic Japanese language book Imperial Japanese Army and Navy Uniforms and Equipment. Sold in UK by Arms & Armour Press in 1975.

    page 175  Shows orignal puttees in some versions.   There was a dark olive green version with light green straps an…[Read more]

  • Yeah thanks Stuart, I thought that must be the case, otherwise the national “ability” would be pretty much a dud.



  • i don’t have that book, but i looked at easyarmy. the reinforced platoon has only one armor, and in the list of available vehicles there are also Germans.
    even in logic I feel like saying that the basic rule of the reiforced platoon has only one armor. then there are the various books with campaigns and scenarios. take a look at easyarmy and take…[Read more]

  • Hello,

    Hungarians can include a German tank.

    That would mean 2 tanks were possible in a single platoon in this case: 1 from the given Hungarian list + the German option?


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