Trevor Reznik

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  • #144241
    Trevor Reznik

    Box “The Last Levi” set contains 2 soldiers with Luftfaust hand-held anti-aircraft rocket launcher and assault rifle.

    But in rules Volksturm Squad: Up to 2 men may have submachine guns for +3pts.
    NOT ASSAULT RIFLES. How i may do?
    – assault rifle scores like submachine guns?
    – add to score +2 per one to submachine guns option?

    Trevor Reznik

    Big thanks!

    Trevor Reznik

    Dear sirs, sorry if i asking my questions in incorrect topic.

    What do you think about additions prototype tanks, like Chi-Ri, O-I, A39 Tortoise, T30 etc. ? Have any rules for it? Or may be warlords will adding it in future books?

    I have 3d-models and 3D-printer for this, but lack of rules for miniatures makes me sad.

    Trevor Reznik

    I’m Alex, from Moscow, Russia. I’ve been playing in Bolt Action for half a year, have a small (1500 points) army of Imperial Japan.
    Also, i’m been preparing army for Hail Caesar ( Seleucids).
    Glad to see you!

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