Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Infantry Assaulting Tanks in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 4 months ago
@Greg, you may have tripped yourself up with terminology. There is no roll to penetrate, it is a roll to damage.
Penetration (pen) is usually a weapon stat that modifies that roll to damage. In the case of close quarters that pen value us generated by scoring hits (the second sentence in your quote – he rolled 11 hits giving a pen of 11). A…[Read more]
Stuart Harrison replied to the topic Infantry Assaulting Tanks in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 4 months ago
@Greg – you are correct for the damage results chart, the discussion is about the roll to damage, the step before you get to the damage results chart.
AndrewH replied to the topic Rules Question: Hitting squad behind hard cover. in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 4 months ago
I’ve played the simulation-based WWII rulesets before and you spend most of the time looking up results on tables and cross-referencing charts then, 5 minutes later you get a result. You’re right, it’s not a lot of fun because you spend most of your gaming time sitting there doing nothing (waiting for fire resolutions). I’ve been trying…[Read more]