GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic What books for Home Guard British? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Yes those are the books. Sealion in paticular. Gigant has some really interesting units too though. Unfortunately the units in both books cant be used in Generic platoons. There is however more Generic Home guard option in the “Armies of great Britain” book.
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Goofy rules that need changing in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
My comments Ideas.
Snipers – The issue with snipers is mainly their ability to one shot teams (Mortar / MG Particularly). As simple solution that could be errata’d would be simply to give team members individual weapons so each man has “rifle or pistol as modelled (assume pistol if none obvious on model)”. Yes now you’ve lost you MG / Mortar but…[Read more] -
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Have to agree with Alan. +1 to hit for Vets is overpowered. When I first got into BA just over a year ago we accidently played this in our first game and it was clear there would be no reason to take anything but Vets. We then read the rulebook a bit closer.
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Free French army in Indochina in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Hi there give it a go.
If you want your guys to look and be armed French. Then Wargames Atlantic do a box or 35 plastic French 1914-40 troops. True a lot of the weapons are older models (no MAS rifles) but colonial troops rarely get the best. Think their more European in appearance but i dont know what the French uniforms in Indo China looked…[Read more]
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Vehicle Stat Cards in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Bit of late reply but just resaw this post and only other day noticed this in Easy Army.
Think this must be a new feature recently added but If you use Easy Army you can set it to output Stat Cards. You can then download your army as PDF with Stat Cards for each unit. You you can then print them. -
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Double Barrel Shotguns for 28mm in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Thanks @bmdnut and @ripley. I was aware of the VBCW and Bad Squiddo (one day ill get their Bofors) but wanted weapons I can fit to my plastic Warlord Brits. Ill check out Great Escape Minatures Gunfighters. Im guessing your both refering to the same set. Modelling one with the gun broken would be cool.
GeneralJimbo81 started the topic Double Barrel Shotguns for 28mm in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Reallse this could prob go into a number of the forums but as I want them for my British Home Guard ill put it here
Does anyone know where I can get double barrel shotguns (ideally side by side) for a few of my home guard? Metal, 3d print or plastic is fine.
I have found very very few and nearly all I have don’t seem appropriate (more si fi or…[Read more] -
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Defeating the Japanese? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Was looking at the French rules last night and reallised they are potentially even more nuts than Japanese.
As such you could always give him a dose of his own medicine as it were and build a French force. Take 3x Full 12 man (with the extra 4pt man with a pistol) inexperianced infantry and get another 12 man unit for free. Take a further 2 full…[Read more] -
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Defeating the Japanese? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Thanks for pointing that out I’d missed it on the FAQ.
Is bit odd though as i thought spotters can shoot the weapons they’re armed with so long as their artillery unit doesn’t.
Also does this mean that unarmed troops (i.e. unarmed Home Guard or say Japanese Spear fighters) can’t fire such a weapon on a transport as they can’t shoot (by virue of…[Read more]
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Defeating the Japanese? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
SAS jeeps could be useful. Fast so you can zip em round behind preventing the Banzai. Also bedecked with MGs for mowing down infantry. You can even take them as Inexperanced (not sure quite why that is as SAS are generally even in ww2 cosidered to be one of the most elite forces in the world).
You can do similar with transport Uni Carriers too…[Read more]
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Kit Bashing Figures – Easy Peasy or a PIA ? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Month or more posted this article. Thought I’d post some updated pics now I’ve painted up the AT team and my first small unit of Home Guard.
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Are there any non-open top 7+/8+ vehicle with a Medium Howitzer besides BT-42? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Not that there are any official rules for it but there was 1920’s British Birch Gun. The Mk III (only 2 or 3 ever built) had a fully enclosed encasement / turret. Pretty sure it mounted a Light Howitzer (18lb Gun) though.
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Color of uniforms in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I’m not an expert on this area by any means but my understanding was that many or most uniforms (though I very very much doubt all) were re-dyed green locally. The “locally” here is key as there was apparently as a result very little (if any) standard and thus quite a variety in colour and quality (It’s thus possible that some redyed uniforms…[Read more]
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
@lordnat Yes I’d agree that is the place of TLs. I was meerly commenting that many nations used light mortars extensively.
@agiletek I’d disagree the British .303 is a “much worse cartridge”. True it was an older design rimmed cartridge but it was an Accurate, Reliable and Powerful (perhaps not as powerful as some but some may argue more suited…[Read more]
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic Kit Bashing Figures – Easy Peasy or a PIA ? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
As this is thread is about Kit bashing thought I’d upload one of the things I’m currently working on which is a Home Guard force (Sea Lion / Gigant book).
I am not a greatly skilled modeler but this kind of kit bash + I can do.The first 2 pics are my Volunteer AT squad complete with No68 AT grenade launcher (a SMLE with cup grenade…[Read more]
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
@lordnat like your idea of attaching Light Mortars to your officers and understand what your saying about light mortars and removing Japans distinguishing feature (though I’m not sure the Japanese made particularly heavier use of them than many others, in certain theaters and formations the Brits certainly used the things extensively as did the US…[Read more]
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Oh and Light Mortars – Allow them to be selected in 1-3 teams for a single slot but Order Die for each (bit like Soviets get for AT rifles). Though I also think their range needs to be increased. This would make them a more attractive option.
GeneralJimbo81 replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Personally not sure Ed 3 required per se as think things could prob be corrected in an FAQ / Errata. 3rd Ed would then just be the base rule bits from errate in 1 book.
However I do see the following need some work:
MMGs – Give them a special rule that a crew man can take over the gun in the event of “exceptional damage” if Ld test is passed…[Read more]
GeneralJimbo81's profile was updated 3 years ago
GeneralJimbo81 started the topic Sea Lion / Gigant – Lewis Guns and Panjandrum in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Hi Got into Bolt Action about a year ago. Now starting my second army, this time based on the Sea Lion / Gigant books. These books give special rules for Lewis Guns other than them just being an LMG (Not sure why this was necessary as in my first army I actually modeled one of my LMGs as a Lewis Gun). In these rules it has 3 shots and “stoppages”…[Read more]
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