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  • #160485

    When adding an LMG to a squad, you are just taking the rifle away from one of the riflemen and giving him an LMG instead. Then, you assign one of the remaining men (typically a rifleman) to be his loader.

    So, in your example, the 10 man squad you have described would be comprised of:
    1x NCO (w/ rifle, unless upgraded)
    7x riflemen
    1x LMG gunner
    1x LMG loader (also w/ rifle, unless upgraded)

    I hope this helps.


    The section on artillery barrages against units in buildings (2nd bullet point) states “If the building is in range, simply roll a die for each unit in the building as well as other units within range, including all units inside nearby buildings that are themselves within range of the artillery barrage.” This die roll corresponds to the “fire for effect” instructions in the “Artillery Barrage chart”. After this, you would roll 3d6 for each unit that was hit (i.e. a roll of 6).

    Additionally, from the 3rd bullet, it looks like the 3d6 results for all units that are hit in a building are added together to determine if the building collapses. This last part seems pretty crazy to me so I wonder if anyone has a different interpretation.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by daveurs.

    Hello Xavier,

    Vehicles being used to tow artillery are still only “transporting” the gun and crew around the battlefield. They have slightly different rules to address how they are used, but they are still not “assault vehicles”. Per page 114 of the rule book regarding the role of transports: “…their crews would not expect to find themselves face-to-face with [the] enemy”. This is used as the justification for transport vehicles fleeing the battlefield when closer to enemies than an ally. As the same thing could be said of vehicles that have only the tow ability, it stands to reason that they would behave in the manner and flee the battlefield when they are threatened.



    The fixed special rule does not apply to multiple launcher equipped vehicles. It only counts as a heavy mortar for shooting purposes.


    Hi Antonio,
    Per page 8 of the latest FAQ:
    “When firing a multiple launcher against a unit in a building (or an empty building), measure the 6″ for additional targets from the building itself. Note that only one of the rockets can hit each building, even if it includes multiple enemy units on different floors. Then resolve a normal indirect fire heavy mortar shot on each target. You cannot fire if any potential target building includes any friendly units.”


    @Jim – If you are doing a generic reinforced platoon, then I agree with Stuart. The 38t can only fill the free unit slot.

    However, I believe the theatre selectors from the “Armies of Italy and the Axis” are a different matter. They both have an additional special rule, “Axis Vehicles in Romanian Service”, that would appear to allow the 38t to fill the regular tank slot. In fact, they list the 38t, among others, right in the standard allowable tank/tank destroyer slot.


    @Richard Lawrence,

    The short answer is yes, it applies to both. The rulebook logic to support that is:

    The rulebook specifically refers to the officer bonus as a “morale bonus”. However, the morale value of a unit is used for both morale checks and order tests.


    After re-reading the re-crewing section of the RB…again, I am of the opinion that as long as the actual gun models are within 12″ of one another, the crew can run between them. Though I’m still interested to hear if someone has a different interpretation.


    I was not aware of that Japan rule allowing extra men for artillery. That does seem to lend credibility to possibly over-crewing. Thanks for pointing that out.


    Panzerbuchse 41
    Heavy weapons fired against soft-skinned targets do not suffer long range penetration penalties. Plus, the text for the Panzerbuchse 41 specifically addresses penetration against armored targets. Therefore:

    Shots against soft-skinned targets:
    0″-48″ = +4 penetration

    Shots against armored targets:
    0″-12″ = +6 penetration
    >12″-24″ = +4 penetration
    >24″-48″ = +2 penetration


    Short answer: Yes.

    The main rulebook states:
    “An order test with a –1 penalty will be required as already described.”
    The use of the phrase “as already described” explicitly implies that it is the same penalty suffered by reserve units entering from the controlling player’s edge, and that it is not an additional penalty.

    Additionally, the relevant Army Special Rules entry in the AotUS book (modern communication) does not differentiate outflanking from other reserve “types”.


    daveurs – Indianapolis, Indiana

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