Drew Williams

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  • #152272
    Drew Williams

    But were the sprues from these boxes not bought from the wargames factory when they closed?

    I wouldn’t necessarily equate what’s in the box to what you can use.

    I do hope however that we will see rules for this variety of unit champions.

    Drew Williams

    If it’s based as closely on the Antares rules (as it appears to be) then it should scale up really well, if anything it might work even better considering how brutal melee combat was.

    It’s never going to be a rank and flank battle game but big battles should be possible.

    Drew Williams

    I only went for the book, I tried to get in fast to get the free sprue of minis but I guess we won’t know about that till they arrive.

    I avoided the mini bundles, despite them being very good value, because i have piles of unloved plastic at home. I’d like to see what I can field out of what i have before making any purchases to fill the gaps.

    Do we have any idea if we’ll see sample faction lists up before launch day? would be nice to use the Xmas break to get some minis together and ready to go.

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