IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Really weird glitch whenever I post something in the forum General Discussion 3 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>I constantly have to edit my post. Any solutions? (In case it happens I won’t edit it)</p>
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Idea: Rift tech in the sky! K47 equivalent to blood red skies. in the forum Konflikt '47 3 years ago
<p class=”p1″>I think this would be extremely cool!</p>
<p class=”p1″>Luftwaffe:</p>
<p class=”p1″>Ta 183:</p>
<p class=”p1″></p>
<p class=”p1″>Ho 229:</p>
<p class=”p1″></p>
<p class=”p1″>He 162:</p>
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic USMC LIST RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A TABLETOP ROOKIE? in the forum Konflikt '47 3 years ago
What would you recommend for a K47 beginner’s USMC army list?
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Russian list recommendations for a tabletop rookie? in the forum Konflikt '47 3 years ago
<p style=”text-align: center;”>What would you recommend for a K47 beginner’s Soviet army list?</p>
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Jackal or coyote in the forum Konflikt '47 3 years ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Which is better?</p>
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Tips for a Chesty Puller conversion? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
<p style=”text-align: center;”></p>
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Is it possible to use Bolt Action tactics in K47? in the forum Konflikt '47 3 years ago
I’m getting VERY interested in K47 and want to come up with three allied forces:
-a US Marine Corps Expeditionary Task Force
-a force of Polish partisans from the Home Army ( ) aided by American advisers to help fight both Soviet and Nazi occupation. (Inspired by US and English Army Jedburgh tea…[Read more]
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Paramarine conversions? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Any advice?
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Bolt Action Vietnam? in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago
could it be done?
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Does Warlord Games read our posts in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago
Just curious
IndisiciveAmerican75 replied to the topic My personal hope in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
Then again… could imagine that the Allied Command could create something out desperation, using a “the ends justify the means”- type argument and viewing it as a “necessary evil” to stop the Axis and pro-Soviet alliances from enslaving the world and keeping it a secret from the American and British public, perhaps having these hypotheti…[Read more]
IndisiciveAmerican75 replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
Is there anything in the rules prohibiting the mixture of certain armies? For example, Say you want to make an American army but you want units with the “horror” or “fanatics” special rules so you add German units (like Schreckwulfen) or Soviet units (like Siberian Terrors) because according to your army’s backstory the German and Soviet units def…[Read more]
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic My personal hope in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
I think the Allies should have units with the “fanatics” and “horror” special rules. Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union have ‘em…..why not England and the United States? Why should the villains be only ones with the nightmare fuel and “fight to the death” types?
Welp……..that’s just my way of saying that I want to play as the Americans but I w…[Read more]
IndisiciveAmerican75 replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
are the bolt Action rules required to play Konflikt ’47?
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Question about rules: in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
does Konflikt ‘47 require the rules for Bolt Action to play?
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic converted Beutepanzer Sherman or t34 equipped with schwerefeld projektor? in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
is it possible? Preferably with the puma or panther versions of the turrets?
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic UK and Japanese assault rifles? Also UK and Japanese semi automatic rifles? in the forum Konflikt '47 4 years ago
<li style=”text-align: left;”>So far we’ve seen the STG-44 for the German Heer and the AK-47 for the Soviet Red Army and Naval Infantry Brigade (Russia’s Marine Corps) but about Allied factions? What do the English Army and the Corps of Royal Marines use?
<p style=”text-align: left;”>And wouldn’t the Japanese have decided to develop an assaul…[Read more]
IndisiciveAmerican75 started the topic Winter US Marines? in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Anyone got any advice on how to make conversions for them?
IndisiciveAmerican75 became a registered member 4 years ago
IndisiciveAmerican75 became a registered member 4 years ago