Forrest Harris started the topic Free Moves in the forum Black Powder 2 months ago
This question applies to a brigade has multiple units that qualify for a free move and they are not being given a brigade order. If the commander fails in the middle of giving orders to these units, do all the remaining units that qualify receive a free move, or only the one he was giving an order to when he failed?
Forrest Harris replied to the topic Forming Skirmish to Enter Woods in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago
Thanks, those are helpful suggestions. On the arid and scruffy Peninsular battlefields where my games take place, I’m wondering if I can’t get around a lot of the awkwardness of woods by treating them simply as rough ground, but with the ability to make targets unclear? That would still bar cavalry and artillery and only the unclear target aspect…[Read more]
Forrest Harris started the topic Forming Skirmish to Enter Woods in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago
Albion Triumphant gives certain units the ability to “form skirmish in terrain they cannot normally enter.” What’s the best way to apply this? Does the formed unit move to the edge of a wood, for instance, expend one move to change formation and another move to enter the wood? Or do they just disperse into skirmish as they enter? Is entering and…[Read more]
Forrest Harris replied to the topic Black Powder Player Finder (North America) in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago
My username is Dreadnought and I’m a Black Powder Napoleonic player in Central Illinois.
Forrest Harris replied to the topic Unsquared Infantry vs. Cavlary in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Much to think about. Thanks, guys.
Forrest Harris started the topic Unsquared Infantry vs. Cavlary in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
The rules seem to give ample modifiers to punish infantry being charged in the flank by cavalry.
Having said that, we’ve had new players become very skeptical of the rules after crashing their D1 heavy cavalry into an infantry unit’s flank only to have the unsquared infantry miraculously survive and calmly turn to face them in line (albeit…[Read more]
Forrest Harris became a registered member 4 years ago