

  • A wash is just a thinned out pigment (can be purpose bought or DIY) . Also known as an ink in some corners. These are brushed on generously so that the pigment settles into the crevices to form a natural shading.

    Your best bet is to search on YouTube  “Painting 28mm xyz” as there will be 999 people talking about painting very precise troop types…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Vehicle Questions in the forum Bolt Action 1 month ago

    So…. No V3 is a reset to stop the 101 books per army syndrome.

    You’ll get the rulebook which will include a get you by list for the major nations (minor ones getting a free PDF on release).  Then you’ll get an ‘armies of…..’ book released with Germany being first in line q1 next year.


    These armies of… Books will bring all the units…[Read more]

  • Yubari had official stats… Found in the rulebook

    She is just a big destroyer… And costed as such

  • SteveT replied to the topic Vehicle Questions in the forum Bolt Action 1 month ago

    Hey LT Russell,

    I know what you mean about this new-fangled thing they call electricity. More trouble than it’s worth sometimes!

    (A) The missing monster truck. Part of the explanation, I  think, is that we have to be real here and consider Warlord as first and foremost a model figure business, so they naturally (and quite rightly) tend to…[Read more]

  • I think the best constrictive criticism will come from  yourself and your opponent after Game 1.

    Personally, I might have avoided the medic, but I know you are going for theme, and it does at least give +1 order die and you do have an infantry heavy selection so maybe ok. And as mentioned earlier I  would have gone Heavy mortar over Medium (if a…[Read more]

  • Yeah , why not. If you also have the option of the Heavy variant of mortar, I’d be tempted. They are really nasty for slamming into enemy held objectives, buildings,   suppressing tanks, and rendering AT guns ineffective. I stopped bringing my German Flak 88s to most of our games as a cheap enemy mortar can easily shut it down.

    You might even be…[Read more]

  • I would avoid getting into close combat if you can with what you have there, as so many other troop types are better at it (Japanese, German SS , any engineers, or Veteran infantry of any kind, huge units  of inferior troops ).  You can really play to the strengths of that special rifle ability.  Having been on the receiving end of that re…[Read more]

  • If you are going to be facing historically accurate opponents, then as someone who plays a lot of  German vs US, I would say the German tanks/AT guns won’t care much either way that you have 8 or 9 armour. I know the Chaffe would be more annoying for me to face. Tanks only gets a few good shots per game and you can deny them their best…[Read more]

  • I know you are coming at this having just 1 box, so it poses a unique challenge

    (On the 2 platoon thing being cheating or not: As it’s all point based, it’s all good. Unless you are in some tournament or scenario that specially says 1 platoon max per player. I know when we started it was a way for us to use our then limited pool of figures.)

    I…[Read more]

  • 1st Lt vs 2nd Lt.  In my experience, those higher ranked leaders are hard to justify within smaller armies. I think they are better used by experienced players who can better see where a critical rush is called for.  If I were you, I’d stick to 2nd Lt at the moment.  And the 2nd LT does not give you any extra command radius either.

    The other th…[Read more]

  • Ah, yes it does say you US  can use up to 3 in a little additonal note.  That will be interesting come Version 3 where they might tweak MGs, so hold on to your steel hat…

    I would try to squeeze in a bazooka if  possible, especially if there are in the box, and if only for the extra order die too. Certainly way higher priority than the medic.  T…[Read more]

  • Oe thing: are you sure that platoon has 0-3 MGs allowed? (not that it matters as you going for 1 anyway). My US Army Book and the Warlord Army Builder App both show 0-1 ?

    I guess you are limited to the Perry box, for now,  but flamethrowers /bazookas might be a good additional purchase, then at least you get anti-tank capability. At the moment,…[Read more]

  • I think the added BARs is way better than the Medic. Good move.

    I don’t play the US but often against them as those BARs hurt.


  • Random thoughts:

    Personally, I would avoid the Leader + 1 assistant, as the moment you take 1 loss it triggers the “now make a morale check for taking 50% losses”. I would go 2 assistants.

    Is an upgrade to Veteran for your sniper available? I say that as it often comes down to sniper duels.

    MMGs are not that great in BA in some ways (you will…[Read more]

  • The displacement tonnes amounts vary between sources and if it’s patrol loaded, max loaded or testing.

    But the / 500 and round works for all ships


    Between v1 (mongoose) and v2 (warlord) a couple of different stats were amalgamated or removed…

    So hull is literally the displacement that the ship made.

  • SteveT replied to the topic Handschar squad in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    Perhaps you saw it mentioned here on the website?

    Article here about making them:

  • SteveT replied to the topic Vehicle Questions in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    Yeah , what Nat said. Any of these points issues may become moot soon-ish.

    For now,   get the Army Builder app as the seem to update it with the latest points costs and options.

    On the question of “why vehicle X” is not included: as WW2 had hundreds of different ones, I suppose they had to draw the line somewhere!

    Also I think the designers…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Vehicle Questions in the forum Bolt Action 1 month, 1 week ago

    Well…V3 rulebook is being released in September and a new armies of Germany is being released early next year.  This will include most units from campaign books as well


    So hopefully these lack of consistencies are addressed

  • Nat replied to the topic Acthung Panzer in the forum General Discussion 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Not stated…. but the engine deck is in the top back of the hull so I’d place a hull damage token

  • There’s an updated community points chart, but apart from that nope this thread is pretty much update.

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