

  • Enioch replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    *Devastating is a prime example of this…. several of us read the different wording to mean the criticals on 5 +6s where auto successful, Matthew pointed out that they still needed confirming!

    Wait what.

    The starter rulebook and the beta rules explicitly say that Dev weapons score crits on 5 and 6.

  • Enioch replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    companies need to have people who play tabletop games but not involved with play testing the game proof read the book /manuals before they go to print

    Could not agree more. There are so many double-readings possible in the current rules…

    Personally, I think there should be an official FAQ here, with players submitting potential errata and…[Read more]

  • Enioch replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    @clockwork Beta statblocks. Those are Kates and Vals going in 🙂

    @Nat Rules as currently published seem to disagree; I have consulted Matt myself on interpretations in some other cases, but Warlord seems to have balanced the game against original author proposed rules / stats at some points. The ability to premeasure, for instance, which is…[Read more]

  • I quote (emphasis mine, Italics my commentary):


    “Some scenarios allow carriers in fleets to be placed in deep deployment, keeping them off the table and far away from direct attack. In such a scenario, a player may choose to remove one or more of their carriers from the table before the game starts and place them in deep deployment. ANY NUMBER…[Read more]

  • Beta rules allow for converted civilian seaplane tenders. 5 planes for 50 points.. :Italian finger-kissing noises:

    Also, land-based scout floatplanes, 5 points for each. Petes are bread-and-butter.

  • Here we go again…

    Hi Craig, posted a thread advertising  a new campaign in the Victory at Sea subforum. Included one Youtube link. Thread held for moderation.

    Pretty sure that’s rather…strict. o.O

  • Enioch started the topic A comparison in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago


    Working with the official, published cards here:

    Kongo: 375 points, 8 guns, 1 AD per gun, +1 AP, 2 DD per barrel.

    New Mexico: 395 points, 12 guns, 2 AD per gun, +2 AP, 3 DD per barrel.

    New Mex also has better armor, more health, more aircraft. The only place where she’s inferior to the Kongo is the speed.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not…[Read more]

  • You mean correct hues for the camouflage pattern, or the pattern itself?

    If the former, I doubt you can have a historically-true hue for the colours, as all pictures we have of Zuikaku late war are black and white. The pattern itself is documented as you see in my attachment, but it is noted by the artist that at least part of the colours and…[Read more]

  • Enioch replied to the topic Proof reading in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 8 months ago

    Well, for one thing, Königsberg is a Battleship (apparently) :-), and I’m pretty sure some DDs are missing their ASW suites. I don’t think we’ve had any official errata out yet, too (by all means, correct me if I’m wrong).


  • I mean, ‘screwed’ is a relative term.

    If we extrapolate from what we’ve seen in the Leander and the Edinburgh, British CLs are pretty good – their guns are fast-tracking (so excellent vs DDs), and the Leander, with its only 4 AD gets Twin-Link too, which turns her into a DD blender. In test games we’ve played with my posse, Leanders can…[Read more]

  • Hi, thanks a lot!

    Re: plane counters, I pretty much photoshopped them out of googled images, available blueprint drawings etc; there was no single source I used. I’m attaching my sheet for planes of the Pacific theatre: you’ll find Zeroes, Kates, Vals, Wildcats, Devastators and Dauntlesses there. You can print them on paper, stick em in cereal…[Read more]

  • First trial of my terrain pieces. The Furutaka and two Fubuki-class destroyers faced off against the HMS Orion, the HMS Dido and three allied destroyers in a desperate bid to escape the Hong Kong waters.

    Pictured above: Dangan Island (or the nearest thing to it my terrain pieces can make). Overall, very happy with the end result, working on more hexes!

  • Mostly finished my cabinet.

    Still working on some of my fleets. Got my second Kongo and Shokaku on the way, and I’ve finished my Prince of Wales and Eagle too…


  • Obviously there is no way I can give you an “official” response, but triple 6″ gun turrets had 2 AD in beta as well. It’s a fudge.

    I think it has something to do with critical chance of guns. Lots of 6″ guns gave you lots of potential hits, which gave you lots of damage dice which increased the chance of criticals; a 12×6″ or 15×6″ cruiser could…[Read more]

  • Also, (and apologies for the triple post, but I think the content is different enough to warrant it): I’ve been working on a display cabinet for my darlings.

    Top right, you will also note my kitbashed / scratch-modded latewar Mogami model, with her aft catapult deck!


  • Yes, I definitely like it! 😀

  • Whatever you’re doing, it’s working 🙂

    Yeah, transportability is important to me as well, but mostly I’m concerned about the modularity and the re-arrangeability. I am running a VaS campaign for friends via Discord, and we need a way to simulate various coastlines. Some scenarios you can do with individual atolls, and those are small enough to…[Read more]

  • Oh, those are lovely. I like your ‘clean’ hulls, much smoother and slicker than my liberally-applied-wash-hulls that look more weathered, but…dirty.

    I’m working on a terrain system now. Cardboard hexes, layered with a gloss membrane and then cardboard terrain bases. You can set them up in a modular way, and create coastlines as you see fit. The…[Read more]

  • And another, well-known atoll…

  • By the way @d.giessmann, Kate and Val stats from beta:

    Kate: Bomber OR Torpedo bomber; 16″move, CV-capable, -1 dogfight, 1937 deployment, 3 DD if Bomber, 4 DD if TB

    Val: Dive Bomber; 17″move, CV-capable, -1 dogfight, 1940 deployment, 1 DD, Devastating

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