clockwork81 replied to the topic How does AA fire against Flights and Flight attacks on Ships ACTUALLY work? in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
I hope Warlord looks at this forum. I really like the game. I feel like the rules need more clarification, particularly plane/carrier/ship interactions. Scouting is an awesome idea but needs an update due to the 7 and 10 rungs being game breaking. Torpedos need a nerf at least in terms of speed/accuracy, maybe not so much on damage as many of you…[Read more]
clockwork81 replied to the topic Competitive Ships in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Shrokins, as you pointed out in a previous post, the Kongo has almost nothing going for it compared to the New Mexico. It is faster but can’t move the critical 7″ needed to get the hit penalty. So…. it is very underwhelming.
That being said, I want to run a list of 4 Kongo against the USN just ot see if I can survive lol.
clockwork81 replied to the topic Competitive Ships in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
DD- destroyer
CL- light cruiser
CA – cruiser
BB- battleship/battlecruiser
CV- carrier
Is this right?
clockwork81 replied to the topic Competitive Ships in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Hey Enioch. Enjoying your comment so far. However, I am having trouble with all the acronyms. Can you provide a key?</p>
clockwork81 started the topic Competitive Ships in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Which ships and retrofits do y’all think are the most competitive in the current rule set? I am ignoring beta rules in this post.
clockwork81 replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Enioch, I have not seen the beta rules, so my friend and I adapted the planes in V1 to Warlord’s version. My post “Thoughts on the Game so Far” contains the stats for the planes we updated. Would you be able to give these stats a look? I’m curious how close we got to beta.
clockwork81 replied to the topic Deep Deployment in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Which planes were you guys using? Did you house rule bombers or use rules from the beta? The Zero fighter bombers don’t look particularly scary.
clockwork81 replied to the topic Thoughts on the Game so Far in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Do the beta rules have rules for planes outside of Zeros and Corsairs for the USN and IJN?
clockwork81 replied to the topic Thoughts on the Game so Far in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Oh my. Where do I find these beta rules? Those sea plane tenders seem amazing.
clockwork81 replied to the topic Thoughts on the Game so Far in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
Interesting! I am going to have to give your ship grouping idea a try. I can’t say I have kept my formations that tight. Do you play Japan? Have you had luck using the Group 2 Fubukis with DP guns as AA screens? They seem the most economical Japanese AA screen to me.
On the note of competitiveness, I have been most impressed with the stock Agano,…[Read more]
clockwork81 replied to the topic Thoughts on the Game so Far in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
And to answer your question, we have played one 750 point game and two 1,500 point games. My friend got very lucky on his scout rules game one and repositioned his entire fleet.
clockwork81 replied to the topic Thoughts on the Game so Far in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
How have you interpreted the use of defensive local AA during the gunnery stage? On Page 16 of the rulebook, the description of Shooting Down Aircarft sounds to me like you fire AA only once per ship and may split dice among flights. It also says that a flight is only hit on a 6. So, something like the mighty Yamato against a fligh of tough USN…[Read more]
clockwork81 replied to the topic A comparison in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
I agree. The Kongo is unwhelming compared to the New Mexico.
clockwork81 replied to the topic Radar on Capital Ships in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I think they are adding rules for radar outside of scouting in the full rules.</p>
clockwork81 started the topic Thoughts on the Game so Far in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>My friend and I have played three games of Victory at Sea so far. We have thoroughly enjoyed it so far. This post is not meant to be critical. We have been playing the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States Navy. He has been playing the USN and I have been playing the IJN. We took air craft from the Mongoose…[Read more]
clockwork81 became a registered member 4 years ago