

  • Lovely Husaria.   Superbly done.


    One of the best looking cavalry in history.   Fortunately for the neighbours their fame is bigger than the true effect had been. Too few and not ever the super men …. .

    Just a small part of Polish army.

    At Vienna they charged post the battle was won by the today ignored Western horse and foot. And in the…[Read more]

  • well the thing is when you get to ‘needing more than a 6’ to hit any extra modifiers are pointless…. as its still 6 followed by 6 to hit…. the only thing that the extra negative modifers do is counter any positive mods.

    pg 53

  • Appoligies, just seen this….

    But do check out the BRS FAQ (found going to the webstore, then the community site – resources) as the Mosquito has been errated to have 2 trait cards.

    However you do have the right of it…. A squadron will have a single Positive or Negative trait that is (for the want of a better way of saying it) allways on. …[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Forward observer Naval in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 12 months ago

    two things on easy army..

    1) Its one guy who isnt employed by warlord… he does it off his own back, and although warlord do (currently) promote it they don’t control it (they are in progress with creating an official one app that has list builders for all their games….not sure where its at currently, last I saw it was in an early beta with…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Forward observer Naval in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    Well…. both!

    Campaign book stats are really only supposed to be used in scenarios from that book… most do have the ability to be taken in generic platoons and used for pickup gaming.  Due to the perceved power level of the naval observer I’d double check that there are no differences in the rules on the model & if its a new author doing a…[Read more]

  • The other thing to remember is that despite there being no figure scale, in reality a standard infantry unit clearly represents more men than a standard cavalry unit, which must be so given the same frontage for both. I could bore you with my own conversions, but this effect is very dramatic, and explains why dismounted cavalry become skirmishers…[Read more]

  • It might be to represent a smaller unit when dismounted. You know, horse holders will mean a small unit when dismounted while the extra stand when mounted makes it a standard unit. If so, it is just aesthetic because there isn’t any rule for having horse holders.

  • No, you hadn’t misinterpreted it. You were right the first time. Free moves only apply if an order is failed. That is the reason why it says “Even”. Admittedly, the wording could be different, but that issue was clarified by the author on the old Yahoo Group forum.

  • Hello Mick

    Glad you are sticking with it. On movement of columns you are being too selective in your examples if you look at all dice throws the march column will move 2 moves per turn including the free move vs 1.4 moves per turn with a Staff rating of 8, so it does depend on the size of the table, I use 15mm figures and cms instead of inches,…[Read more]

  • Yes, right now you can’t see why you would bring a unit on in March Column, but as I said earlier, the other advantage to being in Column is that the unit gets a free move if the order you roll for fails. On paper, it isn’t going to fail with the +1 modifier (I prefer to call it a -1 to the roll result), but in the heat of battle, the die rol…[Read more]

  • Regarding movement, I don’t think that you can compare the troops and their training to the modern day practices that you experienced. A standard unit is not a small squad but consists of something like 500 to 750 men. Getting them to move more quickly and all in step would be difficult. Then there is also the fitness. You guys were kept fit w…[Read more]

  • The command test fundamental determines how far units move. So a unit in line with a Staff rating of 7 will move an average of one 12″ move per turn, in march column the staff rating goes up to 9 (ie. plus 2 for march column on a road) and on average the unit will move an average of 1.8 moves a turn. Your example doesn’t work because you started…[Read more]

  • In the ACW supplement the author removed the benefits of attack column, as being not appropriate to the ACW, which seems fair, so march column and line are the way to go as explained by big Al.

    I find the points system useful in designing historical scenarios. Unfortunately a lot of people in the historical hobby see points systems as an easy…[Read more]

  • Hi there

    To answer your first question, the rules were written to be used for scenario games. Points are not necessary and were not intended. However, there was a basic points system in the original book. It was very basic and there were no army lists. The author of Glory Hallelujah has provided some pointed armies for those who want to use them…[Read more]

  • Lovely transformation, well done.

  • BA MA  has an origial document about the forming:


    Volkssturm-Bataillon 3/115 // Volkssturm-Bataillon Siemensstadt alias Volkssturm-Bataillon Krull


    Berlin, Kreis Charlottenburg-Spandau (Siemensstadt)


    Oktober 1944

    CO  Erich Krull

    Adjudant: Dr. Gustav Adolf Pourroy

    Stabskompanie: Gebhard

    1. Kompanie: Schneehage

    2. Kompanie: Dr…[Read more]

  • Well, there are some more MFP sunk by torpedoes. Like F 541 by british submarine   .   Others got badly  damaged like F 334 by Soviet MTB.

    Even the Räumboote had not been immune.  Example : 16. April 44  R 15 was lost at Kap Salvore due to torpedo hit. Just 5 survivors.


    Or S 27, self sunk by S 72 Torpedo  and     S 33 by Allied torpedo .…[Read more]

  • One should not forget that a lot of the effect of cavalry was moral, not physically.  A horse is not happy to run into a horde of humans to run them over.


    We have movies from pre WW I times of attacking horse in manoevres and others from police trying to charge into rioteers.   If the foot men fail to run the horsemen will often have a pr…[Read more]

  • Well, hmmm.

    Source Kriegstagebuch 2. Landungsflottille  about sinking of F420, under Oberbootsmann GEIGER.

    22.09.1943Leutnant zur See SCHLIEPHACKE with F420, F360, F587, F616  with F450 and F749 of r 4. Landungsflottille on way from Bastia to Piombino.

    At  18.02  a periscope was seen  18.25 four torpedoes from starboard. One hit F 420 at the…[Read more]

  • In 1995 Berlin museums made a series of 50 years wars end exhibitions.  Being a professional historian I was one of the Kuratoren.  We did a lot of oral history interviews.


    Among my “victims” was a guy that served as Hitlerjunge with the Siemens unit.  His father was one of the old Siemens workers and fortunately both survived the fights. My…[Read more]

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