

  • Crazynoob198 replied to the topic SPQR 2.0 ? in the forum SPQR 4 years ago

    Anybody know what has changed in it? Points costs? Etc.?

  • Crazynoob198 replied to the topic SPQR 2.0 ? in the forum SPQR 4 years ago

    Thanks everyone.

    I bought the game for the value. The idea of a skirmish ancients game has its appeal. It was just too many dice and while I am not a Min / Max type of player with points in an army list, I just couldn’t help myself with this with the helmet and weapons points upgrades (downgrades?). I moved onto two other games, one by a hedgehog…[Read more]

  • Crazynoob198 started the topic SPQR 2.0 ? in the forum SPQR 4 years ago

    Hello everyone.

    Heard a rumor from my FLGS that there might be a SPQR 2.0 in the works? Anyone heard that rumor or can confirm it? News has been slow getting across the pond to over here in the states.


  • That’s cool. Never really thought about what they would be made out of. I don’t know the model, but it looks like a winter time period. Maybe wicker was used to help prevent hands from sticking to metal shell canisters? Just a thought.

  • What if the German tanks that get Tiger Fear get a rule out of the Tank Wars book? Eliminate the Debuff. Give them a buff to the crew. As far as I am aware, Tiger Fear is the only real debuff rule that exists, that and them poor Italians. If one of those Tiger Fear type tanks had a Tank War rule from Page 28-29 that could be interesting. Give them…[Read more]