Peter replied to the topic Portuguese infantry – what's in the box? in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago
Dr Dave box has 20 plastics and 4 metal command figures
Peter started the topic 2 queries -preparatory bombardment and assaulting BUA's in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
guys how many of you use pre battle barrage in BP and if so what mechanisms to ye use to do it.
I have gamed several battles and noticed that unless a BUA is made a mandatory objective from the start then opponents tend to try by pass them rather than take them. Historically they were assaulted so enemy strongpoints weren’t left in your rear…[Read more]
Peter replied to the topic Break tests in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Thanks Al
Peter started the topic Break tests in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
units in combat do they have to do break tests if a friendly unit in range breaks whether it was offering them support or not .. even though they don’t support other combats themselves .
Peter replied to the topic ACW Whipped units in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
David is this for Epic or Glory Hallelujah?
Peter replied to the topic Redoubt’s and fleches in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Ok guys … thoughts please and I was the French!!
twice different Russian infantry units in the redoubt were broken and removed due to supporting and/or potentially supporting units in combat outside being broken in combat
definitely changed the battle???
Peter replied to the topic Redoubt’s and fleches in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
I just sort of struggle with line ,yet I acknowledge the firing or combat restrictions , I know BP says a line can bend etc but they were not covering acres if space????
Peter replied to the topic Redoubt’s and fleches in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Ok I see what you both are saying but if there’s a batter they’re then the infantry is in the rear line or column . If no battery is it like a building ? Yes if it’s enclosed perhaps but I’d there is an exposed rear to it . Now I’m gaming Shevadorino so it has a rear facing
Peter started the topic Redoubt’s and fleches in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Guys I’m wondering what infantry formations are considered ok when deployed in a redoubt or fleches be it an enclosed one or not …. doing 1812 Russian campaign battles soon . Thanks Peter
Peter replied to the topic Chelmsford Bunker – Napoleons wars in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Nat if i remember rightly weren’t there optional rules for fighting over bridges and fording as well as in woods in CoE?
Peter replied to the topic Mixed Formations – when to use? in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
doesn’t the artillery ignore skirmishers only apply to skirmishers outside of 12″ otherwise all modifiers ie -1 apply?/. p56
Peter replied to the topic retire/retreat etc off table in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
ok I see what you mean Al thanks for reply…it was just on p35 at quick read it mentions the word retreat(which covers all I suppose shaken/retire/break etc) and I now notice the important word there is “shaken ” can’t return at all
Peter started the topic retire/retreat etc off table in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
p35 and p80. a bit confused in reading that they do/don’t come back on table
Peter replied to the topic BP2 small/tiny units and Howitzer questions in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
thanks guys
Peter started the topic BP2 small/tiny units and Howitzer questions in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Hi there .I’m finally using the lockdown thread BP2 and tie it in with Supplements like Clash of eagles
ok firstly- I noticed in BP 2 P.16 that the photos for small units show 6 model figures…. if I remember this was a tiny unit in BP1 ????
secondly- I game Napoleonics mainly and howitzers were present in batteries but in smaller numbers t…[Read more]