Nat replied to the topic Confusion regarding Torpedoes, and the Devastating rule in the forum Victory At Sea 2 years, 6 months ago
Hi Peter,
Its the devastating weapon trait (cant give you the page ref as in work….but its pg 12 in the Battle of the Pacific booklet which has the same wording) basically it goes – instead of causing 1 point of damage if you equal or pass the targets armour you do D6 damage…
Theres is debate if a natural 1 does 1 damage or 0 as its still…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Homebrew/Houserules: Thoughts on adding these to partisans? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 6 months ago
The partisan list was written as the French Resistance… and it shows…
re bicycles – seems logical to me…
motorboats – sealion is a campaign book written after the armies of… plus how often is the bronekater used in Soviet lists, you are at the mercy of the board if you can use them – so scenario only transport I’d say….As to the…[Read more]
SteveT replied to the topic Feedback for this "Operation Downfall" Japanese list (no spearmen)? in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 6 months ago
Given your plan of holding the line and blasting with the heavy stuff, I would suggest the trucks are not needed. And since you have gone for 2 platoons, why not make use of that and buy a 2nd mortar to really add to your plan?
Nat replied to the topic Some Academy of Street Fighting/Skirmish questions. in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 7 months ago
1) Rules which work on a unit level are ignored as the game works on the individuals level not squad… (so yes Green is ignored)
2) see 1
3 ) see 1
4 + 5) in comon use English IE & EG are interchanageable, basically used as the same thing – heres a non-exahustive list of examples
6) As Warlord is the only officer option…. well Warlord…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Card Sleeve Sizes in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 7 months ago
two different sizes… try looking at FFGs
off top of my head (I’m at work… game isnt :p) the small cards look to be about the size of mini US & the large ones standard Euro…
However if you have the cards and a tape meassure then you should be able to find an online shop that stocks sleeve kings or similar who do pleanty of sizes.. If not &…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Thoughts after a few games in the forum Victory At Sea 2 years, 7 months ago
@legere TBH all you need is a token to go on the table to tell you if the ship has a critical effect…. then laminate the ship card are write the effects on there.
Nat replied to the topic Judge Dredd Minatures Game in the forum 2000 AD 2 years, 7 months ago
Aren’t armoury cards are both discard on use (unless the model has a rule to keep it – like judges do with lawgivers) and retain like resporators
Nat started the topic Judge Dredd – cool, injury & Star chips in the forum 2000 AD 2 years, 7 months ago
In judge Dredd, if a models cool goes below 4 due to injury/stun markers do they still add a star chip in to the bag? Or just a normal action chip?
Nat started the topic Judge Dredd – how to subdue him? in the forum 2000 AD 2 years, 7 months ago
Erm…ok I’m puzzled here…must be missing something basic..
Pg 11 stats include cool
Pg 23 – injury and stun – lower all of the target models stats
Pg 23 – incapacitated and subdued – when cool gets to 0 model is out of action
Pg 62/77/79 etc – fortitude – basically ignore the stat loss from 1 injury or stun marker
Pg 75 & 89 -…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Ot133 flamethrower tank in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 7 months ago
The OT130 rules are in Ostfront …. as Soviet only…..
However the FAQ/Errata does allow you to add it (any captured tank to any force) for no other points cost but gaining the unreliable rule (same as Finish T34s) and recommended that its kept at inexpeiranced (but for Fins I’d say inexperienced or regular is fine)
Its basically a T26 with a…[Read more]
SteveT replied to the topic Air strikes – target moves in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 7 months ago
Thank you Stuart.
SteveT started the topic Air strikes – target moves in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 7 months ago
I thought I had Air Strikes sorted until this happened..
The original target moved.
The wording in the book allows for 2 readings: (1) the airstrike is on the target regardless of where it is at time of strike., or (2) it targets the area where it was at time of designation of strike (or later when moved due to delay)
If (2) it makes it hard to…[Read more]
invisible officer replied to the topic Missing boat models in the forum Cruel Seas 2 years, 7 months ago
I’m not surprised that Walord starts another range and then…… Being one of the crazy that likes scratch building I’m less affected than many others. I had hoped for an exension to W I. In fact most of my hobby budget of last year went into “hardware”, antique stuff up to 1918. Like the cap of a sailor from SMS Emden.
Cruel sea is not the…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Missing boat models in the forum Cruel Seas 2 years, 7 months ago
The last question has been answered by Skytrex when they took over the rage last month…. there are currently no plans to expand that range…
Why distribute rules with no models /plans for making the models – well a lot of historical games use multiple manufactors, plus you get the intrest of the company management but then not the sales to…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic First Impressions in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 7 months ago
my view is that (as I’ve said else where) CA is a few ideas short of completion :p
but BRS v ground targets – see how many hex’s defending aircraft are away… thats how many turns go by before they turn up…half the turns (or turn 4 if not on the board) to turn up disadvantaged?
VaS idea… transports are free but you get a % of the BA points…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Scenario Questions and Ideas in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 7 months ago
I would go with the attacking force choosing the game…
IE if air units attack then its BRS (either airstrike or sqn v sqn)
if sea unit then its VaS or CS…For VaS v transports I would see how many transports / proxies for them I have and then allocate BA army points to each transport with 10-20% allocated to convoy protection
ie a 1K BA…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic First Impressions in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 8 months ago
well… its official…. you only get 1 blue card …
so yeah if you want to play VaS or CS in your campaign your iniative card deck gets bigger :
& either VaS or CS was a later addition and someone forgot to alter the number of cards in the rulebook on the number of iniative cards you get …. -
Nat replied to the topic Line ahead, formations and orders – am I missing something? in the forum Victory At Sea 2 years, 8 months ago
Its an optional rule for large games… I’ll just add that if you put them line astern unless both ships are destroyers you can be touching base and be over 4″ away!!! … so you’ll find a house rule is if ships are touching base then they are at point blank range / in proximity irrespective of actual measurement.
ps if you look in the ‘news…[Read more]
SteveT replied to the topic Indirect Fire – "Ranging In" in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 8 months ago
Right, pin markers have no effect on To Hit modifiers for indirect fire.
In the INDIRECT FIRE section of the rulebook.
“When firing HE shells using indirect fire, a 6 is required to hit, regardless of any modifier.” Then 5+, 4+ or until you get a hit and are then “ranged in”.
Other than that, as you said, they do affect order tests.
Nat replied to the topic First Impressions in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 8 months ago
When you flip the token over to be concealled you take the plastic model off… you auto generate a scout (blank) token so your army will be in one of two places at the end of the move.
Totally agree with the 80% written, I feel its missed the mark on the campagin side as if you have more than 2 players (so pretty much every gaming group /club!)…[Read more]
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