

  • Figures per base are only important in terms of if they look right. The key thing is that the frontage of the units are the same at each unit size.

  • BP 2 and GH were both written before Epic existed.  BP2 does give the principles for base sizes, the frontages are what matters and so the standard units for cavalry and skirmishers will be the same as for the close order infantry. See p.16 of BP2, 200-250mm standard and 120-150mm small, you can change these up or down depending on how many epic…[Read more]

  • As long as your email address on your eBay account matches the one on the Warlord games website you will receive Warlord Medals points.

    When medals was launched all past customers where rewarded with a bonus.

  • Nat replied to the topic Torpedo Rules in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 8 months ago

    The biggest impact of the tarento raid wasnt the material damage but rather the psychological effects.  At Pearl Harbour the psychological effects had the opposite effect and instead of making the US fearful of the Japanese it made them angry / venganceful

  • The attack on Tarento was far away from completely successfull.   Six Battleships in harbor, only  three hit. Two back in service in 4 and 6 months.   Two = a third of the Italian battleships ready for action,   are not affected.

    They tried bombing the oil depot too and failed totally.


    Well, with a, attack on Toronto they might have…[Read more]

  • Hi Jaesen,

    If you look in the thread ‘news from the wardroom’ I’ve put a cheat sheet that covers most things about the game.

    But to answer your question Subs that are undetected & running deep can go ‘hidden’ (my term) and be removed off the board.  When a sub is deployed /gone hidden the subs owner notes which 12″ square its in – it cant leave…[Read more]

  • Warlord dont make mats, they get them from another company (name escapes me at the moment)

  • The dishonesty is not related to GH but to the assertion by modern rules writers that scales are not important, when they are actually intrinsic to game design.  As I said I wasn’t criticising you in particular, GH is probably my favourite supplement, it got me playing ACW.  I think that Jim has shown that what we take for granted in historical g…[Read more]

  • Since I started Napoleonic wargaming in the 1970’s I have always enjoyed the process of scenario creation and it has therefore been straightforward to adapt BP to historical scenarios. However I must say I find the ‘modern’ fad for rejecting scales as being too ’70’s’ a dishonest approach to rule writing. BP is no different to other ‘modern’ sets…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Questions of rules in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago

    Sorry, that is what I meant by the first sentence of my reply. Yes, the commander’s turn is over as soon as he has failed a command roll.

    Again, this can be dependent upon which version of the  Rules for Commanders you are using. The ones presented in the BP2 rulebook allow a General’s reroll if the failing Commander is within a prescribed dist…[Read more]

  • The issue is that most of warlord games are what I call ‘frame work’ systems not ‘RAW’ systems.

    What I mean by that is they are a frame work for clubs and groups to build upon/tweek to fit existing models or terrain or experience from other systems compared to say GW or Privateer Press’ RAW systems which tell you everything from unit base size to…[Read more]

  • As usual the scratch built Model is made from balsa, cardboard and metal foil, some wire and a lot of glue.


    A pity that Warlord is not doing new model types in the moment.  Add snail speed UPS and ….

  • The first came to the front 1942, T 22.  The type was built until end of war, the last getting  ready was T 36.   In Biscaya and Channel they became the main type, often encountered by the British MTB and other small attack craft.  Often successfully fighting Destroyers and Cruisers, the cruiser HMS Charybdis being sunk by torpedoes.

    In Bisc…[Read more]

  • Following the Torpedoboot 1935 and 1937 classes Kriegsmarine changed the tactical design to a Flottentorpedoboot. No longer a Super S-Boot for hit and run but a larger vessel that could operate with the fleet and serve in attack and escort.

    Speed was just 31 knots, not 33 as designed. Even at that the range was just 765 sea miles, at economic…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Questions of rules in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago

    1) Yes it is, really.

    Right, it all depends on which command rules you are using. The ones in the “Commanders” chapter do not allow any other orders to be given. However, if you read further into the chapter, it tells you that you can use the old rules from The first Black Powder Rules. In those, which most people have played for years, the Arm…[Read more]

  • To be fair, the core rules don’t use figure scales and only have implied ground scales. Many of the supplements use this flexibility to change the size of standard units from battalions to companies etc. GH is one of the best supplements so don’t be put off. Anyway using your unit sizes and the brigade compositions in the scenario will enable you…[Read more]

  • Range. It is the different ranges that make the difference.

  • the game isnt ganular enough for that level.  so 3-4 guns is a half battery, 6-8 a standard and 12+ is a large (russian) one.  With the guns being classified as battalion, light /Horse, foot, and heavy/siege.

    Dont forget if you look in the Napoleonic supplements and the rulebook you’ll notice some units change which type of guns they have … a…[Read more]

  • You compare training results with real life ones.   In reality the British Aerial torpedo had no bigger chance than other nations. These had own systems, mostly optical ones.

    In the many attacks by British torpedo planes against the Kriegsmarine in Channel and Biskaya the hitting rate was not impressive. Similar  to Luftwaffe pilots most got ne…[Read more]

  • Big Al replied to the topic Questions of rules in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago

    Sorry, Mike, but as I said in my response, if a unit is fighting to its flank, it cannot be supported. So, the Combat Resolution will not add +1 for each supporting unit – page 70 Units unable to be supported – Units fighting to its side or rear.

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