Richard K Leclercq


  • My primary source is Ian Hogg.
    The shells of the 25 pounder weighed slightly over half as much as the 105.  The 25 pounder had 6 crew, the 105 had seven.  So with almost as many men and lighter shells, the 25 pounder could fire at a higher sustained rate than the 105.  When I served, during the cold war, I was in intelligence.  If war broke out…[Read more]

  • I’ve read Cooper’s book. I decline to use it as a resource for information. None of many WWII vets I’ve talked to agree with it. Cooper had an axe to grind. I do not share his opinion.

    Wikipedia stats are: QF 25 pounder 6 rpm, 105mm 3 rpm, in regular use. Yes, both guns could do 10 rpm in extreme circumstances.

    According to the rulebook, the…[Read more]

  • The British did use the Priest with 105 as well as the Sexton with 25 pounders.  By the time the Allies reached Germany, 105 ammunition was in short supply and the British had to rely more on their 25 pounders.  From the Nazi’s point of view, it mattered little.  25 pounder had a ROF of 6 per minute.  105 had an rof of 3.  In terms of weight thro…[Read more]

  • Total Disagreement, as:
    A:  The British used hundreds of lend-lease 105mm howitzers and
    B:  In my educated and informed opinion, the 25 pounder was a weapon just as effective for its purpose as the 105; i.e. a weapon with good direct fire and indirect fire abilities.  The 25 pounder was a new weapon at the beginning of WWII. During the fall of Fr…[Read more]

  • I’m going to use 25 pounder models and “proxy” them as 105mm guns.  I will pay the points for a 105, play it like a 105, and use the model of a 25 pounder.  No quibble on custom rules.  This will give me an excuse to get a Centurion when it comes out.

  • First off, the 25 pounder was a field gun, not any sort of howitzer.  It had a longer by proportion barrel and a muzzle velocity higher than any howitzer.  It was intended to engage targets with direct as well as indirect fire.  It was also designed for a high rate of fire, so the 25 pounder could throw 6 shells in a minute, where the 105 threw 3.…[Read more]

  • My point goes like this:  As a weapon, the 25-pounder (89 mm) should have better stats, and be more like a 105 (40 pounder) than the 75 mm pack howitzer (10 pounder)

  • My british starter set included a Cromwell tank, but no Tesla turret.  Is this an oversight, or do I need to buy a separate turret

  • Is it possible to mount a Tesla gun in a walker?

  • I find the performance of the 25-pounder as listed in the rules disappointing.  The weapon had two special designed shell types for AT use, and it had an incredible rate of fire for short bursts.

    Right now it has the same stats as a 75 mm pack howitzer.

    Any way to goose up the 25-pounder?

  • Richard K Leclercq became a registered member 4 years ago