Enquiring_Mind started the topic Is it time for a reorganisation of Bolt Action? in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Hi everyone, just to say I really like Bolt Action, it is the wargame I play the most (by far). This is not a criticism of the rule set or of Warlord Games.
I’ve just received my copy of D-Day, the American Sector. From my read through it looks interesting and I’ll be playing with certain elements in my games – although I play the Eastern Front…[Read more]
Enquiring_Mind changed their profile picture 4 years ago
Enquiring_Mind's profile was updated 4 years ago
Enquiring_Mind replied to the topic Japanese native irregulars in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Here’s a suggestion, there are companies out there that cast 28mm scale Viet Minh for the French Indo China war of the late 40s and early 50s. I think some of those will be suitable?
Enquiring_Mind replied to the topic Ground Scale in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Hi Steeljacket, thinking about the various wargames that I’ve played there are very few that have the same miniature and ground scale.
The only examples I can think of are Roman gladiatorial games or skirmish games with maybe a dozen miniatures a side.
Everything else has a ground scale that is smaller than the miniature scale.
Enquiring_Mind replied to the topic French Forces of the Interior in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Hi guys, thanks for the information.
I think I might wait for the American Sector Normandy book to come out before I make any such decisions.
After doing some more research, I’ve found more facts. There’s a fairly well known Char B1 that was captured by the FFI in Paris. It got the Cross of Lorraine and the letters FFI painted very prominently…[Read more]
Enquiring_Mind replied to the topic French Forces of the Interior in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago
Sorry, I think this has gone into the wrong part of the forum – my bad!
I’ve repeated it in the Bolt Action sub forum.
Enquiring_Mind started the topic French Forces of the Interior in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Hi everyone,
after playing as the Germans for quite a while, I was thinking of a change. I’ve always liked the idea of the French Forces of the Interior (the FFI). For the few who haven’t heard of them they were the semi-organised and semi-uniformed partisans who rose up after D-Day. There’s some really great pictures of them, plus film foota…[Read more]
Enquiring_Mind replied to the topic Ground Scale in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
I think it depends on the terrain you’re fighting in.
In rural terrain, I’d personally use the weapon scale as the yarstick to measure it by. The 24″ maximum range of a rifle will probably be 400 yards/metres. So a 6 foot x 4 foot board would be 1200 yards/metres by 800 yards/metres. Maybe 1.2km by 0.8km? (3/4 of mile by 1/2 a mile). This isn’t…[Read more]
Enquiring_Mind started the topic French Forces of the Interior in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago
Hi everyone,
after playing as the Germans for quite a while, I was thinking of a change. I’ve always liked the idea of the French Forces of the Interior (the FFI). For the few who haven’t heard of them they were the semi-organised and semi-uniformed partisans who rose up after D-Day. There’s some really great pictures of them, plus film footage…[Read more]
Enquiring_Mind started the topic Thoughts on German Super Tanks in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
OK, so I’m aware of the irony, in my last forum entry I wasn’t too happy about the expense around Tiger II tanks and now I’m talking about even bigger and probably more expensive tank designs….
I’ve currently got a 1:56 model of a Panzer VII Löwe. I’m also about to put in an order for a 1:56 model of an E-50 Standardpanzer, this is…[Read more]
Enquiring_Mind replied to the topic Operation Blue – Roll out the barrels in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I’ve a suggestion around this, select a generic reinforced platoon but with only the infantry and artillery from the Operation Blue Theatre Selector. When picking the tanks and other AFVs, include vehicles such as the Stug IIIg with the long 75mm and the others that you feel are missing from the list.
Remember that there are other new units such…[Read more]
Enquiring_Mind replied to the topic Help needed with army selections in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Thanks everybody for the help. I think that the issue came about because we imported into Bolt Action that over-competitive attitude from our games of WH40K. From what everyoe has been saying is that approach just doesn’t really work for Bolt Action.
Enquiring_Mind replied to the topic Help needed with army selections in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Hi guys thanks for the responses, there’s lots of good ideas.
The historical forces sound good.
I’ll have a think about the inclusion of some of the poorer quality stuff to increase the points available.
I think the idea of a core group with a few different changes might work.
Enquiring_Mind started the topic Help needed with army selections in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Hi guys,
I’m just preparing to get back to Bolt Action after a year away and I need a bit of help. I play late war German up against late war Soviet.
I hope this isn’t too long and that you bear with me.
To have a sporting chance of winning (or at least be able to put some plan into affect and to retain some sort of satifaction at doing…[Read more]