

  • Can I just ask where you get 8 attacks for the Attack Column? For that matter, why have the British got 9 attacks? If these are standard units, they only have 6 attacks, 8 if a large unit.

    Your example also shows why Useful Rules should be applied carefully and sparingly, not loading up and making units invincible.

    something else that you have…[Read more]

  • There is certainly a case that these units are given too many bonuses and special rules, however one thing I do is modify the close combat such that if an attack column charges into contact and fails to break their opponent, then they are forced into a disordered line formation, losing the +1 attack column bonus. This is a beefed up version of the…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic charge distance in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 11 months ago

    Yes it can. As the rules state, a charge order is just a mechanic to get a unit to move into contact. Without it a unit cannot make contact with an enemy unit.
    You can issue a Charge order from any distance, but what it means is that the unit must make full moves until it makes contact with an enemy. If it doesn’t contact an enemy, it does not m…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Top secret scenario in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 11 months ago

    Well…. one issue is which motorbike unit… (there are a couple of motorbike and sidecar units that go in the armoured car slot and have a higher DV)

    I would personally NOT classify them as infantry whilest mounted (including bicyle and cavalry units) because they have taken the transport upgrade option…. however I dont think theres any rules…[Read more]

  • °From what I can tell british line infantry could be used if I paint the shakos red. The prussian landwehr sprue for the landwehr, and the british ranked rifles as jagers. Ideally we’d have models with the distinctive red hats instead of shakos, but baring that is this a reasonable aproach”


    The shako was never red, only the forage cap- So yo…[Read more]

  • Historically the Jäger in war of Liberation are named Schützen.   For example the Schlesische Schützen Battalion. A Jäger unit.   So the term would be 100 % correct.


    There was a problem with producing enough Jägerbüchsen / Rifles so some used carbines or shortened muskets.

    The terms got used long time for same troops, so Fallschi…[Read more]

  • note on ‘legal’..

    Its down to the TO wether or not to allow units & equipment from campaign books, and even which ones – so if its not in the core rule book or ‘armies of…..’ then its always best to clarify with the TO

  • There are occassions where you can hit at extreme range with a torpedo….

    when you are in the ‘large shilloute’ of the target & the target is stationary or you are using a T4 torpedo (KM – only available on Uboats after 1944)

    You’ll also notice that trying to hit a fast moving destroyer is pretty much always impossible with torpedos (-1 for…[Read more]

  • screen shot from Gabrio on FB…

    THe National Museum of the Royal Navy has signed with Warlord games

  • Buildings – they give the extra protection rule which makes them safer as it effectviely negates +1 PEN – NOTE this rule states modified as useual so tells you the PEN modifiers are used.

    Medics – key point there’s a German DDay Theater List that gives MMGs +1 PEN against infantry… they’d still save those hits (well possibly :p)

  • <p style=”text-align: right;”>Basically, yes. Changing formation takes a full move, so your unit moves up to the terrain(1st move, then changes formation (2nd move) then enters the terrain (3rd move).</p>
    That is per the rules in the main rulebook.

  • Nat replied to the topic Spotter and Transports in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago

    Ok, one question is… Do you mean the Spotter, as in the artillery /mortar unit upgrade?  Or are you meaning the Forward Artillery Observer, the HQ unit?  – I mention this because I see a lot of people confusing the two game terms with real world terminology and therefore using spotter when talking about the FAO!

    If you mean the a…[Read more]

  • basically the timing is:
    you pull the order die and decide the gun is going to fire
    you pick what and how you are going to fire ie HE or AP, indirect or direct
    opponent decides to go down or not
    you measure range
    you roll the dice.* (including to see if hit by the FAOs artillery strike)

  • donlt play epic so cant help on those questions – but on the model road map…

    NOPE, its a cross your fingueres and hope,  theres one or two models that where seen last year (either during the open day or during last years 12 days of christmas) that still havent been released /put up for pre-order & then you get things like EPIC BP which wasnt…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Battle of Britain Starter in the forum Blood Red Skies 2 years ago

    The battle of britian starter box went out  of production a couple of years ago unfortunatly and was (Eventually) replaced with the Battle of Miday box, there was a direct ‘battle of britian bundel’ which is something different.

    But yeah this is one of those games that doesnt actually NEED a starter box to get started in with….all you need is…[Read more]

  • No I don’t think there is anything wrong with you. Epic clearly means more figures to the unit than normal, which does look good. But as others have pointed out the Epic battalions fill the same frontage as their 28 mm equivalents. Similarly the full scale buildings also cramp the space on the battlefield unrealistically. I have wargamed in 15mm…[Read more]

  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Infantry Forming Square in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago

    You are referring to the optional rule in Clash of Eagles, for units in line formation with the must form square rule. The command test is used to determine whether the unit forms square, a disordered square or none at all. As big Al said it is not in the rules per se. I don’t use it myself.



  • Big Al replied to the topic Infantry Forming Square in the forum Black Powder 2 years ago

    You have to be wary of podcasters making these statements. If it isn’t in the main rulebook, then it is either an alternative rule suggestion from one of the supplement books (including the rules that come with the Epic set) or it is a house rule that they are passing off as an actual rule.

    it is certainly not in the main BP2 rulebook.

  • gah this is ww2 german equipment we’re talking about here… if theres not 4 different vehicles all doing the same thing is it even historical


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