ian gilmour

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  • #171907
    ian gilmour

    Hi Garry.

    He was shooting at my cavalry but only getting one shot/face. So each unit was unlucky to get more than 1 hit per turn. I was also able to rotate my units and keep reducing hits by rolling to remove casualty markers.

    I think my point is that a mass French column like this, especially Guard, including Old guard units, could almost ignore my puny little cavalry units and carry on advancing. However the rules do not allow this to happen and the attack quickly bogged down

    ian gilmour

    Hi All,

    I’m new to Black Powder so forgive any naive comments.

    I was lucky enough to play in the Great Game in Glasgow where we refought Waterloo with over 20,000 figures on the table and over 80 gamers around the tables.
    I was allocated Von Tripps brigade of 3 regiments of Dutch Belgian Carabineers. I was posted just to the right of La Haye Saint near the centre of the British line and in reserve.
    When 10 battalions of the French Guard launched a concentrated attack on the line I was ordered forward. Low and behold the whole advance of the Guard stopped as they rushed to form square. The Guard then stayed like that for much of the rest of the game taking fire and being picked on by the Allied artillery. The French could not bring up cavalry to counter my units.
    I suppose my point is that I felt sorry for all of those very expensive, powerful French units being forced into square by 3 low cost Cavalry Units. It just did not “feel” right. I feel that if the French are in a column of attack they could fend off Cavalry without having to form a square?


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