invisible officer replied to the topic Light Machine Guns as part of an Infantry Section and Medium Machine Guns in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
The main problem is that the gamer has a composition option at all. So the math wizards are building unhistorical monster units.
In German army the LMG was the last weapon to drop. Every soldier was trained to serve it and most units collected more in battle. Not just the German ones but also British or Soviet. Esp. in the defensive fights of…[Read more]
SteveT replied to the topic team model weapons in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
Yes, it is a very open to interpretation when they do not provided a list of option. Taking it to silly extremes, you could model a Russian sniper team with captured Panzerfausts or Assault Rifles, which might win you games but no friend :p
Nat replied to the topic Napoleonic French 28mm plastic infantry in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 1 month ago
Not for infantry… to be honest I thought they were the company insignia for the turn backs on the tunics…. <shrugs>
Nat replied to the topic Dug In Rule in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
As the rules say – being dug in gives no intrinsic benefit to assaults, what you are talking about with sandbag walls is all ready covered by the core rules of obstacles soft /hard cover.
There is nothing stopping you putting the initial foxholes immediately behind a brick wall (hard cover obstacle).
Nat replied to the topic Dug In Rule in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
1st question is – which campaign book are you reading?
However my read of the Dig In rules from ‘Duel in the Sun’:
Where Scenarios allow it units can begin a game Dug in. Units deploy as normal but must be marked as locations can be re-occupied by other units later in game.
Use – Units count as being DOWN when shot at unless they have an AD…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Units in transport at setup in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
You have a truck + 3 teams = 4 dice in the bag for units waiting to be deployed.
When you pull a die to deploy you can choose what unit to deploy – until this point the unit is NOT in the truck, it is separate deployment… So yes, you can deploy a team into the truck when the truck is still waiting to be deployed….
You may see that you dont…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Units in transport at setup in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
Transport units are a unit and therefore ALL the normal deployment rules apply.
– So yes they can be deployed either on the table or in Reserve as you see fit.
-They provide an order die… the only die NOT placed in the bag for deploying are those that have forward deployment so they must be placed in the bag….when you say they cant do…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Australian general purpose truck in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
well….. this is where BA fall apart… its NOT a tight competitive system, but rather a framework (why multiple campaign books played against each other can break the system)…
So basically theres two approaches… one is its a friendly game, and if thats historical & you pay the points then use it! (this is what I would go with)
the other…[
Nat replied to the topic Napoleonic Bavarians in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 1 month ago
eg Rheinbund are moral 5 with rifle mixed in the unit entries
the Westphilian Cuirassiers lose 1 H2H & the Guard du Corp 2 H2H between the unit entries and the stat charts.
Nat replied to the topic Napoleonic Bavarians in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 1 month ago
Theres all sorts of miss-prints in that book between the army entries and the stat -charts at the end of the book… missing rules, missing /incorrect stats etc etc
The book is AT BEST a frame work starting point for you & your mates to work off…..
However historically Bavarian Cheveaux Leger were equipped the same as most other french…[Read more]
invisible officer replied to the topic Penetration in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 1 month ago
In real life there had been splinter rings to fix to the Panzerfaust head. So it could be used like an HE grenade too. The PIAT was even better for that role. With no backblast safe to use in rooms or trenches.
Big Al replied to the topic Advanced to contact ????? in the forum Hail Caesar 1 year, 2 months ago
They would count as charging because of the Sweeping Advance . As you have said, a unit cannot engage an enemy unless it has charged, but when contact is made, you split the combat up into smaller ones. A supporting unit counts as engaged, so will count as charging.
Big Al replied to the topic Advanced to contact ????? in the forum Hail Caesar 1 year, 2 months ago
I would say that the support would count as a victorious not. It may not have fought directly, but it still fought in that last combat.
As to the second question, I answered a similar question on the Facebook group, or rather, I reminded the players of the disorder test for the sweeping advance, when it was pointed out to me that it was not in…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Do intervening infantry give soft cover to armor? in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 2 months ago
I like the house rule of … if down then they’re not in the way as they are on the ground trying not to be hit
If they are in the way (model height + 1″ as per normal) and the roll to hit fails by 1 (ie soft cover mod) then that counts as a hit against the unit in the way :p -
Big Al replied to the topic Counting units in the forum Hail Caesar 1 year, 2 months ago
Well, ideally four or five divisions is what you need. But as I said, you are learning the rules and made the mistake has been learned. Next time you won’t count the skirmishers. I only said “it’s your game” because of that. I was not saying that you should do what you want because of that, only that it would not matter because of your learnin…[Read more]
Big Al replied to the topic Counting units in the forum Hail Caesar 1 year, 2 months ago
Not really. It is your game and you made the decision for both sides. I know you could argue that one side might have won if skirmishers hadn’t been counted, but the important thing is that you had fun and learned the rules.
next time you play, you’ll not count the skirmishers and probably find it would make little difference with small for…[Read more] -
invisible officer replied to the topic War wagons in the forum Hail Caesar 1 year, 2 months ago
The temple of Ramses III relief show the carts drawn by more than two oxen (= Slow) and with just one axle in mid of base (= unstable) They seem to be ordinary trasport, carrying the belongimgs and kids. So more like a modern camper, not an APC.
Instead of adding power to a force they would seperate the fighters into the “crews” of a few p…[Read more]
Big Al replied to the topic War wagons in the forum Hail Caesar 1 year, 2 months ago
Count them as ordinary infantry types (spears or archers) as if in square. This means that they ignore all break test results except “unit breaks.” A square is limited in the way it moves. Normally, it cannot advance, but can retire, but as this is a wagon, I would suggest that it moves slowly and cannot charge.
Nat replied to the topic What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3? in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 3 months ago
@lawrence well you’ve got a couple of issues…
1 – game balance, LMGs went up to RoF 4 in v2 because they werent in use
2 – time frame – the RoF is not actual but game balance slant on effectiveness
3- Role – just because something isnt a X weapon in the view of modern eyes doesnt mean it wasnt used in that role… examples would be the MG43 or…[Read more] -
Nat replied to the topic Is the Warlord Army Builder ready to be officially used for Bolt Action Tournams in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 3 months ago
Its still in beta, but aside from the fact that ALL types of soviet comissars disapeared last update is pretty much there.
Actually …. scrub that… cant use it today – no abilty to select a nation to create a list!
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