

  • Haskeer replied to the topic Laser Pointers in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for the swift answers!


    one further point though- the laser line looks good, but surely if you’re holding it above the figures, it doesn’t give you a model eye view, rather a model base view, and an obstacle only (say) 3mm high will stop the line, when in fact the figures eye could actually see the target


    Am I understanding it’…[Read more]

  • Haskeer started the topic Laser Pointers in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hi all,

    ive been thinking about buying a pointer, never used one but seen them used so thought I’d give it a go (getting down to model eye level gets harder by the year!)

    live seen on the Warlord site that you can get a pointer and a laser line, can anyone please explain the difference, and is it best to have both?





  • Haskeer replied to the topic Bunkers in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks all.

  • Haskeer replied to the topic Dug In in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Thank you.  👍

  • Haskeer started the topic Dug In in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hi all,

    MRB modifier for ‘down’ troops is -2 to hit, and half hits from HE.


    Empire in Flames p.112  says dug-in troops count as ‘down’, but then has in brackets ‘-1 to hit, and half hits from HE’, even going on to say if they also go down the bonus is doubled to -2 to hit.


    Is EiF wrong, should it not be -2, and if both down and dug-in i…[Read more]

  • Haskeer started the topic Bunkers in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hi all, after reading rules on p.127 about bunkers, I have a couple of queries –


    how many figures can fire from them, is it the same as for buildings (2 per opening).


    Im planning on building a few camouflaged bunkers for our Pacific games, in the style of log reinforced, dug in bunkers. How would you treat them – as p.127 bunkers, or as…[Read more]

  • Also, the New Guinea campaign book has an option to take Papuan tribesmen for the Australians, similar to the rules in Empires. I have a native irregular section for my Japanese, with good results so far.

  • I’m pretty new to the game, so can only speak of the books I have. I’m doing the Pacific theatre, and there are rules for barbed wire, mines, bunkers etc in the theatre and campaign books – ‘Empire in Flames’ and ‘New Guinea’.

  • I’m really interested to hear answers to this. My gaming group ( relatively new to BA ) were only talking about this the other day. We play Pacific theatre and are hoping to somehow link BA to Victory at Sea for a big campaign.



  • I asked about building occupancy a while back, and someone pointed out the strange situation of having a two story building with a one man team on each floor – the guy on the top floor can’t squeeze past the guy on the ground floor to exit the building!

    We now play a man-limit per floor, not unit limit. You can play around with that limit in so…[Read more]

  • This has never come up in any of my games so far – my japanese don’t seem to know one end of a mortar from the other!

