Doug Johnson started the topic Epic ACW How much is enough? in the forum Black Powder 9 months ago
As much as I’d love to have enough epic to play any battle available, I just don’t have the time to paint all that.
I’d like to play a battle like Wilson’s creek, but I realized today that the guts and glory box is enough for about one side of that engagement.
Sooooo. What is the minimum people would recommend to play at least a few of the…[Read more]
Doug Johnson replied to the topic American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set Question in the forum Black Powder a year ago
I’m slowly chipping away at the Guts and Glory box. I’m finally working on Cavalry. As a practical matter. How are the dismounted horses used? Are they placed behind the dismounted soldiers as a reminder that they are cavalry? Are they purely eye candy?
Picture attached amidoinitright?
Doug Johnson started the topic American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set Question in the forum Black Powder a year ago
I just bought the box and I want to put things together as correctly as possible. I was watching a review by Modelling for Advantage on YouTube and one of the guys said that the guts and glory box is a one-player starter set. Is that the case? Should I be deciding between blue and gray (or butternut) for the whole box, or is it intended to be half…[Read more]
Doug Johnson became a registered member 2 years ago
Doug Johnson's profile was updated 2 years ago