

  • “My opponent stated that my mounted German HQ could NOT have rifle carbines, as the officer slot in the Armies of Germany only state that I can have the models having: “pistols, rifles, assaults rifles, or SMGs”, specially – that I could equip the models with rifles but not carbines ”


    Wow, what a nonsense.  The Geman army standard rifle …[Read more]

  • @StuartHarrison …what is “considered as” if not “used as”? – its that they use the stats and rules… same thing as being used as.

    @Neely – as said, where in the weapon rules do carbines exist?

    In fact they are explicity the same entry!  If you look under weapons (again sorry cant give page number)

    “Type: this is a generic description that…[Read more]

  • Well, you are both wrong to an extent as it goes like this:

    1) Carbines as a seperate weapon dont exist in the rules…
    2) Rifles are used as pistols while mounted (see below… dont have the page numbers as my PC rulebook is a printed to pdf ebook)
    3) Cossacks have a special UNIT rule that allows them to use their rifles as rifles whilest…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Boarding in the forum Black Seas 1 year, 3 months ago

    As  skymandr said….Its a case of after the initial boarding action then there are no inherant bonuses (ships equipment like Trained Marines will still apply) however you can attempt to pull away, but basically the boarding action continues until one of:
    a) one ship falls below the threshold and surrenders
    b) one ship disengages and sails…[Read more]

  • TBH its still down as ‘April’, so going off other releases it’ll be next friday or the friday after (21st or 28th) that (delivery permitting) you’ll get it

  • Nat replied to the topic Boarding in the forum Black Seas 1 year, 3 months ago

    sorry not near my Hold Fast book atm

    However – where are you getting 3 activations limit from?

  • Nat replied to the topic Russian navy paints in the forum Black Seas 1 year, 3 months ago

    Any, but go with Green as the main alternative colour (instead of the Yellow for RN for example)?

  • have you looked at the fall of berlin stuff?

    think theres something in there about this


  • Nat replied to the topic Bulgarian Units in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 3 months ago

    The issue(s) is simple

    Warlord write rulebooks as framework not rulesets….they are the starting point for you and your club /gaming circle to start with – they are NOT written for pickup gaming between complete strangers :/  (yes a number of the authors have the mindset of once you’ve brought the book its your game change a you want)
    The Bolt…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Thoughts on Ranges in the forum Victory At Sea 1 year, 3 months ago

    Because (and this IS something I’ve said to the author should have been stated 🙁 ) the rules dont make it clear how they got the stats….

    Its the type of gun (not all 5″ guns are the same… ie 5″/54 or 5″/38)
    Type of mount
    Type of range finding and gun control
    Type & quality of ammunition

    This is why two ships that had the same guns (like the…[Read more]

  • Campaign: Western Desert

    The Rule is “Whenever a South African infantry or artillery unit receives hits from non-HE fire, place a pin marker as normal. If, however, no casualties are subsequently caused the pin is  automatically removed.”

    RAW – Preparatory bombardment is not stated to be HE… however Prep bombard says it Artillery, Rockets or…[Read more]

  • You do whatever you see fit.

    personally, I just switch inches to centimetres Works well and no maths involved whatsoever. All distances are the same, just the measurement type is changed.

    some like to use 2/3rds distances but that involves maths on everything and means that you have to rewrite, or recreate a QRS. A lot of work involved compared…[Read more]

  • Here’s a point file with WLPA (Warlord Points Adjusted) which is where we’ve fixed some of the biggest outliers in either being under or Over costed and standardised the cost of vairous upgrades – this eleminates the issue of having the same statline but different costs depending on the ship name within a class.  Plus putting in fixes where the…[Read more]

  • Are you on FB?  Gabbio (the author) is active in the Official Black Seas group so should be able to help you out with how to bring other ships in

  • no, but yes…..

    So by and large they are all 1 very big shot that will turn one poor fellow in mulsh… and as all are a heavy weapon have the chance of exceptional (and therefore one shotting) artillery.

    the but yes is an optional rule in the US DDay book that allows the Bazooka to use a 1″ HE against troops inside a building /bunker……[Read more]

  • If you head over to the Victory at sea wardroom facebook group then theres a couple of templates in the files section.  Theres also some on the Discord server

    Now some of the stats are a little fudged…. but basically heres some rough guidelines, if stuck ask on the Discord /Facebook group and theres a few of us who’ll be able to help you…[Read more]

  • Note – I’m not 100% sold on the Black Swann starting with Radar, Sub Hunter & being Agile….

    I’d need more data on what was installed… and the shape of the ships hull… however as a rough draft that seems about right and fits with the official ships whilest being different enough to warrant its own stat line.


  • Yes….Ask and you shall receive…. here is a rough (10 min pen and paper version)

    Commission 1939
    Type – Destroyer (Corvette)
    Hull – 3/1
    Speed – 4″
    Armour – 1+
    Weapons – Light Guns = Range 4/8/12/17, AD3, AP-2, DD1 – Traits weak, DP & 2 Dice Fore, 1 Dice Rear
    AA Battery -Range 0, AD0 Local 1
    Traits – Depth Charges, Radar, Sub Hunter &…[Read more]

  • warlords scale is bespoke… but apparently they work ok with/ against 15mm force

    If you google it you’ll see some comparision pictures of different sizes.

    As to official… well we’ve got the Prussians, but apart from that we’ve not heard or seen anything (doesnt mean a lot with Warlord as they do like to spring pre-orders of things with no…[Read more]

  • As Big Al has said elsewhere the rules do not exclude more than one charge response. So in this case  I would say that closing fire is allowed. The rider being that a unit can only give closing fire once per move (p.54).




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