

  • Nat replied to the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    Kar98K’s way is the way we play it at the Chelmsford bunker… reasons

    i) its quicker as you move all your models in one go before we work out shooting, rahter than half move, shooting, remove casualties, finish moving whilst remembering how far each individual guy can go


    ii)unless exceptional damage is rolled the owning player removes…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    I see what you mean, but why would it have to end its move in a line? Perhaps the men at the back have more movement left and so they all end up in a blob across the road.

    I think the rules really don’t cover this without a load of interpretation.

    Odd I think, since this must be a common occurrence in people’s games?


  • SteveT replied to the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    Yes, but lets say a more devious opponent can then string out his men in a line to avoid the HE template doing as much damage, whereas they started in a clump and intended to end in a clump.

  • Yes, Peter, that’s right, it does in BP2. But it is only artillery that ignores skirmishers at that range. Also, as we are talking about Mixed Formation, all casualties are on the unit, regardless of whether the skirmishers are hit or not.

  • You’ll need to explain what it is that is confusing you. As I see it, it is quite clear. Page 35 tells you that there are a number of reasons or situations why a unit might leave the table. One of those reasons given is a break test result.

    Page 80 tells you that if a unit leaves the table because of a break test result, it cannot return and is d…[Read more]

  • SteveT started the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    Group of infantry crosses the street. Artillery with HE  lying in wait.

    Infantry I assume are moved one at a time.

    At what point does the Artillery fire?  When it wants? And how about placing the HE template.



  • One other thing to point out in addition to what Garry has said.

    The supplements, like Clash of Eagles, were written for BP1. When BP2 was released, changes to some of the rules were changed. Things like the effect of skirmishers on artillery, units evading and the number of units that can attack each faci facing of an enemy unit. That was…[Read more]

  • One of the differences between first and second editions is that in second edition they moved away from defining units by numbers of figures to unit frontages. In fact it is the ratios between the frontages for different unit sizes that matter. When you do the maths in terms of figures the BP1 units are on average 122% bigger than BP2 units. The…[Read more]

  • Well,

    most foreigners under Napoleons rule had been reluctant at best. Even those under direct Bonaparte rule. Like Jerome’s 1ers Chevaux-Legers from Westphalie. Raised 1808 just 390 of 500 reached the Peninsula. The others deserted on the way.


    The Irish are often former POW, most came to escape the camps. The number of stout Catholics…[Read more]

  • Hardly.      R………   in a Warlord / Osprey product?  Even the naming here is a …………      😉


    Hmmm, yes, I have it in my Blitzkrieg collection.



  • Big Al replied to the topic Break tests in the forum Hail Caesar 3 years, 8 months ago

    Page 72 of the rulebook tells you exactly when to test.

    There are two tests, one for ranged or shooting attacks and one for Combat Resolution.

    At the end of a round of combat is when a unit will take a test. Yes it is ruthless and brutal. Clash is the stat used on the first round of combat immediately after one unit charges into an enemy unit.…[Read more]

  • Well, Noon had done the Hauptmann and the others without any unit ID on Schulterklappen.  An omission that might be intentional to make it a pic that can be used for other books?


    The wrong crosses on a 38 t are  a pitty. But Romania got some 38 t from Germany.

    The Tacam R 2 AT for example was mainly built on R2 / 35 t vehicles but also on s…[Read more]

  • Hmm, it’s  an artist impression without any local details. First publication location may be as wrong as the Stalingrad one. Floßsäcke crossing  a muddy river……. Only the artist may know.


    It’s not like the wrong captions on contemporary photos used as sources.   One of the worst such xxxx use was in the crimes of Wehrmacht exhib…[Read more]

  • No it isn’t. The combat in both examples are single combats involving two on one. You resolve it all as a single combat. Yes, you can resolve each part as seperate die rolls for ease. Roll the flank attacks first and not the number of hits, then roll for the rear attacks and add the number of hits to the first number of hits. Then, split B…[Read more]

  • Warning! This could be a long reply


    This one is straight forward Red has contacted Blue in the flank. Red gets all 8 attacks with the +1 bonus for charging, meaning that the attacks all hit on a roll of 3+.

    Blue can only fight back with half of its attacks, so 4 attacks with a -1 modifier to the “to hit” roll because the unit is fig…[Read more]

  • Hmmm, a single Jagdpanther is against nature. 😉

    Merkblatt 75a/20 from 14.6.44 stated that the use of single Jagdpanther was forbidden.  The minimum unit was four.


    In attacks it was to bind enemy tanks from front to allow Panzer attacks from the flank.

    “Fester Einbau von Jagdpanthern in die HKL. ist verboten.” ~  Use in front line in f…[Read more]

  • Jagdpanther vs Tiger 1: What am I missing?

    Costs are 390, and 395.  So just for the extra 5 point  you get a turreted version of the same gun.

    Feels like I’ve missed an Errata about it or something


  • Hmm, one might argue that he lacks the protection from others serving as splinter catchers,  😉


    My father used to tell me that as forward observer he never hitched a ride in a German SPW-  (His battery was in an ID, serving along Pz Div. )   he named them rolling  death traps. He saw too many men burned to death in the wrecks.  Open top was n…[Read more]

  • SteveT replied to the topic Passenger oddness in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    It is even more illogical ,in a sense, as men packed into a confined space should lose relatively more to their transport exploding. A solo Captain going along for the ride should have less chance of dying not more.

  • SteveT replied to the topic Passenger oddness in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    Yes exactly, hence my example (B) which took  1d6 on each of 3 units:  2 of were solo leaders and would be pulverised! Seems very odd. Going for a  house rule of 1d6 hits on the passengers determined randomly.



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