Fraser Kendall replied to the topic Whats next for Black Powder? in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago
Fingers crossed for Crimean and Franco Prussian!
Fraser Kendall replied to the topic Feudal Japan in the forum Pike & Shotte 4 years ago
Hi, can I ask here – does anyone know any lists for Korean enemies for this list? Im looking to fight feudal japan against feudal korea.
Also I was hoping to use Hail Caesar instead of Pike and Shotte, as im not familiar with the P&S rules
Fraser Kendall started the topic Mexican American War for Black Powder in the forum Black Powder 5 years ago
Hi All, Ive got 2 opposing sides done in 28mm for the Mexican American war. Im wondering if any others out there have used black powder for this period, and if so if anyone has done any lists, special rules etc to capture the flavour of the period?
Appreciate any advice about gaming this period with Black Powder.
Fraser Kendall became a registered member 5 years ago
Fraser Kendall changed their profile picture 5 years ago