

  • Nat replied to the topic Great War in BRS? in the forum Blood Red Skies 3 years, 5 months ago

    … hmm lets spitball some ideas (with 0 prior thought on the subject!)for modern aircraft in BRS – speed is in 100s not 50s


    Jet 3 – 1970s + jets… additional rule, “after burners”…aircraft may add +2 to both min & max movement


    Missile card – each aircraft can have so many missile cards depending on type (ie harrier can allow you to…[Read more]

  • If page 137 is not clear nothing will.


    All you have to know for that scenario is there.  On top right the types allowed and below why there is no light, medium and heavy.   100 % clear for anybody willing and able to read more than a single sentence. Absolutely nothing interpretable.

    Only if you bring other page / books  info into the dic…[Read more]

  • It landed here too… (UK).  A nice tome it is to


  • Nat replied to the topic Q about FAQ in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    @steeljackal – well put guv!

  • The French flags of 70/71 are mostly like in Crimean war.

    The drapeau /  flag for the other battalions was similar

    But it was a war of many….. . For example the 14.000 Marins Bretonique that fought on land had a white one with Black POTIUS MORI      QUAM FOEDARI  and heraldic hermelin.   Or the Voluntaires d’Alsace had a blue one with a white…[Read more]

  • That mid scale is nothing for me. I have literally thousands of Continental scale 1/1200 models und hundreds in 1/3000. So for that old collector and gamer that scale is neither fish nor fowl.   The smaller has the advantag of playing size with fleets, the larger that of quality. Some with edged brass parts are just incredible.


    And in these s…[Read more]

  • So true.  And 1/300 is one of my most loved scales for Napoleonic ships and I love the Coastal WW II options we know have.



    I only dislike that some models are not to  scale, like the German Minesweeper.  Claimed to be 1/300 its to small.

  • Isn’t it about page 137 and 138?    Selecor Special rules off map Battery?

    Top right on 137 you have “artillery” allowed on western bank = the play area.  Someone not into WWII gaming and the rules will not even notice the missing of Artillery gun light, medium or heavy like in other scenarios , for example on p.136.  Only gamers.

    If one read…[Read more]

  • I agree its a nice change of scale of conflict …. unlike the 101 rules for land warfare!

    looking forward to the UK opening up again so I can get more than the couple of games I’ve played in… with both my IJN & Soviet Red Fleet!

  • going to say 3 things…
    1) the game is actually scale agnostic… in fact talking to some of the playtesters… they didnt playtest it at 1:1800 but at other scales they had at home…
    2) warlord arent the only manufactors… come join us in the Victory at Sea Wardroom (unofficial) group on facebook for more
    3) the bases arent that bad, I for one…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Q about FAQ in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    No its not clear, if its clear then there wouldnt be these questions…

    plus where are you getting 1 page scenario from?… we are looking at theater lists… now my wife (who doesnt do anything with wargamming or that much about history unless its about art)  just had a look and agreed that the rule says no artillery units and then said if AA…[Read more]

  • Well Master Chief, that screenshot shows where to find the entry for a type. It does not say that all under one header are the same. Like the vehicles in that table that can be very different like tank and tow.


    Nat, you write: ”   I read it when I got the Stalingrad book and went..’eh?? that doesnt make sense’ stopped looked at the spec…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Q about FAQ in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    Well  common sense isnt common :p … what makes sense to me (due to my time in the army) might not make sense to my brother who’s never served, so who do you write the rules for me or him?

    Saying i’m all right Jake (as you just did, saying you dont have an issue understanding it) IS the problem..  I read it when I got the Stalingrad book and w…[Read more]

  • Well, for IO, the son of a WW II artillery officer the wording is 100 % clear.


    I think that there had been a change in gamers, today old common knowledge is lost. In the rules we used in the 70’s nobody expected a wording that explain basics. The  Stalingrad page 135 tells everything you need for that scenario under Off-Map Battery  You can h…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Q about FAQ in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    The issue comes from the wording warlord uses… IF they said no artillery guns instead of no artillery units then there wouldn’t be as much of a problem.  Due to how warlord write the theater lists….

    I say it’ll still be a problem because Artillery Units is a rules term for any large weapons team, and includes rules such as immune to…[Read more]

  • I can’t see any problem. The special rules tell the historic situation and most users will see that only the technically / tactical  non artillery AT and AA guns are for use on western bank.


    No artillery units  on western bank here just means indirect firing true artillery that was served by the forward observer.


    On p. 136 and other W…[Read more]

  • On the way …….   Hope you re not living on the continent. Brexit and/or snow block my UPS parcel since 28th.   Tracking a bad joke. Delivery announced for last monday. Still!

  • Nat replied to the topic Storage for 28mm in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 5 months ago

    if your in the UK look at simple storage boxes

  • For 28mm storage I use second hand stuff.   For example plastic drawers that I got for free, one can put 30 of them one on another. Inside high enough for foot soldiers.

    Others are in candle cardboard boxes. The big ones used on altar.  As professional historian I worked for old Templar church and that connection I got them as recycling. They ta…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Q about FAQ in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 5 months ago

    Warlord rules writers & proof readers make mistake and over complicate simple rules…. in other new water is still wet!

    This is the main issue with warlord rules, whilst they write some of the easiest to read rule books there ability to describe the rules, and refer to what they’ve already written is some times a bit lacking (I point to…[Read more]

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