

  • All of these questions are in the offical FAQ (i’ll post a link in a min)

    Kamikazes dont apply modifiers as per the FAQ… all flights hit on the flights chart EXCEPT FOR WHEN ATTACKING SUBS (for some STUPID reason!)

    DP fires when the ship fires NOT when the AA batteries defensive fire at the start of the gunnery phase.

    If you look in the ‘news…[Read more]

  • Keep ’em coming!

  • Nat replied to the topic ACW Whipped units in the forum Black Powder 2 years, 12 months ago

    (Disclaimer – I dont have Epic ACW rules)

    If the Whipped unit always tests at all damage taken then yeah its 2D6-3 Vthe chart.  As you dont roll on the chart until you have reached your stamina level a reduced stamina means that your opponent has to do less shooting to cause it to take that first check.

    The rule set isnt a tightly written one…[Read more]

  • In addition to Nat’s explanation, a unit can be ‘whipped’ by shooting without being shaken if it has the ‘wavering’ special rule. However this is the only case I can think of as ‘whipped’ units can’t be rallied.


  • Nat replied to the topic ACW Whipped units in the forum Black Powder 2 years, 12 months ago

    Brigade Moral,  if you lose more than 50% of a brigade its broken and retires from the battle.  So if you have 3 units in your brigade and 1 is whipped, If/when one of the other 2 units os destroyed then you only have 1 unit left, which is less than the 50% threshold so the brigade retires (runs away)

    A units stamina is how much punishment it c…[Read more]

  • Sounds good to me. The unreliable rule allows the exception.

  • Yes, Garry, that is correct. It only gets the benefits of skirmishers when shot at to the front.

  • Sorry but I have to disagree, the rules  specifically say that the -1 to hit as a skirmish target is applied. Nowhere in the rules does it say the mixed formations are treated as skirmish targets ‘in all respects’. If it was intended that the morale save did not apply we would hope that Rick would have said so. Obviously people can play this…[Read more]

  • The brigade order is rolled against the commander’s Staff rating, the result is then modified by any factors that might affect it. For example, if one member of the brigade is beyond the first 12 inches of the commander a -1 modifier is applied and so on.

    the rule for brigade orders is that all units included in the order must be within 6 i…[Read more]

  • That is a great question. I think the brigade order rules must apply so that one other unit would have to move half a move to keep the brigade integrity.

    Personally I play in 15mm and use a 12cm brigade integrity distance to allow more realistic deployments, so it would be less of an issue, but in the past I have just left  the unreliable units…[Read more]

  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Redoubt’s and fleches in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago

    I tend to consider them as linear obstacles and assume that the units are in line or skirmish. I think columns are inappropriate. Alternatively you could consider them as buildings in which case formation is not important. However I think to make them buildings is to make them unrealistically strong. Just my opinion though.

  • The forum is a “bit”  empty in the moment.  Any forum lives from the members, so you should post.

    Why not showing your ships?    Or tell us about your plans.


    My ship buliding is down in the moment, the international wood prices got crazy high.


    And a lot of hardware got in the way. Includig a genuine SMS Emden I Sailors cap.   I resarc…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Japanese starting set in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    yes light mortars are worth it in a japanese army… they can split fire (pick a different target from the rest of the unit) + give smoke.

    the Tank I build with a medium AT gun… however depends on how much armour you face in your local group as to what will do you best…

    two additions… hmm.. I added a sniper / flamethrower blisters and the…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic German 37mm flak-zwilling in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago is a good list builder…not 100% accurate but it is one person looking after it when he gets the individual books…

    I think that theres only a few obsucure units that arent in the generic reinforced platoon…..not being a german player I cant say yes or no for you question.

  • I don’t play that period but the thing that pops out to me is the artillery. My understanding is that the artillery can’t be moved once unlimbered, but needs an order to change front, so you may need them in separate brigades with a specific commander. Odd number of units per brigade is pretty conventional. Have you looked at historical  OOBs?…[Read more]

  • Garry Wills replied to the topic Streams in Combat in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago

    The 6 inch movement penalty is significant and might add to the fire the attackers receive. If the stream is a significant obstacle, I would give the defenders the ‘stubborn’ rule while defending the stream. I use this approach to give uphill units an advantage.

  • Being locked in a dogfight doesnt prevent you from attacking a ship 😮  Think of it as the bomber /dive bomber on its attack run and the defending fighters swoop in on its tail… the gunners on the ship cant target the attcker because they might hit their own guys behind but the guy behind wont get close enough to shoot the bomber down before it…[Read more]

  • Hi Finn,

    flights cant escort ships….infact it’s the worst thing to do to engage flights that are touching your ships as then your aa can’t target them, so you have no chance of destroying them before they attack your ships. (Dogfights happen at the end of the gunnery phase)

    the AA batteries (but not light guns firing DP) have a ‘fire step’…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Artillery being charged. in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago

    If you think your Napoleonic Artillery is going to end up in combat then Spanish is the way to go… they get to hold and not just break :p


  • Big Al replied to the topic Artillery being charged. in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago

    Mike, I always wondered why the break test for Closing Fire used the Hand to Hand result, especially as the test, if taken at all, happens before any close combat had occurred. However, this has always been the case, even in the original rulebook. You just don’t charge artillery head on with cavalry because they’ll never make it. Skirmishers are…[Read more]

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