George started the topic Recommendations for New Warlord ACW Epic products in the forum Black Powder 5 months ago
Hello Warlord designers,
I hope you read these posts as well as players.
As you develop Epic ACW figures here is what I would hope you will make. Please take notes.
1. U.S. Colored Troops – Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery. Facial features of “white” soldiers don’t match those of “black” soldiers. i.e. They don’t have zz top beards.
2. Sailors…[Read more]
George replied to the topic Black Powder Player Finder (North America) in the forum Black Powder 5 months ago
I’m in Fort Worth. We’re you at Millennium ConT?
George replied to the topic Civil War Sailors in the forum Black Powder 9 months ago
Thanks Nat, I’ll take a look.
George started the topic Civil War Sailors in the forum Black Powder 9 months ago
I’m looking to make American Civil War “landing parties”. I need to make 3 units of union sailors armed with swords and pistols. Can’t find a vendor. Does anyone know where those can be purchased or a suitable substitute that can be purchased?
George replied to the topic Glory Hallelujah Questions in the forum Black Powder a year ago
Hmm. So, I went to my copy of BP 1ed. That came out before GH. Again, artillery is not allowed to enter woods or rough ground. except along a road. How then would artillery enter light woods and at what speed?
I checked manhandling artillery thinking that it might give terrain exceptons. No, they still have to follow the same rules.
George replied to the topic Glory Hallelujah Questions in the forum Black Powder a year ago
Thank you Dr. Dave.
George started the topic Glory Hallelujah Questions in the forum Black Powder a year ago
It’s been a long time but I’m playing Black Powder again. This time with American Civil War miniatures. I got the supplement Glory Hallelujah (I’ll refer to it as “GH” here on out). It has left me with two questionable situations. Namely…
1. Is artillery canister range 6″ or 12″? There is a chart on page 55 of GH that shows canister at…[Read more]
George started the topic Finally! My Elixheim Game is in Play: Battle Report #1 in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
I got back into wargaming during the covid crisis in August 2020. I bought Black Powder rules and decided I would start with the first scenario in the back of the book on page 118. The Battle of Elixheim. It took me time to collect all the miniatures, paint them, make the battlefield, then find a space to play.
Last month the project…[Read more]
George started the topic Finally, My Elixheim Battle is Ready to Go! in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Here is a link to my blog where I have pics of my battlefield.
George started the topic Comparing Black Powder to Piquet: Field of Battle Rules in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
I wrote a post on my blog. Feel free to check it out and comment.
George started the topic New Blogpost: BP/LAK Playsheet for the WSS in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
In my latest blog post I put up a playsheet for 6mm miniatures using Black Powder/Last Argument of Kings rules and supplement for the War of Spanish Succession. Here is the link. I hope you’ll check it out.
George replied to the topic Units within 6 inches of a breaking unit in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
And I humbly and happily stand corrected, Garry. Thanks for pointing that out.
So, that means any unit that could lend support, wither it does or not has to make a break test should a that is in melee fail it’s break test. Yes.
George started the topic Heavy Cavalry Question in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
I see there are 2 kinds of heavy cavalry. There is one that gets a 1d3 modifier and another that gets just +1 modifier. Both these modifiers are applied the same way as I understand it, with the 1d3 modifier being better as it can become a +1, +2, or a +3. Yes?
The next question is where this modifier is applied. Is it to the “to hit”…[Read more]
George replied to the topic Units within 6 inches of a breaking unit in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Sorry, Garry, I have to respectfully call you on the reply above where you say a unit “supports the combat or not” within a 6″ circle.
Units that do not support a unit within 6″ do not make a break test. Only units that support a unit that breaks make the test. The rules are on page 70 for supports and page 78 for support break tests in BP2ed.…[Read more]
George replied to the topic Attacking 2 units in Hand-to-Hand Combat in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Thank you Mike and Arcole
George replied to the topic Attacking 2 units in Hand-to-Hand Combat in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Thank you, Mike. I found that sentence in the rules after you mentioned it.
Here is another question. What if the winner in combat is also shaken? I read nothing that it has to make a break test. Only the loser.
George started the topic Attacking 2 units in Hand-to-Hand Combat in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
First time this happened to me today. I had a single infantry battalion in line formation charge and make contact with an enemy cannon and an infantry battalion. It is exactly like the example on page 63 of the BP2Ed rules.
So, here is the part I couldn’t figure out. I know that when attacked by two units a defender may divide up their…[Read more]
George started the topic Pursuit (Sweeping Advance) Questions in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
I recently looked at another set of wargame rules that I’m comparing to Black Powder. What drew me to it was that it really creates the ambiguity of initiative in war that turn/phase based games don’t really capture. However, one of it’s drawbacks to me is its “pursuit” rules.
The game designer, a very nice man who always answers…[Read more]
George replied to the topic Markers for Black Powder in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
You are welcome VinUnleaded.
George started the topic Markers for Black Powder in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
I designed my own markers for Black Powder rules. They are on 3/4″ round labels that you can print and put on a larger, 1″ plastic counter that I found online and at teacher supply stores. They normally come in 4 colors (red, blue, green, and yellow) but other colors are available.
You can find them on my blog post…[Read more]
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