Garry Wills


  • Sorry big Al, but one of the improvements in BP2 is  that they addressed this issue. On p.17 the rules discuss using two or three guns in a unit rather than one. The unit is described as a battery and given the frontage of a small infantry or cavalry unit, 120-150mm.  How many real guns is represented by the unit is left open.  However the gun sc…[Read more]

  • Yes you have missed the ‘position the charging unit’ section on page 60. This should be in the declaration of charge orders section but isn’t. The frontal arc restriction applies when the order is given a the start of the turn. Note the use of ‘turn’ not ‘move’ in this section. Moves and turns are very different in Black Powder, which is…[Read more]

  • Thanks for the correction Big Al.

    Regarding Break tests see p.77, which lists the specific occasions when break tests are required. P.81 says you remove excess casualties after all NECESSARY break tests are done. Consequently putting the two together, winning units with excess casualties can remove them without a break test.

    To Big Al’s point…[Read more]

  • 1. Yes initiative moves are automatic but they must be done before you start issuing orders. (p.32)

    2. Only the losers take a break test. The winners simply ignore the excess casualties and they are removed. (p.71-2).

    3. This rule of not firing if you have moved more than once was introduced in the First Argument of Kings as being particularly…[Read more]

  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Artillery Question in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    The 3 pdrs are probably better as battalion guns with the 6 pounders being  light field guns (BP2 calls them horse artillery). Having said that I play 15mm and increase all artillery ranges by 25%.



  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Points system in the forum Black Powder 4 years, 1 month ago

    I use BP for historical scenarios and if set up care, it works well. However I prefer to use 15mm figures which increases the area represented on the table. The full points system is explained in the first edition of the rules but not in the second edition. This link shows one example of my games LINK

  • We have to apply the main rules to the sub commander situation. So when a sub commander fails an order he can give no further orders this turn, but the brigade commander can continue giving orders.

    To understand this it is important to remember than the late Prussian Brigades were the size of other nation’s Divisions, which would have 3 or 4 …[Read more]

  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Howitzers in the forum Black Powder 4 years, 2 months ago

    The benefit being that the Howitzer hit is -2 to the morale save of the target regardless of range. Your suggestion is an interesting one but the morale save effect is based on the fire of a whole battery of howitzers. So I am not sure I would use it. Looking at the statistics the benefit of the howitzer is within the D6 variability, which is…[Read more]

  • Presumably you are talking about Clash of Eagles; these companies are 3pdr guns with a range of just 24 inches which is worth 8 points, the close combat is 1 point, the morale 6 points and the stamina 4 points. The text also says that the shooting stats would be 2/2/1 rather than 3/2/1. This is also for 6 guns – a 2 gun section would be different.