Haskeer replied to the topic New Player Question in the forum Black Powder 5 years ago
Thanks for the info, I’ll order the rule book and have a look.
Haskeer started the topic New Player Question in the forum Black Powder 5 years ago
Hi all, I’m looking at getting back into Napoleonic period and looking for a suitable rule set. I used to play very big games using 15mm and General de Brigade rules, but now really want to stick to 28mm, using approx 10 inf regiments,3-4 cavalry regiments and a couple of gun batteries per side.
Will Black Powder suit that sort of game l…[Read more]
Haskeer replied to the topic Australian Pacific Theatre 6pdr A/T in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Thanks Lord Rao.
p.87 only mentions it in the fluff, it doesn’t appear in the selectors. however it does say they weren’t used in New Guinea, so that explains it.
im guessing I could use the generic British selector and chose the Australian National Rule, or check out the original Australian pdf.
Thanks to all anyway,
Haskeer replied to the topic Australian Pacific Theatre 6pdr A/T in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Jaesen – I have the New Guinea book, the 6pdr isn’t in it.
Haskeer started the topic Australian Pacific Theatre 6pdr A/T in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Hi all,
I notice Warlord sell the above model. Which army list does it feature in? I can’t find any reference to it.
Haskeer replied to the topic Japanese Type 97 Isuzu Truck in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Thanks for the input, i was just curious
Master Chief – the hinges are on the right, under the wheel, that’s why I was puzzled.
Haskeer started the topic Japanese Type 97 Isuzu Truck in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Hi all, not a gaming question as such, more mechanical –
With the spare wheel mounted on the drivers door, but half way over the hinges and body work, how did the driver open his door? Was there some kind of hinged fitting that allowed the spare to move?
Thanks in advance,
Haskeer replied to the topic A Couple of Rules Questions in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Thanks to both.
Gordon, it states in the vehicles description whether it loses transport capabilities if taking a weapon.
Haskeer started the topic A Couple of Rules Questions in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Hi all –
Forward Arty Observers – seeing that they call in a bombardment using a fire order, I take it they can’t observe from within a transport?
I seem to recall reading somewhere that if you upgraded a transport with a weapon that causes it to lose its transport capacity, it then counts as an armoured car slot.
Could someone point me to t…[Read more]
Haskeer replied to the topic Getting Started – Pionere in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Re mass painting – I’m not sure of your colour scheme, but I’ve just saved loads of time doing a large Japanese Army by using a spray base coat of the uniform colour. I use shades on my minis, so after doing the base I only have to paint flesh/weapons/boots etc., then shades, then a bit of highlighting.
Haskeer replied to the topic Perry Miniatures vs Warlord in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
- Master Chief – are they your figures in the photo? Just noticed the way the prone Perry’s are mounted to the base. I’m guessing that’s to lift the figures off the base to give room to grit the base without the models being sunk in? Some kind of double sided pads?
Haskeer replied to the topic Perry Miniatures vs Warlord in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Master Chief – are they your figures in the photo? Just noticed the way the prone Perry’s are mounted to the base. I’m guessing that’s to lift the figures off the base to give room to grit the base without the models being sunk in? Some kind of bounce sided pads?
Haskeer replied to the topic Perry Miniatures vs Warlord in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Thank you, not compatible enough for me, I’ll stick with Warlord.
Haskeer replied to the topic Transport Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Thanks Stuart, will look into that.
Haskeer started the topic Perry Miniatures vs Warlord in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Hi all, I’m looking at building an Eighth Army force – are the Perry plastics compatible with Warlords minis?
Haskeer replied to the topic Transport Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Thank you, half expected that!
Haskeer started the topic Transport Vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Hi all, just browsing through Armies of GB, and have a query. It’s probably answered in MRB, but have lent that out, so any info greatly appreciated. –
If I can take a Bren carrier as transport for each infantry section, but the carrier can only carry 5, can I take 2 carriers for two sections but allocate both carriers to one section at th…[Read more]
Haskeer replied to the topic Metal figures on 25mm lipped plastic bases in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Before I base any figures I score a cross hatch pattern on the base to give any glue something to bind with. Glue my mini to the base, PVA base up to minis metal base and dip in sand/grit. Once painted, and grass/tufts added they look pretty good.
Haskeer replied to the topic What’s your base of choice in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I use Warlord’s plastic bases, but have the magnetic discs not them, which gives them a bit of weight and easier handling
Haskeer replied to the topic Laser Pointers in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Scratch the last bit about blocking the line, I’ve realised how it works. I can see the benefit of having both now.
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