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  • #159466

    Indeed! If anyone is interested, Forbidden Planet has some of the hard back collections in their sale at the moment (talking a fiver for some)…..


    So, good things do come to he that waits……


    Hi, I’m in the UK but currently watching a couple on eBay so hopefully may be successful from there. Santa sent me 303 Squadron so i’ll Be concentrating on them for a while and by the time I’ve finished the 110s should be out – after that, if I’m still struggling i’ll Give you a shout – the offer is very much appreciated. Cheers!


    Nor mine. Have friends that were hoping to see 262s before Mig 15s. I’ll be sticking to Battle of Britain I think…..


    Thanks both, very much appreciated.


    My Christmas is officially early. I read Reach for the sky as a kid and went on many school trips to Hendon, Duxford and Shuttleworth but is now nearly forty years later and only just learning of the full extent of the contribution of 303 squadron.

    If anyone official is listening, Josef Frantisek would be an interesting addition as an ace to add to 303…


    Here’s hoping – he does present a unique profile. Maybe a personal skill of not loosing an adv@ntage level in a cloud


    Just for context we were playing with two standard box sets


    My view is separate decks for traits and doctrine and a shared pool of theatre cards. For Ace cards i’d Say that each side shares an ace pool to choose from rather than a set between two opponents otherwise you can deny a skill to the opposition which doesn’t seem realistic.


    My best recent buy reduced to £6… Haynes books Battle of Britain RAF Operations Manual.


    Have played a couple now – no problems with turn sequence and basic rules. Some of the cards work better if you don’t have two in play at the same time – found it best for one player to have the scenario cards and the other to use the table options for the theatre of play. The other issue is do you decide on applying hits boom chits etc as one squadron of 12 planes or 2 flights of six. It’s easier to do the later but can leave the other player hopelessly outnumbered if one is driven off but maybe more realistic if you loose one flight that the other runs too as a squadron or play that no one breaks until the squadron limit is exceeded. Depends on how long you want the game to last……




    Thanks – I did start off along those lines but there’s a risk you get a lot of level 5 aces quite quickly making the squadron quite generic. I then went from the position that while skilled pilot = high kill rate,a high kill rate does not necessarily mean a skilled pilot. This means you can have an ace with a low skill level but I thought it was a reasonable trade off to create ‘individual personas’ for the pilots in a narrative campaign.

    A couple of other ideas are – penalties and bonuses to dice pools based on theatre/doctrine.

    Confirmed kills – only confirmed kills count towards ace points. Where more than pilot causes a boom chit on a shot down plane all claim the kill. The last person to hit it rolls dice equal to pilot skill – if a hit comes up the kill goes to them. If not the next pilot rolls until a hit is scored. If, once all who could claim the kill have rolled, no hits have been rolled then the kill is not awarded to anyone.

    This will all require a bit of play testing I think!


    I did start off along those lines but there’s a risk you get a lot of level 5 aces quite quickly making the squadron quite generic. I then went from the position that while skilled pilot = high kill rate,a high kill rate does not necessarily mean a skilled pilot. This means you can have an ace with a low skill level but I thought it was a reasonable trade off to create ‘individual personas’ for the pilots in a narrative campaign.

    A couple of other ideas are – penalties and bonuses to dice pools based on theatre/doctrine.

    Confirmed kills – only confirmed kills count towards ace points. Where more than pilot causes a boom chit on a shot down plane all claim the kill. The last person to hit it rolls dice equal to pilot skill – if a hit comes up the kill goes to them. If not the next pilot rolls until a hit is scored. If, once all who could claim the kill have rolled, no hits have been rolled then the kill is not awarded to anyone.

    This will all require a bit of play testing I think!


    Trying again!

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