Stefan Tremblay replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
The army lists are available on easyarmy if you want to try your lists out but, officially, no mixing from Axis to Allies. This being said, it’s your game : do with it what you will. Having fun is always more important than adhering to the rules as written in my opinion.
Stefan Tremblay replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
No, B.A. isn’t needed. K’47 is a complete game unto itself.
Stefan Tremblay replied to the topic Leaving the Board in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago
If all ships are in the same sector, have you tried moving the board? I.e. if a ship accidentally moves off, you displace all ships on the board to accommodate the missing space… the off board ship would need 10 extra inches : move all ships 10” the other way som the would be off board ship stays on the playing field. Of course it’s not p…[Read more]
Stefan Tremblay replied to the topic Smuggler's Run in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago
Like I said, might be a glitch on my end of things but it’s the pages I find weirdly numbered…
The way I ‘ve figured it is to place the pages in the following order :
Cover, P.2 (with the title), p.3, p.? (creating a smug coy), p.? (figureheads), p.9, p.7, p.? (campaign syst with steps 1&2), p.5, p.? (Post-battle), and finally the…[Read more]
Stefan Tremblay started the topic Smuggler's Run in the forum Black Seas 5 years ago
Cool little booklet, but isn’t the order of the pages wonky? The campaign steps aren’t in order… maybe just a glitch?