

  • @Eric, no, they cannot.  “Once per game, when the forward artillery observer unit receives a Fire order…” and “Once per game, when the forward air observer unit receives a Fire order…” – in both cases it’s specifically a Fire order (both also have ‘not from Ambush’ as an additional restriction).

  • Nat replied to the topic Game scale in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 5 months ago

    @eric … like to see what pistol you are using to have an accurate range of 120 yards.

  • Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Melee rules in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 10 months ago

    @Eric T Holmes,

    ” and the attacking unit takes the morale test after everything is completed for the assault. ”

    Where are you getting a morale test in close quarters?  There is no morale check at the end of close quarters, if one side wins, they stay even if only one man.  the side that loses dies, no possibility of hanging around by passing a m…[Read more]

  • @Eric Kingsley
    You will find that SHIPS provides essentially exactly that: a system to pay for your CV flights with a discount compared to Land-based air. And fixes surface ship point imbalances as well.
    Docs are posted above.