

  • Nat changed their profile picture 3 years, 6 months ago

  • Nat replied to the topic Regimental Artillery in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 6 months ago

    Depends what you mean by Regimental Artillery?  The Clash of Eagles Napoleonic entries are for Battalion guns:

    full is 3/2/1 – stam 2, half is 1/1/1 stam 1
    Range 24″
    Battery size – same as any artillery, so how your local club plays it (normally from what I’ve seen is 1 for half or 2 for full).
    Moves the same as Infantry without needing to be…[Read more]

  • Well said, Mike.

  • Actually, George, Garry is correct. A unit that is within 6 inches of a unit that breaks from combat must take a break test, regardless of whether it was used as support or not. See page 78 of BP2 paragraph at the bottom of the first column.

  • Late to this, yet again!😁

    I agree with Garry’s interpretation. Depending on how the square is formed, the artillery will be protected by the square.

    However, you say that there was another unit of dragoons. Depending on the position of that unit, if it starts the turn within the flank quarter of the artillery, it could still charge the a…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Rule Queries in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 6 months ago

    Late to this, but I think most of it has been answered.

    Closing Fire break tests always uses the Hand to Hand results.


    Skirmishers don’t have a frontage, or rather, count their front as 360 degrees, so will attempt to Form Square. I suppose that they could evade if they were close enough to terrain that the cavalry could not enter. I would a…[Read more]

  • No to both questions.

    Firstly, closing fire only involves units that are contacted by the charging unit. There is no corner to corner contact in the game, so Unit B is only supporting.

    Traversing fire only occurs if and when the enemy unit moves across at least half of your unit’s frontage, while within 12 inches of your unit. In the example y…[Read more]

  • Sorry Eumerin, but that is just partly true. As you wrote, “some”.  Water is not absorbing the full energy of a near miss. In part it transports it.  The KTB of German vessels in Channel are full of near misses by small bombs and reports that they did a lot of damage.  Cracks in hull, damaged screws and rudder.    Like the DC that can destr…[Read more]

  • Well, the Tallboy did not blow up the Bunker but the concussion did a lot of damage inside.  Damaging the repair facilties like the cranes inside fixed to the roof. The KM KTB tells a lot about that.  But no boat was destroyed, the bunkers had been a good investment.


    Similar to WW I, the German 42 cm Dicke Bertha grenade missed the fortress w…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Attacking buildings in the forum Cruel Seas 3 years, 6 months ago

    IIRC RAF dropped tallboy and grand slam bombs on a U-Boat pen in france… the U-Boat Pen is still there, the bombs that hit didnt penatrate it.

  • Well, the S-Boot  or U-Boot Bunker will not be harmed by anything a Naval vessel could throw on it. Only the biggest blockbuster boms yould damage them. And against torpedoes there had been defences too. No wonder that there was no successfull ship attack on the big bunkers. Destroying German WW II bunkers was hard work. Blowing up mostly failed.…[Read more]

  • Hi Nigel,

    I play with fully rigged sailing ships in 1/1200 and 1/300. Even with standing and running rig they are very durable. The simpler rigging done by most on the Black sea models will stand to all ordinary forms of game use.

    OK, if you throw them at the wall……..  😉

  • If on FB or discord drop them a DM with your email address as I’ve had mine end up in their spam system before….

    I generally leave it 2 days if I’ve not had an auto response (its happened twice) I contact one of the team via FB and they look into where the emails gone.

  • You’ve hit on 2 subjects which come up a fair bit over on the wardroom facebook group, and Warlord have (unfortunatly in my opionion) ‘doubled down’ on by not acknowleging the issue(s) and saying they’re all fine in the FAQ:

    Points – dispite the comment on page 129 saying its balanced for pickup games, they are only any good as a rough guide……[Read more]

  • Yes,

    Against tough or very tough flights all the hits need to come from the same weapon system (so 1 ship basically) at the same time – so calling tough 2 HP is a bit wrong, its more that tough counts the first hit as a miss.
    However dont forget that DP only fires when the ship fires in the gunnery phase not in the defensive fire step when the AA…[Read more]

  • oh one thing I didnt notice before, you said DD re-rolled…
    Just to make sure – its the 1 AD thats re-rolled, all flights (except the JU88 torpedo bomber* & the IJN Emily bomber* and some flights in the scenarios) have a single AD which – like a torpedo or Battleships main gun has multiple DD.

    eg the B17 level bomber rolls 1 AD hitting on a 5+,…[Read more]

  • Yes, its an attack so is re-rolled.  The only time this wouldnt happen is if the attacker is a kamikaze or has the twin linked rule, then (as per the FAQ) you may decide that both the re-rolls cancel each other out.

  • SteveT replied to the topic Finnish special rule in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, wounded (well, killed, removed) only on a 5+ after being hit (5 being the “penetration number” needed). But bear in mind some weapons have bonuses to penetration rolls.



  • Nobody really knows what Warlord will publish or when. They do things their way and don’t say anything until preorder time.

    They showed us the mock ups for a Crusades supplement for Hail Caesar at Salute back in 2012 and it still hasn’t materialised! The ACW one was displayed at the same time and wasn’t released for another 6 years or so!

  • Yes that is correct.

    This was not a popular rule and a suggestion was made in Albion Triumphant to reduce the effect, somewhat. That suggestion was that the first unit would suffer the closing fire but not contact the line and would support the second unit, which would be the one that contacted the line and fought.

    However, V2 of the Rules has…[Read more]

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