HellRaiser 7

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    HellRaiser 7

    I’m not going to debate with you any longer. I gave my take, so now it’s just beating a dead horse. I found today posts and forums around that say I’m correct and a found a couple that states they use your interpretation. Something Version 3 down the road will hopefully clarify better. All the games I’ve played and T/O , Bolt Action has the least amount of rules (very few) that could be interpreted two different ways. (That’s one of the main reasons I like the game so much).
    Thanks again for your input, Ed 🤘😎

    HellRaiser 7

    No Nat, I’m not going into the “Historical Trap” of trying to put historical realism in the game. (I’ve been playing historical Wargames for almost 45 years, (I’m 59) I know the difference) I was only try to explain why a spotter could not get his coordinates and send them to the rear if he was pinned down. Back to the Gaming part of the game, when it comes to pinning, you said the spotter can get pins from being shot at and hit, he has to do an order check to move if he has any pins, he can be killed by close assault, he can be pinned out, etc. So if he follows the basic rules just like  all the other units, HQs, vehicles, etc, why shouldn’t he have to take an order check when he is pinned when it tries to get coordinates (call for fire). How come a FAO can’t call for fire if he has a pin and must take an order check but a spotter doesn’t? Same game. Yes a FAO has his own order dice, but the spotter “shares “ the weapon team order dice (like when he wants to move) so why does a spotter doing the exact same thing as a FAO not take an order check but the FAO has to take one? The FAO has his own order dice cause the weapon crew he is calling in for is off the table (7 miles away or on a battleship).

    HellRaiser 7

    Thank you for you input Nat, I didn’t disagree with anything you said above (except the actual spotting)  . I know they don’t have their own order dice. They do share it was the weapon team. The Spotter uses the “order” dice when they go to move and weapon team does nothing that turn. If the spotter needs to move, and it(the spotter not the weapons team) has a pin he needs an order check. If the weapon crew cannot see the target , and uses the spotter line of site (spotter is actually calling in grid coordinates) , and the spotter has pins, he has to use an order test just as if he wants move (advance/run). If the spotter fails the order test, then he has unsuccessfully coordinated the target for the weapon crew (cause he for example has the opponent’s 12 rifles and a LMG keeping him pinned down which they do put a pin on him earlier) . Why would Warlord come out with the rule a spotter is always automatically in the “Down” posistion (and gets the -2 on dice rolls to hit) if we weren’t allowed to shoot at the spotter. If I shoot at the spotter, and you happen to hit him he gets a pin. But if unfortunately you don’t wound him (cause he’s a Regular /4 or Veteran/ 5 to wound which is always based on the weapon crews moral) and let’s say you roll a “2” when you tried to wound the spotter, he is  is still in the game , but he now has one pin. The next turn the weapon crew cannot see the target they want to shoot at it with indirect fire, but the spotter has the only LOS on the target. But before the weapon crew fires you have to do an order check on the spotter(cause he has hundreds of bullets zinging all around him keeping his face buried in the dirt so he doesn’t get killed) to see if he has the nerve to look up at get the much need coordinates to the weapon team. (Spotter must see the target just like the weapon crew but he can’t do it if he’s pinned down just like every other unit in the game when their pinned down). So you roll the order check on the spotter (say he is “Regular” ) and with that 1 pin he will need to roll a “8” or less for the order check. You roll and he gets a total of “11” . He failed the check , which means he unsuccessfully didn’t spot that turn for the weapon team , the weapon team has no coordinates for the target (they can’t see anything) so the weapon crew can’t fire and the order dice is placed on “Down” by the weapon team for that turn. Better luck next turn. Please show me in a rule book or the Erratta/FAQ where it says different please. I have players and T/Os all over the Internet telling me that this is the correct way to play the spotter. I’m just trying to verify in writing something I believe and being told I’m 100% correct on. Even though I disagree with you’ll , I truly appreciate your input (Nat & Stuart) as you’ve always done in the past here on the forum .
    V/R Ed

    HellRaiser 7

    I think you’re misreading it. And you left out a key sentence following the statement the crew sees what’s he sees. The next sentence explains the spotter is enabling the crew to see a target that is invisible to them . If the spotter is pinned down by machinegun fire (for example), how can he relay coordinates and direct fire if he has a pin? So if the spotter has a pin on him (someone shot at him, hit the spotter, but didn’t kill/wound him, he receives a pin) if you use the spotter for a target that is invisible to the weapon, first you have to take an order check on the spotter if he has a pin (not talking about if the weapon/crew has a pin, we’re talking the spotter has a pin) . The rules state the weapon crew and the spotter share the same order dice. Just like if you want to move the spotter, and he has a pin, you have to do an order check on the spotter which whether it passes or fails the order check, the weapon can’t be used cause the spotter and weapon share the same order dice.

    HellRaiser 7

    If the spotter wants to run or advance move, and he has a pin, you have to give him an order check, why wouldn’t you give an order check if you use the spotter to spot the target?

    HellRaiser 7

    The New Warlord Army Builder App Has the Steyr M35 listed under Reinforced list. Is the Warlord App an official tool now to let participants use for tournaments? Is it ready to start having gamers use it as the Army builder for tournaments from now on?

    HellRaiser 7

    Thanks for the post Stuart. I run several tournaments and events a year which  I’ve always enforced the rule if the book doesn’t say that a unit can take a certain slot of the Generic List, I don’t allow it. (Friendly 1vs1 game I wouldn’t care). I was pretty sure Stuart the answer you gave was the one I’d get back as being the right one. While I was researching all of this, I couldn’t remember seeing the required statement on any vehicles (yes I know vehicles are units).So out of curiosity I looked through a few theater books and I only saw the generic statement used on infantry, weapons, crews, dismounted, etc. but not on vehicles. I was asking cause didn’t find it used any on vehicles , but then again I also didn’t look through all 3,000 pages of theaters books (Lol, 🤪) By the way, Isn’t all the theater books put together around 3,000 or more pages. In the time Bolt Action has been around that’s amazing Warlord Games has written & published that many books.  I tell players my goal is to play every BA scenarios at least once before they drape the flag over me, but I don’t think I’ll meet that goal.
    Also , while expecting to not be able to use the M35 in tournament, it’s not a big deal as I’m almost done with my Partisan Army, my Bulgarian Army to go after them, and the M35 will still get plenty of usage as it was originally bought just to use in my upcoming partisans event I’ll run in 2o24. (Plus it’s such a cool killer looking vehicle,) I love having out on the table  unique units & vehicles.
    Down the road , I would like to the M35 Armored car in the generic category, while not a whole lot were made, they were used in a lot of different  countries and it’s not going to tip the scales of any game.
    Last while on the Subject, I hope in Bolt Action V3, the categories of Tanks and Armored cars (which in some cases contradict each other) is fine tuned a little bit. You have Sdfzk 234/4 with a huge tank killing gun in Armorcar category, but there’s a car with a single AutoCannon in the Tank Category. That’s not me just suggesting, I would definitely say that revamping of Tank & Armoredcar categories in V3 is on the top 3 issues all the gamers I talk to bring up.
    Thanks Again , everyone have a wonderful weekend, happy gaming and may all your miniatures stay on the table and not on the floor! Ed🤘😎

    HellRaiser 7

    Thank you. You can get a flamethrower team under the Axis support role. You can get any German unit as long as it isn’t a veteran. I know you can get a flamethrower team. I thought I saw it listed on the Warlord List builder as part of the normal reinforced listing. I’ve never seen non-combatants listed before couldn’t find which book had it.

    HellRaiser 7

    Yes, Stuart is correct.

    HellRaiser 7

    I wasn’t being careless, that’s why I asked. I am also TO, run lots of BA tournaments. I had never noticed before the word “Reinforced” Platoon when describing a theater list. I wouldn’t of probably asked except for the other wording, ( to be honest, I’m not sure what it means) when it said use with the Partisan list in the Armies of French Book which of course is one of the books allowed for tournaments. If someone presented me with this list I honestly don’t know what the right answer reference that last statement.  Thank you Stuart.

    HellRaiser 7

    Any tournaments I run or I’ve played in, Chaplains, Media Correspondents, heroes, etc aren’t allowed for the tournament and posted in the tournament rules.

    HellRaiser 7

    The  new (for example the rifle grenades) equipment should be listed in a squad list and if that squad has listed it can be used in Generic  Reenforced Platoon it should be good.
    What Unit are you talking about with Rifle Grenades?</p>

    HellRaiser 7

    The French need a Flamethrower team,

    D-2 tank (nobody makes one). DeGaulle had a custom painted one.
    Universal Carrier with Antitank gun like they used in the desert

    Since Late War French have Engineers, I wish the had SMGs and Bars added to the list.

    French Tank Riders. Late War had a squad of tank guards who followed the tanks in the Dodge trucks but would dismount the trucks and even ride on the tanks to protect the tanks from Infantry and Panzerfaust and Panzerschreck teams. Would be very cool models at cool unit for Late War French List

    Motorcycle w/side car and Machine Gun

    HellRaiser 7

    Thank you, I kinda figure that was going to be the answer. Appreciate all the help.

    HellRaiser 7

    Thank you again. Stuart for the clarifications. The final pieces I would like clarification on as both a player and T/O (runs the tournament)

    The motorcycle section/unit can Advance 12”, and stop. Next turn they are given a “Fire” order at which time they fire weapons from the stop position. I base this is correct on the following statement in the Rulebook page 90.   “that they are at a momentary halt or get off their bikes).Next turn they can continue to move on the motorcycles as normal. (Cause they did not actually dismount and advance and shoot they are still allowed to use the motorcycles)

    But, if the motorcycle squad advances 12” the riders can then dismount and advance as Regular infantry (under infantry rules) themselves 6” and fire their weapons. From that point on, the motorcycle squad is officially dismounted and cannot remount the motorcycles cause from this point forward as the now operate as infantry squads.

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